Fresh clashes break out at Gaza border; IDF uses live fire

Thousands of Palestinians gathered on the Israel-Gaza border on Friday and violent clashes between Gazan protesters and Israeli forces were renewed for the third consecutive week.
About 2,000 people gathered Friday at a tent camp east of Gaza City, one of five set up by organizers, and located several hundred meters from the border fence. Several dozen young men moved closer to the fence, some of them throwing stones.
At least eight Palestinians were wounded, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza said, with one shot in the head. Most were injured east of Gaza City, but two were hurt in clashes near Al-Bureij in central Gaza.

An Israel Defense Forces spokesperson confirmed Israeli troops used live fire and riot dispersal methods including tear gas at several points along the security fence.

In northern Gaza, a large Israeli flag was burned that had earlier been set on the ground for protesters to walk over.
Organizers were calling on Friday’s demonstrators to burn Israeli flags and raise Palestinian ones. Several thousand had already gathered at various locations, but the largest crowds were expected in the afternoon after the main weekly Muslim prayers.
The IDF had deployed snipers and tanks along the border in readiness for another showdown with the Hamas-backed demonstrators.
Friday’s protest is the third of what Gaza’s ruling Hamas terror group said would be several weeks of “March of Return” demonstrations, which Hamas leaders say ultimately aim to see the removal of the border and the liberation of Palestine.
Israel says its forces have opened fire to stop attempts to harm soldiers, damage the fence, infiltrate Israel, and attempt to carry out attacks. Israel has accused Hamas of trying to carry out border attacks under the cover of large protests and says it will prevent a breach of the fence at all costs. Palestinians say protesters are being shot while posing no threat to soldiers.

Gaza leaders have planned a series of so-called Marches of Return culminating in a planned million-strong march in mid-May, to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day, the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, and Nakba Day — when the Palestinians mark what they call the “catastrophe” that befell them with Israel’s creation. 

Lapid: Palestinians are being killed because Hamas places them on the fence

Yesh Atid Party Chairman Yair Lapid says Palestinians were being killed because Hamas is placing them along the Gaza border fence and using them as human shields. 
“The entity responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is Hamas and only Hamas, but that does not mean that Israel has no interest in interfering there,” Lapid says. 
“There are terror activists among the demonstrators, it is not people without weapons,” he adds, according to Walla News.

At least 8 Palestinians shot and wounded, health ministry in Gaza says

At least eight Palestinians have been shot and wounded in clashes along the Gaza-Israel border on Friday, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says.
Most were injured east of Gaza City, but two were hurt in clashes near Al-Bureij in central Gaza.
Many protesters left for midday prayers but larger numbers are expected to gather in five spots along the border on Friday afternoon.
In northern Gaza, a large Israeli flag was burned, AFP reports.

Palestinian rioters gather tires and flags near Gaza fence

In the center of the Gaza Strip near the al-Bureij refugee camp, some 50 Palestinian rioters gather tires and flags near the border fence.
The IDF is attempting to disperse the demonstrators.
A larger number of demonstrators are expected to mass near the border fence following Friday prayers.