'Peace behind me, war in front of me': China posts video new weaponry

  • China's People's Liberation Army released a chilling video last week called "I am a Chinese Soldier."
  • The video emotionally underscores the sacrifices made by service members of the PLA while showing off some of the country's latest weaponry.
China's People's Liberation Army released a chilling video last week called "I am a Chinese Soldier," which was first spotted in the West by the National Interest
The 2:20 minute video, released on August 1 for China's Army Day, emotionally underscores the sacrifices made by service members of the PLA while showing off some of the country's latest weaponry. 
At one point in the propaganda video, the narrator says "peace behind me, war in front of me," which The National Interest said could be interpreted to mean war is "inevitable."
The National Interest, which provided a translation of the narration, also pointed out that no female soldiers were depicted in the video — just mothers and wives sending their husbands or sons off.

The high-quality video also likely instilled a lot of pride, something which Eric Wertheim, a naval expert with the US Naval Institute, recently told Business Insider is at least in part China's reason for building a fleet of new aircraft carriers that may soon be on par with the US' Nimitz-class carriers. 
But China's grand ambitions for a world-class military likely goes beyond pride and domestic politics, as Beijing continues to set its sights on the East and South China Seas, Taiwan, market access overseas, and more.