Lithuania and Latvia Are Latest Countries to Reject UN Global Compact for Migration

Several European countries have already announced they will not sign on to the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

They fear the agreement will take away their sovereign right to control their own borders.

** The United States
** Poland
** Estonia
** Czech Republic
** Austria
** Hungary
** Switzerland
** Croatian
** Bulgaria
** Australia
** Israel

And now the Latvian and Lithuanian governments announced they will not sign the UN migration pact.

In a bold move the new Italian government barred several migration ships from Africa this year.

Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini also demanded that the Netherlands recall their two Dutch-flagged NGO migrant ships that transport migrants from the African coast to Italy.

For years a fleet of leftist NGO ships worked around the clock to deliver “refugees” to Italy. A number of the organizations sponsoring ships in the armada are funded in part by organizations run by billionaire George Soros.

The Italian government told the Dutch ships: “They should know we are no longer part of this illegal immigration”.

Voice of Europe reported:
The Italian government has drastically reduced the number of migrant landings in the country. Since January this year 23,000 people arrived in Italy by sea and that’s 96 per cent less than two years ago.
The migrants who do manage to arrive mostly come from Tunisia, Eritrea, Sudan and Pakistan.
Italy’s large reduction in migrant landings shows that the policies of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini work. The migration hardliner refused numerous ships into Italy’s ports and made a deal with the Libyan coastguard to return migrants.
While heavily criticised by the mainstream media and the left, Salvini is seen as the most important and most trusted cabinet member.