Iran: Israeli strikes in Syria to be discussed at summit with Russia, Turkey

A trilateral summit later this month between Iran, Russia, and Turkey will touch on Israel’s airstrikes in Syria, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Wednesday.
Zarif told Russia’s RT news network that nations at the February 14 Sochi Summit will also review the planned withdrawal of US forces from Syria.
“We will discuss with the Russian side the Israeli attacks on Syria and Iran will respond to the Israeli attacks in a timely manner and in accordance with national interests,” Zarif said.

The main focus of the talks, to be held in Russian resort city of Sochi, will be the formation of the Syrian Constitutional Commission aimed at ending the country’s civil war, Zarif added.
His comments regarding a response to the airstrikes followed a series of reciprocal taunts by Israeli and Iranian leaders in recent weeks amid rising tensions on the Israeli-Syrian border between Israeli and Iranian forces. Iran and Israel have increasingly clashed in Syria.
Israel says it has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Iranian-linked targets as part of a campaign to prevent Tehran from establishing a military presence in Syria.
The Kremlin announced the summit on Tuesday saying it will be attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and will focus on Syria, where a civil war has raged for eight years.
The three men last met in Tehran in September 2018.