A college senior is barred from a class he needs to graduate for stating his opinion that there are only two genders…University of Connecticut offers counseling to students who might be offended by Ben Shapiro’s conservative remarks…And faculty members of a prestigious girl’s school in England want to be sure they’re being inclusive of any girls who “no longer identify” as girls.” Has political correctness gone too far?
Lake Ingle, a religious studies major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, was barred from a Christianity class on Monday because of his belief that there are only two genders.
Following a film produced by a transgender in which terms such as “mansplaining” and “male privilege” were discussed, “the professor asked for the women in the class to share their thoughts.”
Since no women volunteered to speak, Lake Ingle raised his hand and gave his opinion.
Professor Alison Downie tried to “silence Ingle because he was not a woman. She then asked him to leave the classroom and not come back.”
Ingle received a notice from the Provost. According to the university's Classroom Disruption policy:

“The student has been charged with disrespectful objection to the professor's class discussion structure; refusal to stop talking out of turn; angry outbursts in response to being required to listen to a trans speaker discuss the reality of white male privilege and sexism; disrespectful references to the validity of trans identity and experience; and making a disrespectful claim that a low score on any class work would be evidence of professor's personal prejudice."
“Ingle was told by the university he must apologize to the professor for each offense and apologize to the class for his behavior after which he must listen as the professor or any student shares how they felt during Ingle’s "disrespectful and disruptive outbursts on 2-28.”

Ingle must appear before the university’s Academic Integrity Board on March 19th to fight for his First Amendment right to free speech. (Ingle, a senior, needs this class to graduate as planned in May.)
Ingle’s behavior was not offensive and he was not disruptive.
He merely disagreed with the premise of the video and with the professor.
Apparently, the number of genders depends upon who one asks.
Facebook claims there are 58 genders while Google says the number is 63.
According to Tumblr, there are as many as 112.
For example, you might self-identify as an “affectugender, a gender that is affected by mood swings.”

Ingle must appear before the university’s Academic Integrity Board on March 19th to fight for his First Amendment right to free speech. (Ingle, a senior, needs this class to graduate as planned in May.)
Ingle’s behavior was not offensive and he was not disruptive.
He merely disagreed with the premise of the video and with the professor.
Apparently, the number of genders depends upon who one asks.
Facebook claims there are 58 genders while Google says the number is 63.
According to Tumblr, there are as many as 112.
For example, you might self-identify as an “affectugender, a gender that is affected by mood swings.”
Or maybe even as an “ambigender, which is defined as having the feeling of two genders simultaneously without fluctuation; meant to reflect the concept of being ambidextrous, only with gender.”
Now you understand.
I don’t see how anyone can discuss this with a straight face.
It’s astounding to me that people not only embrace these distinctions, but would kick a student out of class for disagreeing with them.
This is just the latest example of academia’s attempt to silence all conservative speech and thought.

The school had to complete a “pre-event” review before allowing Shapiro’s appearance.
The “review process led to the decision to restrict access to the event, and the school even offered counseling to students who might be offended by” Shapiro’s talk.
Imagine that. The school made counselors available for those whom Shapiro might offend.
First of all, college students are young adults, not children. And second, Ben Shapiro is not Hitler.

Several months ago, I posted about a prestigious school in Manchester, England called the Altrincham Grammar School for Girls.
The faculty had recently informed parents that the girls would now be referred to by the gender-neutral term of “students” because the staff was worried about offending “those who were transitioning.”

Political correctness has now brought us to the point where even the word “girl” stirs controversy.
“The headmaster of the school wants to ensure that they’re being inclusive of any girls who “no longer identify” as girls.”
Imagine the conversation as the faculty debated whether or not they might be offending the one or two (or zero) students (out of 1,350) who are “transitioning”.
Unfortunately, the folks at Altrincham School are not alone.
Educators throughout the world are wrestling with just how to handle the question of gender identity.
At Williams College, “displaying a sign that is color-coded pink for girls and blue for boys, is listed by the school as a reportable “bias incident,” according to the College Fix.”
Seriously, a bias incident.

Illustrating the difference between a male and a female by using the colors that have been associated with them forever is now grounds for reprimand.
For conservatives, our First Amendment right to free speech is fast becoming a casualty of political correctness.
What was once a drift toward political correctness has recently become a rush.
The pendulum has swung too far in one direction.
We need to take it back before we lose it forever.