Obama Faces Growing Pressure To Escalate In Iraq And Syria -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

As fighters from the Islamic State surge in Iraq toward control of Anbar province in the west and the town of Kobane on the Syrian border , U.S. commanders and diplomats are signaling that the United States must expand its military operations before the extremists control even more territory.

“Too few and too slow,” is the way one official characterizes efforts so far. Supporters of an expanded American role appear to include Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 15, 2014

The right way to take out ISIS is a large-scale raid -- Gary Anderson, New York Post

The Spy Who Told Me: Islamic State's Deadly Tactical Strategy -- John McLaughlin, OZY

Iraq Is Still Worth Saving -- Michael O Hanlon, National Interest

Obama Is Working With the Wrong Partners in Iraq -- Bing West, Defense One

Militias rule the day in strife-torn Middle East -- Joseph Krauss, Associated Press

Flight from Islamic State overwhelms UN refugee agency. Is Europe's door open? -- Jane Arraf, CSM

Does it matter if Iran developed nuclear weapons at Parchin? -- Ariane Tabatabai, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

China's Next Export: Deflation -- William Pesek, Bloomberg

China’s Inscrutable Contraction -- Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

From Havana to Hanoi -- Michael J. Totten, World Affairs

Experts Divided Over Whether Russia Sanctions Are Working -- Andre de Nesnera, VOA

How Russia Sees the Ukraine Crisis -- Paul J. Saunders. National Interest

Europe’s Hidden Ebola Cases -- Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast

The real Ebola threat -- Ottawa Citizen editorial

What steps are countries taking to prevent a global Ebola outbreak? -- Michael Holtz, CSM

Map: Where Ebola is likely to go next -- German Lopez, VOX