Enemies of the Chosen « Terry James

Dynamic issues and events continue to move and shake the world at a torrid pace. Central to all going on that presents danger to the world is the North Korean matter. That’s the take by most of the news punditry panels I’ve heard, at any rate.
The North Korean talks and economic trade talks are at the top of the heap of things to worry about, according to the talking heads. Even Russia and China have for the moment been moved, at least temporarily, to lesser positions in the order of things.
Of course, the specious matter of Russia-Trump collusion is at the very top of mainstream news and entertainment media, as it will be until the next presidential election. But, at least they have to weave the fake news narrative in between the truly historical things this president is bringing to the world diplomatic table.
With that understood, it is nonetheless impossible to consider those things top priority to cogitate upon when the Bible’s prophetic focus and the news of the day converge as one. I’m referring to God’s chosen  nation as being in the reportorial crosshairs every hour of every day.
Israel’s enemies seem to be in every direction one looks, as we’ve covered many times. It is a satanic hatred that rages, just like it continues to rage in the matter of the 2016 presidential election. That election disrupted the new world order builders’ plans to continue to move the United States into their globalist plans.
The hatred builds toward a crescendo because the new American president and God’s chosen nation are joined at the hip, diplomatically speaking. Never has the Jewish state had such a friend in the White House.
Israel’s enemies in the EU made their threatening anger known in recent days.
Spain has, as well as have most all of Europe, in one form or the other, joined in the Boycott-Divestment-Sanction (DBS) movement.
Following a major Spanish city’s vote to boycott Israel, the leader of Spain’s third-largest party called the Jewish state a “criminal country” during an interview aired by public television broadcaster.
Pablo Iglesias Turrión, leader of the Podemos far-left party, said this in an interview earlier this week on RTVE.
“We need to act more firmly on an illegal country like Israel,” said Iglesias Turrión, whose party in 2015 won 20 percent of the votes in the general election just one year after its creation. (Spain’s third-largest City Valencia officially declares Israel an illegal country,  JEWSNEWS, June 10, 2018)
Israel has only to look northward a few miles to find a threat that is one packed with deadly military virulence.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani  warned Friday that Israel “can never” feel safe, as thousands of Iranians marched in an annual day of protest against Israel.
Protesters took to the streets in the capital and other cities for Quds (Jerusalem) Day, held every year since the early days of Iran’s Islamic revolution to show support for the Palestinians. Iranian media said millions marched in hundreds of cities. Iran relentlessly encourages the destruction of Israel, and it finances, arms and trains terrorist groups on Israel’s borders.
“Israel can never feel that it is in a safe place,” Rouhani told reporters in Tehran. (Rouhani says “Israel can never feel safe” as thousands in Iran mark Quds Day, by Agencies and TOI staffTimes of Israel, June 2018)

God’s chosen nation has a diminishing  number of friends and a burgeoning number of enemies of every sort. The most worrisome of the enemies, to my way of thinking, is the “Christ at the Checkpoint’” global effort to, in its own way, destroy Israel.
Known as the CatC movement, the organization has declared its intention to “go global” in its activity in opposition to Israel and to Christians who support the Jewish state. Until recently, the movement has been in the Palestinian-controlled city of Bethlehem.
One enemy against which they have declared themselves is “Christian Zionism.” Basically, that includes any Christian who, on the basis of moral and biblical convictions, stands with the Jewish state of Israel.
CatC official Alex Awad said  Christian Zionists worship the modern state of Israel instead of God.

He added further the night CatC 2018 began that those of the Zionists in the U.S. are responsible for “electing Trump and dashing hopes for Palestinian peace…. Why should Christian Zionists coming to the Holy Land—where they worship Israel, not Jesus—why should they draw tens of thousands and we not get those kinds of numbers?”
The rhetorical question was posed in the closing hour of the fifth anti-Israel Christ at the Checkpoint (CatC) conference in Bethlehem.

CatC counts among its friends some familiar names, according to the article from which I gleaned the information. For example, the following is stated therein.
At the CatC conference in 2016, the hired gun to assault Christian Zionism was the so-called “Bible Answer Man,” Hank Hanegraaff from the US.
Not only is the ethnicity of today’s Jews dubious, said Hanegraaff, Christian Zionists are directly responsible for what he called Jewish Zionism’s “murder, terrorism and ethnic cleansing in 1948.” Moreover, he asserted, all talk of a third Temple (as per the prophet Ezekiel) is “nonsense.” (For the full article, go to http://jerusalemjournal.net/news-and-views/7-ways-to-counter-the-global-assault-of-christ-at-the-checkpoint-conferences-by-brian-schrauger-photo-all-text-edited-out-for-facebook-censor)
Observers of Bible prophecy from the Pre-Trib view of eschatology shouldn’t be surprised or overly alarmed at these developing, incendiary actions against God’s chosen nation. It should, rather, reassure that Israel’s returning Messiah and King is soon to appear to rescue the believing remnant of that people.
We who are believers this side of the Rapture will return with our Savior and Bridegroom!
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Revelation 19:11-14)