Coalition Warplanes Hit Targets Near Besieged Syrian City, Defenders Say -- Wall Street Journal

Eighteen People Killed in Turkey Protests Over Government’s Inaction

U.S.-led coalition airstrikes hit Islamic State forces laying siege to the Syrian city of Kobani on Wednesday, Kurdish officials and military commanders said, as domestic pressure escalated in Turkey over the refusal by the Ankara government to come to the aid of the city’s predominantly Kurdish population.

A day after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the U.S. declared the fall of Kobani imminent, Islamic State tanks and artillery on the outskirts of the city were struck by coalition warplanes, said Redur Xelil, spokesman for the Kurdish militia defending the city. His claims couldn’t be immediately be confirmed.

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More News On The Battle For The Syrian - Kurdish City Of Kobane, Syria

Kobane: IS and Syria Kurds in fierce gun battles -- BBC
Airstrikes push jihadists back in Syrian town -- AP
Syrian Kurds say air strikes help push Islamic State back from Kobane -- Sydney Morning Herald
Intensified U.S. airstrikes keep Kobane from falling to Islamic State militants -- Washington Post
Coalition Warplanes Hit Targets Near Besieged Syrian City, Defenders Say -- WSJ
U.S. military says airstrikes hit Islamic State near Kobani -- Reuters
U.S. military reports six airstrikes against Islamic State near Kobani -- Reuters
Islamic State fighters give up positions ringing Syrian town amid wave of U.S. airstrikes -- Washington Post