Sadiq Khan's conference with London Bridge killer's friend

  • London Mayor spoke at same conference as Sajeel Shahid, accused of terrorism
  • Shahid was gym buddy of London Bridge murderer Khuram Butt from Barking
  • The pair ran martial arts classes together at the all-Muslim Ummah Fitness gym
  • Shahid is also said to have links to hate preacher Anjem Choudary and Al-Qaeda

Sadiq Khan attended a conference with one of the London Bridge murderers' close friends who is accused of training one of the 7/7 bombers, MailOnline can reveal. 
The London Mayor spoke on the same platform as Sajeel Shahid, a militant who is said to have helped to train the ringleader of the July 7 London bomb attacks.
It emerged today Shahid was gym buddies with killer Khuram Butt, who butchered seven people in the deadly rampage on the capital's streets on Saturday night. 
The pair once ran martial arts classes together at the all-Muslim Ummah Fitness gym in east London. 
Mr Khan spoke at a 2003 conference alongside Yasser al-Sirri, who had been sentenced to death in Egypt over a political assassination attempt, while another speaker was Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, better known as Sajeel Shahid. 
Shahid called for violence against British troops and ran a training camp in Pakistan where known terrorists learned how to make bombs and fire rocket-propelled grenades.

One of his ‘graduates’ was Mohammed Siddique Khan, who led the gang of four suicide bombers on the deadliest terrorist attack ever committed in Britain, killing 52 people on the London Underground and a bus on July 7, 2005.

At the conference, Mr Khan gave a speech about representing a 9/11 conspirator and criticised two anti-terrorism bills for targeting Muslim groups.

According to The Times, Butt, who lived in Barking, previously worked at all-Muslim gym Ummah Fitness in east London with Sajeel Shahid, 41, who allegedly helped the 2005 bombers train in Pakistan ahead of the atrocity.
Shahid is also said to have links to hate preacher Anjem Choudary and was accused of setting up an Al-Qaeda training camp in Pakistan.

It comes as the London Mayor remains embrawled in a war of words online with US President Donald Trump.
Khan dismissed Donald Trump's barrage of tweets about his response to the London attacks and questioned 'isn't he busy?'

He denied he was stoking up a feud which went back to 2016, when the mayor described the then presidential candidate's calls for a ban on Muslim entry into the US as 'ignorant'.

After terrorists slaughtered seven people Saturday in London, England, President Trump turned up the heat in ongoing debates over Islam, terrorism, and immigration by criticizing London’s Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan for his permissive, laissez-faire attitude toward terrorism committed by his fellow Muslims.
“We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people,” Trump tweeted after the killings at London Bridge and nearby Borough Market. “If we don't get smart it will only get worse.”
The Metropolitan Police and British Prime Minister Theresa May have labeled the incidents terrorist attacks and Islamic State has reportedly claimed responsibility for the atrocities. May appeared to agree with Trump, saying "We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change."
Khan, a member of the left-wing Labour Party, doesn’t particularly care about the threat that Islamic terrorism poses to Western civilization.
It was just last Thursday (June 1) that Khan sounded as detached from reality as former Vice President Al Gore. “Climate change remains one the biggest risks to humanity,” he tweeted. “Now more than ever world leaders must recognise and act on this threat.”
Muslim terror is no big deal, shrugs Khan, who says terrorist attacks are “part and parcel” of city life.
Khan is one of those “urban elites … grotesquely out of touch with the lives of ordinary citizens,” writes Monica Showalter at American Thinker. “They dismiss terror deaths as 'tragic' suggesting the victims had some role in their own deaths as in the definition of tragedy.”
It’s easy for elitist hipsters like Khan to “claim global warming is a bigger problem than the immediate and deadly threat of terrorism,” she writes.
Taking action on global warming makes them feel good, costs them nothing and only threatens the livelihoods of farmers and fishermen and miners, not their own. As for terrorism, that's no problem for them, either – you'll never find an elitist like Khan strolling on London Bridge on a Saturday night for terrorists to take down. With his bodyguards and the protective bubble he lives in, terrorism is for little people.

Khan’s arrogance and disregard for the safety of others may help to explain why President Trump felt the need to slap him around on Twitter.

Trump mocked Khan, a Sharia-loving darling of the mainstream media, for trying to create a false sense of security among Britons. "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'"

On Saturday, the terrorists reportedly began by running over pedestrians on London Bridge with their vehicle and then stabbing people. One attacker reportedly said “this is for Allah.” Two restaurant customers told the Telegraph that the men entered the dining establishment and began stabbing diners. No firearms were involved. Three suspects were killed by police. Their names had not been released as of late Sunday night. Twelve people have been arrested in connection with the attacks.
Unlike most of the United States, the United Kingdom has draconian gun control laws, which means unless an armed law enforcement official happens to be in the right place at the right time, Britons must fend for themselves.
On Twitter, President Trump wrote, “Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That's because they used knives and a truck!”