From Skripal To Syria: The Empire's "New Realities" Are Reaching The End Of The Road

That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you’re studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
- Karl Rove, Deputy Chief of Staff in the Government of George W. Bush.
I do wish people would study Rove’s words more carefully. Judiciously study them. If they did, then whenever the next alleged atrocity occurs and the United States, together with its coalition of supine vassals, starts yelling and hollering 10 minutes later for action to be taken, on the basis of a test-tube full of washing powder, or pictures of injured women and children in a war zone, and the entire media of dutiful stenographers shrieks that “something must be done”, then perhaps we might pause and wonder if we are being played. Instead of falling into an emotional spasm, maybe we would instead reject the deafening drumbeats of war – wars that have a habit of killing immeasurably more women and children than the alleged incidents on which they are based, by the way — and ask ourselves whether “Rove’s Law” has come into play.

As an aside, the West’s interventionist wars remind me of that wonderfully cynical exchange in the film, The Man With Two Brains:
Dr. Hfuhruhurr: “The only time we doctors should accept death is when it’s caused by our own incompetence!”
Dr. Necessiter: “Nonsense! If the murder of twelve innocent people can help save one human life, it will have been worth it!”
Here’s Dr. Necessiter selling us into war in Iraq: “Nonsense! If it costs us the deaths of 500,000 people to topple the evil dictator Saddam Hussein, it will have been worth it!”
Here he is selling us bombs on Libya: “Nonsense! If turning Libya into a failed state, a terrorist’s playground, and causing a mass exodus of refugees is the price for getting rid of Gaddafi, it will have been worth it.”
And here’s Dr Necessiter again, this time trying to sell us into bombing Syria: “Nonsense! Risking a catastrophic clash with a country armed with thousands of nuclear weapons is worth it in order to respond to the alleged deaths of less than a hundred people in a totally unproven chemical weapons attack.”
Behold, the “logic” of the interventionists!
But back to Rove. What was he saying? Three things:

Number one: We – that is the Globalist Deep State, centred in Washington DC – are sovereign over the entire globe and we will do as we please.
Number two: That we don’t follow reality, we create it.
Number three: That we are prepared to do things that will make your jaws drop, your hair stand on end, and your eyes boggle as you wonder what is going on, and while your jaws, your hair and your eyes are busy doing their thing, we will have moved onto create our next reality.

In other words – we are God – and not a kind and merciful God, but a God who lords it over all peoples’, nations and tongues, who tells lies, and then tells more lies to cover up those lies and – when you poor saps are trying to work out what it is we’re really up to – before you know what has happened, those lies and those lies to cover up lies will have become the new reality. We’ll have moved on and the world with it, and the narrative we have created will have been written in the history books, which we ourselves shall write.
The cases of Sergei Skripal and the alleged chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta seem somehow to represent the zenith of this ideology.
I do not know who poisoned Sergei Skripal or for what reason. It could be that the Russian Government was behind it, although this would mean accepting the highly improbable thesis that they decided to target a has-been MI6 spy, who they released from prison eight years ago, using perhaps the dumbest assassination method in the history of the world – an ineffective, slow-operating, “military-grade” nerve agent, which could be traced back to them, and which they smeared on a door handle in rainy Salisbury –, a week or so before a Presidential election, and less than 100 days before they are due to host the World Cup. In other words, the official narrative does not rest on accepting that the Russian state is the epitome of pure evil; it rests on accepting that it is the epitome of insanity and bumbling incompetence.
I do not know what happened in Eastern Ghouta. It could be that the Syrian Government was behind what is alleged to have happened (if it indeed did happen), but this would mean having to accept the thesis that just 24 hours away from completely liberating the last pocket of resistance in Damascus, after the US, the UK and France had all warned that they would attack if chemical weapons were used, just a week or so after the US President, Donald J. Swamp, announced that the US would be pulling out of Syria (which they occupied illegally, by the way), they made the decision to use a weapon that gave them no military advantage whatsoever, but which was practically guaranteed to be used as a pretext for airstrikes against them. In other words, like the Skripal case, the theory does not stand on accepting that the Syrian state is the epitome of pure evil; it stands on accepting that it is the epitome of self-defeating stupidity on an epic scale.

But you see what I’ve done? I’ve fallen right into Karl Rove’s trap, haven’t I? I’m asking questions about whether the narratives in these cases stack up. In the Skripal case, I’ve been judiciously studying reality by asking lots of questions that ought to have occurred to anyone with a keen interest in arriving at the truth (here and here, for instance). I could do the same with the Syrian case, if I had the time.
Yet while I’m doing so, the narrative is moving on. I’m falling into exactly the trap that Karl and his disciples have laid. They want two sorts of people: those who just blindly accept that it was the Russians wot did it, or that it was Assad wot did it; and those who spend their time asking questions about the official explanations. The first group call the second group conspiracy theorists and nutters. The second group call the first group dumb sheeple. And the Globalist Deep State laughs and laughs and laughs as the two groups battle it out to make sense of what has happened, leaving it free to march on to create the next reality. Truly I tell you, these Bolsheviks have learnt their Hegelian Dialectics well.
Now, this is not to rule out that in the Salisbury and Eastern Ghouta cases the official narratives might – just might – be the correct ones. That both Vladimir Putin and Bashar Assad might be the Laurel and Hardy of Geopolitics. Yet it has to be said that whatever else you think about them, neither of them tends to come across in interviews as being what you might call dumb or inept. Nor do either of them give the impression that they have sudden insane impulses to do things which have absolutely no benefit to them, but which hand their enemies massive PR victories.
But this is besides the point. The point is not whether these particular incidents are what the official narrative says they are, or whether they are provocations. It suffices for the “new reality creators” to create their realities on occasion, or perhaps to distort occurrences which they didn’t create, and before you know it you have your two groups battling over events which may be real or fake: the conspiracists – who are studying every event to try to work out the details and the inconsistencies – and the sheeple – who believe that their Government is full of good hearted, white hatted chaps and lasses who would never, ever do anything bad – unlike those orcs over in Mordor.

Rove and Co have basically created a “reality” where truth is no longer discernible, where assertions of guilt are taken as fact, and where holes in these kinds of incidents only serve to divide the people further, so that the Globalist Deep State can move on to create their next reality.
But let’s not get gloomy.
The good news is that although they clearly think they can get away with it indefinitely, they can’t. No kingdom or empire built on a mountain of lies can stand indefinitely. They all fall. And can’t you start to sense the signs that the empire’s “new realities” – or what are known as lies in laymen’s terms – are reaching boiling point? Don’t you sense that they have just got too confident and in doing so have begun to get careless? They are making mistakes. And as they do, they are having to resort to bigger and bigger lies to cover up the ones they’ve already told.
Sadly for Rove and Co, but happily for the rest of us, the world doesn’t actually work the way they think it does. Reality - I mean real reality, rather than the phoney reality they have created - will catch up sooner or later. I sense that it’s on its way even now. And when it finally comes, the whole rotten edifice that these “history’s actors” have tried to create will crash and burn. Bringing much rejoicing.

Was Trump’s Friday night attack on Syria a cover up for the UK’s chemical weapons false flag in Douma?
The Chairman of the United States Army Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford confirmed that the last nights’ airstrikes that hit three facilities in Syria that the US claims are part of its chemical weapons program.
According to RT, one of the targets was a scientific research center in the greater Damascus area, Dunford said. The second was “a chemical weapons storage facility” in the vicinity of Homs, which, according to Dunford, housed sarin and chemical weapons precursors. The third target was also located near Homs and was identified by the general as a Syrian Army command post and storage facility.
The US military action in Syria was “a one time shot,” US Defence Secretary James Mattis said during a Pentagon press briefing, adding that he doesn’t rule out further action by the US if the Syrian government decides to mount chemical weapons attacks in the future.

Zerohedge summarized last nights events…
  • Around 9pm ET on Friday, April 13, the US, UK and France launched attack on Syrian regime targets
  • Strikes targeted regime bases and chemical weapon production facilities in Damascus and Homs
  • The Strikes consisted of 3 waves of attacks and are now complete
  • Russia was not pre-notified about tonight’s “kinetic activity”
  • Double the number of weapons was used compared to last year’s Syria strike, when 59 Tomahawk missiles were launched.
  • Regime and Russia condemn what they call a ‘flagrant violation’, but have not retaliated so far.

The Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) was set to start its investigation into the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian town of Duma on Saturday, a fact finding mission that Syria and Russia spearheaded.
Why would Trump and his UK partners launch a missile strike so close to Douma hours before the OPCW was set to start their investigation into the chemical weapons false flag?

Last week the The Duran reported that for the first time the OPCW will be able to investigate an area not under the control of jihadists, but under the control of the Syrian government. This effectively means that a real opportunity exists to conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation, unimpeded by terrorist head choppers…

Here is what The Duran reported last week…

As a result of the total surrender of the Jihadis previously in control of Douma on Sunday, it is the Russian military who this time are in control of the alleged crime scene.
This has put the Russians in a position where for the first time they are able both to invite the OPCW inspectors to attend the crime scene and to provide them with protection if they are there, whilst at the same time monitoring and supervising their work.
If the chemical attack on Douma really is fictitious – as the Russians insist it is – then for the first time their control of the crime scene puts the Russians in a strong position to prove it.
The point was made forcefully by Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia at the UN Security Council session today, and it also received indirect backing from the UN Secretariat, who admitted that they could not confirm that a chemical weapons attack had happened, and who called upon all sides to show restraint until a proper investigation of the incident had taken place.
Nebenzia followed this up by inviting OPCW inspectors to the scene as early as tomorrow Tuesday.

By now it should surprise no-one that the fact that the Russians are in control of the crime scene and may on this occasion be able to prove conclusively that no chemical weapons attack happened in Douma, instead of deterring a US attack, is actually making it more likely.

This is because the credibility of the various ‘witnesses’ to the Douma attack – who are of course the same witnesses who were previously ‘witnesses’ to the 2013 East Ghouta and the 2017 Khan Sheikhoun attacks – is now on the line, as is the credibility of those Western governments – first and foremost the US government – who believed or who pretended to believe them.

I would add that not only is the credibility of the US government and of other Western governments on the line. So is the credibility of Western journalists who also believed or pretended to believe the ‘witnesses’.

Yesterday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Military of Defense released damning evidence that implicates the UK as having instigated the false flag in Douma, Syria.
Here is what The Duran reported

During a briefing on Friday, the Russian Ministry of Defense has brought forward proof that the entire chemical attack in Syria was a complete farce, staged, and false. According to RT, it levied accusations that London pressured the perpetrators of the false flag to “speed up” the provocation.

The Russian Defense Ministry interviewed two medical professionals in the only operating hospital in Douma, the site of the false flag near the Syrian capital of Damascus. Unlike the Western accounts, which rely on anonymous sources, the Russian Defense Ministry has interviewed actual Syrians medical professionals, who have gone on record.

The fact that the Syrian medical professionals came on public record in the Russian evidence is key. All too often, Western evidence levied against Russia, Syria, or whomever the West does not like, is based on “anonymous sources”.

The idea that anonymous testimony, of unknown people can be used as damning evidence is an insult to Common Law established since classical antiquity, which required witnesses to come forward to crimes. This is why “bearing false witness” was considered such a Sin in history, however in these cases, it’s hard to hold anyone accountable when all the sources are anonymous.

Worse, in this situation, a key aspect of the “evidence”, for this false flag, rests not only on “anonymous sources”, but on photos and video from the infamous White Helmets. While they claim to rescue people altruistically in Syria, it is well known to Syrians that they align themselves with terrorists. Even more disturbing, anti-Assad supporters have been captured on video in times past training children to fake chemical attacks.

As Russia accuses the UK of supporting those who staged the false flag, the White Helmets just so happened to be funded by…you guessed it…the UK.

Immediately after the Russian government presents damning evidence, with named witnesses, that the UK government was an actor in staging the Syrian chemical weapons attack, Trump and his British “partners” launch missiles towards Damascus.
Mattis said in his statement last night…”that he doesn’t rule out further action by the US if the Syrian government decides to mount chemical weapons attacks in the future.”
Is this the US Deep State signaling their UK partners and jihadist funded terrorists on the ground in Syria, that another chemical weapons false flag may be needed in order to fully cover their tracks?
Finally, no one has questioned the close timing between the Skripal poisoning false flag (also attributed to “chemical weapons”) and the Syrian “chemical weapons” false flag…in the middle of both chemical weapons incidents is the Theresa May government.
The curious timing of Trump’s Damascus missile strike hours before OPCW inspectors begin their investigation in an area that is safe from jihadists, was not lost on The Young Turks’ host Cenk Uygur, who in the video below also finds the timing of the missile strike curiously convenient.