According to the German Die Welt, Trump’ threats against Moscow are enough to put Europe in a state of perpetual panic, as it notes that the world is on the verge of a confrontation similar to the Cuban crisis that may as well result in WWIII starting. This fear is fueled by the unpredictable nature of the sitting US president.

As it’s been empathized by the CNN, fifteen months after Trump’s inauguration the United States has found itself closer to a direct conflict with Russia than it has been ever been since the Cold War days. It’s a moment when the chaos, wild rhetoric and crushing of presidential norms on which Trump has anchored his presidency could begin to have real-world consequences with lives on the line.

It’s been noted that the whole world is braced for an expected strike by the US and its allies against Syria. However, the picture of an warmongering American President openly trampling the rule of international law, while deliberately stoking tensions in a dangerous war zone, is one that many of his pre-election critics had feared.

The Trump administration, known for its chaotic management of affairs the process of developing the US response to the Syrian government’s alleged chemical attack was proceeding with uncharacteristic deliberation, with a number of national security briefings organized for President Trump. But then Wednesday morning, Trump upended it all with a tweet.

The Wall Street Journal would go as far as to announce that the United States has had no clear policy on Syria for a year now, while Russia and Iran have taken concrete steps to push back radical terrorists across the country, ensuring their continuous presence in Syria and Iraq which Israel can regard as threating.

While describing his plans for striking Syria, Trump stressed that he has finally assembled a national security team he dreamed of. The team consists of Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis, the new national security adviser John Bolton, and Mike Pompeo, who is about to take the position of US Secretary of State. Additionally, Trump has summoned his “NATO allies” to help him fulfill his ambitions in Syria . Those allies are represented by Emanuel Macron and Therese May, joined by the Saudi royal family even though Riyadh is not a NATO member. Indeed, in recent days the United States, United Kingdom and France have scrambled to cobble together some sort of a response to the challenges they are allegedly facing.

The Daily Beast notes that the French President Emanuel Macron has the executive authority to push ahead with a coordinated attack. But Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, in most cases has to get authorization for military action from the House of Commons.

However, it seams that reason has finally found its way to the Downing Street, since Theresa May has already announced to the US President that London needs more evidence that an actual chemical attack took place in Syria for London to be able to join the strikes against this country. This was reported on April 11 by a number of British media outlets.

In the event of any further air strikes, the United Kingdom seems to be particularly concerned about Russia’s top of the line air-defense systems that the Guardian would describe as “formidable”, noting that the S-400 system, which has been in place in Syria for more than a year, poses a lethal threat to the world’s most modern jets. During previous attacks, Russia has sometimes briefly turned the system on, but it has not yet used it.

In recent days, Russian officials have repeatedly stressed the risk of a direct military clash between the US and its allies and Russian forces on the ground that may be provoked by the ongoing military strikes against Syria. British media sources make no secret about the fact that the threat of direct military confrontation with Russia is too great a peril for London to endure. 
Additionally, as it’s been reported by the New York Time: 
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis sought on Thursday to slow down an imminent strike on Syria, reflecting mounting concerns at the Pentagon that a concerted bombing campaign could escalate into a wider conflict between Russia, Iran and the West.
But the US, Britain and France are not the only one to recognize the danger of Trump’s warmongering calls that can as well bring the Third World War on our heads. Today, sober politicians and the public, despite yet another chemical false-flag attack stage by the United Kingdom and the United States with a chemical attack in Syria, perfectly understand that the outcome of the ongoing war is already clear, so there’s no reason in dragging on the bloodshed. The rebellion against Damascus has clearly failed. At the same time, there is a growing risk that Syria will turn into an arena of serious military confrontation between the United States and its allies on the one hand, and those players supporting the Syrian government, namely Iran, Russia and a number of others. And it’s all too obvious that Turkey will be the game changer in this confrontation and Ankara’s current relations with Washington leave much to be desired.

As for this imaginary chemical attack that Washington has been trying to use in a bid to justify its all-out aggression against Syria, casual observers are spot in in demanding why would Assad risk dragging the United States into the conflict if he has managed to regain control over all of the strategically important areas? Such an attack would be unthinkable in a situation when Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of legally stationed US troops from Syria no more than fourteen days ago. It’s only logical to conclude that terrorist groups throughly surrounded by the Syrian armed forces would want the US to intervene and save them from their doom. So who has staged such an attack if there was one in the first place?

Under these conditions, the general opinion has been correctly identified by the Swedish Sydsvenskan: If one has found himself on the edge of a major divide, it would be only wise to take a couple of steps back. Do not aggravate the war of words, do not allow emotions to take the upper hand. Make the most of all the diplomatic means available. In short, act pragmatically.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Ankara ended in a trilateral summit with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. These state leaders’ joint statement reaffirms their determination to cooperate in the final defeating of the Islamic State (ISIL), the Al-Nusra Front and other extremist groups. The critical importance of separating the abovementioned terrorist groups from armed opposition formations, who already joined the ceasefire or are going to do so, was highlighted.

The three state leaders especially emphasized that no action by any party should undermine the principles of territorial integrity and independence of Syria. They also rejected any attempts to create new realia under the pretext of combating terrorism and expressed their determination to counter separatist plans aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, as well as the national security of the neighboring countries. In doing so, the presidents called for the international community to provide increasing support for Syria, including shipping more humanitarian supplies, assisting in humanitarian demining, reconstructing the vital and socio-economic infrastructure and preserving the historical heritage.

But the West not only failed to heed these noble aspirations by the three countries aimed at the final resolution of the Syrian problem, but it also does everything possible to ensure that the Civil War continues, including using agents provocateurs and terrorists. All moral principles of mankind, decency and international law are left behind. The West plunged into basic lies and immorality, accurately following the testament of the infamous Joseph Goebbels: “The more monstrous a lie is, the more readily the crowd accepts it.” And thus the monstrous accusations against Russia and its President personally of using chemical weapons against the civilian population were taken up.

The British Prime Minister Theresa May spearheaded this line of action, thus giving a professional lesson to her lazy student Donald Trump who, in her opinion, had not been very active in “fighting for the Free World against the barbarians” lately. After the staged provocation campaign of the Skripal poisoning, it came to the house he lived in getting pulled down, and, according to the British officials, the question of pulling down the whole neighborhood or, possibly, the whole city of Salisbury is being considered, in order to increase the impact of this ordered provocation on the public. There used to be a city and now it is gone. As the old saying has it, the dementia is getting worse.

The Western press explains the British leadership’s hysteria quite accurately. After the Al-Rahman Legion terrorists executed 17 foreign mercenaries, mostly British, who tried to hamper the agreement on the “irreconcilables” with their families leaving for Idlib just before leaving Jobar for Idlib, London addressed Russia via Oman on the subject of liberating the prisoners. But after the Russian military replied that it had to be arranged with the Syrian leadership, the British plunged into hysteria.

And a new provocation happened in no time, this time in Syria, with the alleged poisonous gas bomb use by the Syrian army in the last terrorist stronghold, the city of Douma. To tell the truth, there was another version in the press, according to which the terrorists blew up the chlorine barrel in the crowd of civilians in agony of their total defeat.

At the same time, the Jaysh al-Islam militants started leaving the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta. The agreement, reached with an active Russian participation, provides a safe passage to the rebels and their family members, allowing them to leave Douma, in exchange for Jaysh al-Islam’s releasing the hundreds of its hostages and prisoners of war.

International experts who know a thing or two about common sense, are asking the reasonable question: why would either Syria or Russia use chemical weapons, if they voluntarily agreed to let the militants go? Moreover, the Damascus chemical weapons have been taken outside of the country, which was duly officially registered by the competent international authorities.

Apart from that, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement experts failed to find any signs of toxic chemicals use by the government armed forces in Douma, said TASS with reference to the organization representatives. The Red Crescent doctor Adnan Tbang emphasized that over the six years of his work in Syria, there was no proof of chemical weapons use in the Syrian Arab Republic. “I worked for the Douma central hospital for seven years. There was a case in January this year, they brought in six patients with respiratory problems. The medical examination found no problem, no toxic substances. We gave them oxygen therapy and had no proof that they had been poisoned,” said Seif Aldin Hobia, another doctor.

In a normal democratic society that the US and the UK are imagining themselves to be without sufficient grounds, a thorough investigation of this new West-staged “chemical incident in Syria” would have been conducted, and only after that, in accordance with international law, the punishment would have been given out. But Donald Trump followed Theresa May’s lead and went hysterical, writing the following on Twitter: “President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad.” One cannot fail to pay attention to the fact that, for the first time, Donald Trump has strongly criticized the Russian President Vladimir Putin even before the investigation showed any results.

There is a human degradation not only of the US, but of the whole Western world as well.

Donald Trump, who decided to follow the crusaders and formed a team of “hawks” (the new National Security Advisor John R. Bolton, who has ties with the scandalous British firm Cambridge Analytica, the new tendentious Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the new CIA Director Gina Haspel, the first woman in history to have this post, whose sadist past is well-known) is now getting ready to start a war against Syria. One phone conversation with the French President Emmanuel Macron was enough for Paris to send 50 of its officers to Manbij on short notice as per the US President’s request. On April 2, the Al-Arabiya TV channel, quoting its local sources, reported that the US already has “auxiliary land force squads [300 men], including a great number of armored personnel carriers and heavy military equipment.” Experts noted that the US relies on its allies and it is no secret that the French presence is strong in several places in Syria, which is an attempt to restore the influence that Paris used to have in this country after the WWI, when Syria was controlled by France. The whole civilized world has a very good idea of how well the French can deal with conflicts. It was Paris that suggested annihilating the Libyan Jamahiriya as a sovereign state and the put-on-display brutal murder of its leader Muammar Gaddafi.
That is your democratic France with her revolution principles!

It is very clear how right Vasily Nebenzya was in his speech at the UN Security Council, when he accused the Western countries of supporting the terrorists in Syria for the sake of overthrowing the Syrian government: “The terrorists and extremists, backed by outside sponsors, are being defeated in Syria. Let me remind you, those are the same terrorists and extremists that you equipped, financed and sent to that country in order to change its legitimate government. Now it is clear, why this defeat is reducing those who invested their political and material capital in these dark forces to hysteria.”