War or Peace?

American politicians provoke a slew of emotions, from tears of rage to tears of laughter. But perhaps the uppermost emotion is one of pity.
With a few honorable exceptions, it is such a pity that the American people are misled by such buffoons. It is such a pity that the American and Russian people — who have so much in common as human beings — are nevertheless being driven towards a state of war by these buffoonish politicians.
Senator Rand Paul, like his father Ron, is an honorable exception.
Paul was in Russia last week offering a hand of peace and dialogue.
Back home, however, the Congress is dominated by Democrat and Republican war-makers, not lawmakers, who harbor such irrational bitterness towards Russia. They are clamoring for war with their ludicrous sanctions against Moscow.
Frankly, the United States does not have a government. It is a regime.

What else can we call it when the interests and needs of the vast majority of the nation are not served. A president, Donald Trump, was elected in part because he pledged to normalize relations with Russia.
But instead the political elites and unelected powers-that-be over-ride the popular mandate, to impose their agenda of belligerence.

Rather what is being served is the war-profiting of a corporatist state by a national tiny minority of ignorant and hate-filled politicians who are bought and paid for.
The American regime is implementing more economic sanctions on Russia based on absurd fantasies. The fantasy that Russia carried out a poison-assassination in Britain; the fantasy that Russia interferes in the US elections; the fantasy that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a "Hitler figure" who also controls the US president; the fantasy that Russian news media, like Sputnik and RT, are part of a fiendish Kremlin plot to subvert American society.
How is it possible to conduct a civilized dialogue with such delusional, paranoid people?

US senators pushing for a new round of sanctions on Russia even gloat about their insane belligerence. They whoop and call it "the sanctions bill from hell". One of those senators, John McCain, is dying from brain cancer. Wouldn't McCain be better off thinking about his Maker and trying to leave this world with a modicum of peace? No, it seems.

McCain like the other American lawmakers is so filled with hatred and ignorance he seems to want to end the entire world along with his miserable life.
Make no mistake, what the American Congress is proposing is nothing short of economic warfare with Russia, if this new round of sanctions go into effect. Which seems very likely given the climate of hysteria and Russophobia that the American politicians and their servile corporatist media have generated with their anti-Russia fantasies.

If the insane and ignorant politicians of the US regime get their way, the sanctions on Russia they are ratcheting up will bring the confrontation to a whole new and dangerous level. For these "sanctions from hell" are deliberately formulated in order to attack the core of the Russian economy. The crazed American lawmakers actually declare that they want to "crush Russia" by sabotaging the country's banking system and its freedom to do business with the rest of the world.

We are living in an epic fraught time. It is literally a juncture of war or peace. Russia's politicians have up to now shown formidable forbearance. Unlike their uncouth American counterparts, the Russians never speak of belligerence nor ill-will towards the United States.

Despite the insults and slander from the US regime, the Russians have always maintained their dignity and tolerance. But how long can Russia's forbearance be endured when the psychotic American politicians are launching an economic war on its vital interests?
Again, is it war or peace?

Tragically, the vast majority of ordinary people in the US, Russia and around the world do not want war. We want to live in peace. As with previous cataclysmic wars, humanity is being forced into a slaughter by an unaccountable elite.

So, will it be war or peace? That's up to us, Americans, Russians, humanity, to act. It is certainly not Russian politicians who are making war. The whores for war are the undemocratic elites in Washington. The American rogue regime needs to be abolished and replaced with something that is truly democratic. If not, then disaster could be our fate.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.