Hard Choices Await A War-Weary Ukraine -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor

Lingering fighting and economic disarray have left Ukraine divided not only between east and west, but even among patriotic Ukrainians at odds about what to do next.

Kiev and Zaporizhia, Ukraine — One sunny afternoon in early September, several dozen people, mostly middle-aged women, raced across Kiev’s broad Vozdukhnoflota Avenue, just in front of Ukraine’s main military headquarters, and sat down in a long hand-holding line to halt traffic. Police quickly sealed off the area, and the women began stating their grievances to a handful of journalists who showed up.

They were mothers, wives, and friends of members of Kiev’s 12th territorial defense battalion, a military reserve unit whose job is to guard local bridges, rail stations, and other key points in an emergency. Instead, the men were shipped off to the front line in eastern Ukraine four months ago, the women accused, without training, equipment, or even enough ammunition.

“I want my son back,” said Natalia, who, like all of the protesters, declined to give her last name. “I had to buy him a uniform, body armor, even a helmet. But he’s been there for months, sleeping on the ground, no food to eat, and isn’t allowed even a weekend at home. Enough.”

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My Comment: In rebel held eastern Ukraine .... sentiment among the locals mirror what many in the rest of Ukraine are now thinking .... In Ruins of Ukrainian Town, Residents Crave Food, Water and Peace (New York Times)