New World Order

January 16, 1991, President George Bush, Sr. said in a speech, “Out of these troubled times, our objective – A New World Order – can emerge. Today, that New World Order is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known.” (note: this message was written prior to the death of the President, and in no way is a judgment against him. It is about a statement that was made in public about an event that will happen in the last days according to the Bible.)

When this statement was first made, there wasn’t a whole lot of controversy around the globe, as many believed it referred to the United Nations or some other such organization taking on a stronger role in the governing of world affairs. However, Bible Prophecy people felt the hair rise on the back of their necks.
No earth-shattering changes took place right away, but over the last decade the concept of a one-world government has been gaining ground. Open satanic worship has even emerged with little fanfare. Leaders of some European countries are proposing a ten-nation federation to replace the European Union, and even form a military force. The mantra is to be able to have one force to protect all. More and more, different forces are joining together to form mutually advantageous agreements which could be converted by combining resources and power. Socialism is gaining ground even in America through a radical left movement. Russia, Turkey and Iran have formed an alliance for the first time in world history.
Daniel 7:23-25, “This is what he (an angel) told me; the fourth beast means that there will be a fourth kingdom on earth that will differ from all the other kingdoms. It will devour all the earth, and will trample and crush it. (24) The ten horns mean that ten kings will arise from that kingdom. Another King will arise after them, but he will be different from the earlier ones (antichrist). He will humiliate (put down) three kings. (25) He will speak words against the Most High (Lord God Jehovah). He will harass the Holy ones of the Most High continuously (Christians and Jews). His intention will be to change times established by law. They will be delivered into his hand for a time, times and a half time (3 ½ years). (emphasis is mine.) It should be noted, there are maps available of a 10-Kingdom earth on the internet that were made up several decades ago.

Revelation 13:4-7, “…they worshiped the dragon because he had given ruling authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast too saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who is able to make war against him?’ (5) The beast was given a mouth speaking proud words and blasphemies, and he was permitted to exercise ruling authority for forty-two months (3 ½ years). (6) So, the beast opened his mouth to blaspheme God – to blaspheme both His name and His dwelling place that is those who dwell in Heaven. (7) The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.”

Events around the globe that are happening now are leading to a “Global Government”, even though this is not publicly stated at the present. As said in Isaiah 5:20, good is being called evil, and evil is being called good. Christianity is being hit by the majority of the world, as 1 Corinthians 1:18 tells us, “For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.” Many people are on the road to destruction, and few are followers of the Lord just as stated in Matthew 7:13-14.

As stated above, Russia, Iran and Turkey have formed an alliance that is described in Ezekiel. This has never happened before, and the sabers are rattling toward Israel. God’s prophetic description of this about 2500 years ago is just as it was described. Soon, there will be a spark to set events in motion, and the Ezekiel 38/39 war will take place. Economic changes in these countries are causing them to seek other resources of revenue, and Israel with all its wealth is ripe to them. This also has only come about over the past few years with the discovery of oil and natural gas deposits in Israel.

Once the antichrist gets the peace treaty in force, he will be active in setting up his world-wide network or New World Order of total control. There will be many people already in place to help him, and technology will be there so that every square inch of this planet can be monitored. It’s actually there now. It will be “worship the antichrist and take his mark”, or martyrdom. He will be assisted by a false prophet, who will be instrumental in getting the antichrist’s programs and policies implemented.
For all believers world-wide, this will not be a concern. Paul gave us 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. These verses tell us believers will not be here to face the wrath of God. I do not believe the secular world will hear what we hear, but all of a sudden there will be people missing. Some will probably disappear right before their eyes. Paul describes the whole event as taking place in the “twinkling/blinking of an eye”, which is considerably less than one second. We will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air – the dead in Christ first, then those who are alive at the time of the call.

In Sept. 2015, delegates from 193 nations unanimously approved a UN document called “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The preamble of the document called it a “New Universal Agenda.”
The goal is to establish a world government, a world religion and a world economic system by 2030.
The Bible clearly teaches that a satanic world government is coming.
But God is in control and He is not bound by UN goals.
He can speed it up, slow it down or let it take its course.
Having said this, 2030 is slightly more than 11 years away, and the globalists appear to be getting anxious to start the ball rolling on their so-called “New Universal Agenda.”
In a speech at the Paris Peace Forum (on Nov. 11, 2018) that was held to observe the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I, German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacked “nationalism” and “destructive isolationism.”
She was clearly attacking Pres. Trump and his “America First” policies.
She said, “We know that most of the challenges and threats of today can no longer be solved by one nation alone (by the U.S.), but only if we act together (as a world government). That’s why we have to stand up for this kind of collaboration” (why we have to oppose Pres. Trump’s “America First” policies).
She added, “Close international cooperation (globalism) on the basis of shared values (one-world religion) that are enshrined in the UN charters (included in the UN documents): This is the only way to overcome the horrors of the past and pave a new future” (their New Universal Agenda).
Also, in Nov. 2018, it was reported that the UN Human Rights Committee has drafted a memo that calls for abortion to be made a human right and all laws that oppose abortion to be declared illegal all over the world (global laws that supersede national laws).
This is very similar to the recent report that the UN Refugee Agency commanded Pres. Trump to let the people in the caravan that is approaching the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S.
These UN agencies do not have the authority to decide what is illegal in the U.S. or to command the President of the U.S. to comply with their UN orders.
Nevertheless, the UN Human Rights Committee has called for a global law that every nation on earth will be required to obey (one law that supersedes the laws of every nation on earth, including the U.S. Constitution).
It is easy to believe that the UN has changed its tactics and declared war on the U.S. and any nation that disagrees with its desire to establish a one-world government and a one-world global ethic.
The UN is now demanding a worldwide crackdown on nationalist populism (those who oppose globalism, LGBT rights, open borders, Islam and more).
The UN believes national populism (what is popular with the people of a nation) is an evil and growing threat to world government and world religion.
They want opponents of world government and world religion to be prosecuted for violations of international law.
International laws are an effort to silence enough of the opposition to world government and world religion to meet their goal of a global takeover by 2030.
This is no less than a UN demand for the persecution and prosecution of people that oppose world government and world religion.
It will lead to a demand for people to support world government by taking the Mark of the Beast.
In addition to calling for the opposition to be prosecuted for violating international laws, the Antichrist and False Prophet will order the death of those who oppose it.
Incidentally, on Nov. 23, 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke at an event called “Parliamentarianism between Globalisation and National Sovereignty,” and she said, “In this day, nation states must today—should today, I say—be ready to give up sovereignty.”