Photo: Brig. Gen. Ronald F. Lewis, deputy commanding general for support, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), received the Army Stars and Stripes Award during the 27th annual Black Engineer of the Year Awards Global Competitiveness Conference.

Army Still Looking To Add Minority Officers To Combat Arms -- USA Today

Stories about race and opportunity and leadership touch a lot of buttons with readers and the Sept. 12 report in USA TODAY on the lack of African American commanders in Army combat battalions and brigades is a good example.

Readers — civilians and uniformed — didn't hold back. A number of blogs picked it up. Many readers thought the story was overdue, shining a light on a problem that has festered for decades, and not just in the Army. Some said it's not the military's problem to fix. Others denounced the story as race baiting.

A lieutenant accused USA TODAY of journalistic malpractice. More on that in a bit.

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Previous Post: Too Many White Male Officers In The U.S. Military?

My Comment: Since my last post on this issue I have been told by many that it is a "BS" issue. That may be true (and I personally believe that it is) .... but the push is still on to promote officers based on ethnicity.

Update: It is a side issue .... but even the Iranian media is taking note on America's race relations in it's military .... Black officers dismissed at greater rate than whites (Press TV)