An Epic Scandal Consumes the Vatican and Incriminates Pope Francis

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The Rise and Fall of Pope Francis

The Vatican is currently mired in the greatest scandal in the history of the Papacy of Rome.
Pope Francis himself now finds himself in an ever-intensifying existential crisis of his own making.  This unprecedented papal predicament is clearly the result of a profound personal, professional and spiritual crisis.
Pope Francis officially became the Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church on 13 March 2013.  His extremely serious problems within the Holy See began on the very same day, as they continue to plague him as they do parishes throughout the global Church.
One of Francis’s first proclamations to the worldwide Catholic congregation was a “zero tolerance” policy being implemented toward all pedophile priests, bishops and cardinals.
Rather than following through with his stated policy in a forthright and responsible manner, Pope Francis appears to have enabled the same criminal pattern of behavior.  This is especially true where it concerned the bishops, arch-bishops and cardinals in key positions throughout the major Catholic countries.
From the first day that Francis took up residence in Vatican City, he apparently chose to become part of the problem — the priest pederasty problem — rather than a part of the solution.  This pedophile priest problem is by far the most serious matter in church history, in papal history, and perhaps in the history of all religions from time immemorial.
In view of this steadily unfolding catastrophe, a gathering storm has been forming around the globe since March of 2013, while the Perfect Storm is about ready to blow right through the Vatican in 2018.
Virtually every conservative commentator on this subject has made the same observation, that the Pope more stealthily and more surreptitiously continued the very same policies of his predecessors.
He presented the image of a modern-day Saint Francis by taking his name, who is a particularly beloved Italian saint well-known for caring for the destitute and downtrodden, the weak and powerless, the elderly and the young, the sick and oppressed in society.  In this fashion did Pope Francis become the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing, wittingly or unwittingly.

Popes should not play politics on the international stage in the first place, and certainly not on the side of psychopathic globalists. The Roman Pontiff’s reprehensible leadership during the most turbulent period the Church has ever experienced has essentially destroyed the integrity of the entire institution.  For the sacred covenant between congregant and priest has been irreparably damaged, just as the relationship between the Pope and his people has been forever frayed.

The papal tenure of Pope Francis represents a Shakespearean tragedy of truly epic proportions.
His is a story that did not begin well at all if the press accounts of what happened in Argentina when Fr. Jorge Bergoglio was Jesuit provincial are true.  See: Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s 

What is quite noteworthy about Jorge’s rapid ascension to the papacy is that the Society of Jesus was famous throughout its history for shunning the position of Bishop of Rome.  Even their written codes forbid a Jesuit from becoming Pope, the ex officio leader of the worldwide Catholic Church.  Nevertheless, one day in 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio found himself elected Pope by a papal conclave of the College of Cardinals.  That this highly unexpected result occurred in the wake of the first papal resignation in Church history by Pope Benedict made his rise to power all the more mysterious and dubious.

Piggybacking as he did on Obama’s open borders policy, Pope Francis has made mass immigration and open borders the centerpiece of his reign.  So much so in fact that he was provided a joint session of the U.S. Congress to pitch the need for American leaders at every level to embrace unbridled immigration across the USA. See: Pope Francis addresses Joint Session of Congress—Full Speech (Video)

KEY POINT: If the preceding video of Pope Francis demonstrates one thing, it’s that pushing the globalist agenda of multiculturalism and unchecked immigration is his number one priority.  He spent the entire talk attempting to convince Congress about the virtues of accepting every illegal alien and economic immigrant who unlawfully crosses the southern border.  At the same time, the city-state known as the Vatican is fully surrounded by a massive and high stone wall as well as protected by the Pontifical Swiss Guard at every point of entry.

The only good conclusion that can be drawn from the Pope’s zeal in promoting mass immigration for nations large and small is because he is working directly for the NWO globalist cabal.  The very centerpiece of the New World Order agenda is the swift and sure destruction of national sovereignty and territorial boundaries.  In this way, a One World Government can be more easily foisted upon the world community of nations.

That a Roman Pontiff would insert himself so aggressively into the 2016 U.S. presidential election is inconceivable.  Not only did Pope Francis do that, he played the Obama-aligned Pontiff and communist partisan in a manner never witnessed in papal history.

The real scandal concerning the advocacy of illegal immigration within countries that are already overwhelmed is the true reason behind it.  The Roman Catholic Church receives considerable funding for the refugee resettlement program in the United States.  For example the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received $91 million from the Obama administration.  Many other European countries also provide funding to various Catholic charities that provide assistance for their enormous refugee populations.

Thousands of Catholic Women Sign Letter Pleading with Pope to Break Silence on Sex Scandal

In a stunning and beautiful letter, thousands of Catholic women are pleading with Pope Francis to break his silence on the charges leveled by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who alleged that the pope knew of Cardinal McCarrick's abuses and predatory nature, but elevated him instead of sanctioning him or turning him over to authorities.
The letter, originally signed by 53 seminary professors, consecrated women, theologians, missionaries, and mothers of the Church, implores:
Our hearts are broken, our faith tested, by the escalating crisis engulfing our beloved Church. We are angry, betrayed and disillusioned. The pain and suffering of the victims never ends, as each news cycle brings more horrific revelations of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, cover-ups, and deceit—even at the Church’s highest levels.

The letter goes on to state very clearly the most pressing matter for most Catholics right now:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s recent  statement impels us to reach out to you directly for answers. His testimony accuses you, Holy Father, and highly placed cardinals of turning a blind eye to former Cardinal McCarrick’s egregious behavior, and promoting this predator as a global spokesman and spiritual leader. Is this true?

Pope Francis refused to comment on Viganò's charge, saying only, “I read the statement this morning, and I must tell you sincerely that, I must say this, to you and all those who are interested: Read the statement carefully and make your own judgment. I will not say a single word on this.”

This non-response bewildered faithful Catholics everywhere who feel it's far past time to break the silence surrounding the sexual abuse and cover-ups plaguing the Church. The Catholic women go on to chastise the pope for so flippantly ignoring their sincere desire to understand the truth:
To your hurting flock, Pope Francis, your words are inadequate. They sting, reminiscent of the clericalism you so recently  condemned. We need leadership, truth, and transparency. We, your flock, deserve your answers  now.
The women go on to agree with Cardinal DiNardo, who called for an investigation into Viganò's claims. The letter pulls no punches in detailing what needs to be answered, and quickly.

The women explained:
Specifically, we humbly implore you to answer the following questions, as the answers are surely known to you. Archbishop Viganò says that in June 2013 he conveyed to you this message (in essence) about then-Cardinal McCarrick:
“He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”
  • Is this true? What did Archbishop Viganò convey to you in June 2013 about then-Cardinal McCarrick?
  • When did you learn of any allegations of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct with adults by then-Cardinal McCarrick?
  • When did you learn of Pope Benedict’s restrictions on then-Cardinal McCarrick? And did you release then-Cardinal McCarrick from any of Pope Benedict’s restrictions?