The Hal Lindsey Report: 2019 What's Next?

A New Year’s Day Politico headline encapsulated the dread filling the political world: “Yes, 2019 Is the Year You Were Worrying About.”
Markets are rattled by a looming trade war with China, a Fed that seems determined to relegate prosperity to America’s rearview mirror, and a level of instability in Washington rivaled in American history only by the runup to the Civil War…. Any of these things could translate into a full-blown recession…. Meanwhile, the rest of the world remains dependent on the teetering American economy for their prosperity.
The North Korea denuclearization deal seems to be falling apart before it even begins…. China is building weapons designed to destroy US aircraft carriers…. The overall buildup of the Chinese military is one of the largest ever undertaken. It includes a heavy emphasis on space weapons and the destruction of the digital infrastructure that America and the West depend on for their very survival…. Russia remains a nuclear superpower, and its President, Vladimir Putin, seems determined to build a new generation of exotic superweapons.
In Washington, a power base entrenched for generations is intent on bringing down this President. They may or may not have legitimate legal arguments against him. We will see as reports finally surface in 2019. But instability in Washington — with fault on both sides — was the hallmark of 2018 and looks to grow even worse in the new year.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in dramatic, even spectacular ways. That’s good news because it means that the return of Jesus is getting closer. But the Bible makes it clear that the buildup to Christ’s return will be anything but pleasant. At some point, those of us who are in Christ will be raptured out of here. But between now and the rapture, difficulties will increase. America’s power and influence may be destroyed even sooner than we had imagined. 
What about you? What about your family, neighbors, and friends? What about your church and community? What happens now? What happens to you and those you love?
Here’s the thing to remember. Psalm 23 still applies. “The Lord is my shepherd.” He’s still my shepherd, even in the end times. “I shall not want.” He still provides for my needs even in economic hard times. “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.”
It’s all still true. And if things become extremely bad, remember verses 4-6. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life.”
I don’t know what will happen in 2019. But I know goodness and mercy will follow me. And if you’re in Christ, they will follow you, too. I believe we will continue to see a fulfillment of the general trends laid out in scripture. Yet, even with that, Jesus said there would be an ebb and flow like with the labor pains of childbirth. That means we can’t make precise, year-by-year predictions.
But if you are in Christ, I know a great deal about your future. The big one is this. You’re headed for heaven! The 23rd Psalm ends with an eternal beginning. “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”