French Yellow Vests Start Bank Run

On Monday, reports arose that France’s Yellow Vest movement, an anti-establishment group with a distaste for President Emmanuel Macron and his policies, was planning to start a run on the banks. One French Youtube account named “Geniale (genius),” which posts videos pertaining to the Gilet Jaune (Yellow Vests), reuploaded a video from Nicolle Maxime, in which he claimed that he’s trying to rally individuals to withdraw money from centralized financial institutions.

Reports are saying that Yellow Vest Protestors in France which is 70% of the population is planning to withdraw all of their money from banks to destabilize the gov.
It will be nearly 46 million people directly revolting against the banking system.#YellowVests #France #BTC
— Suprateek Bose (@SupraBo_) January 8, 2019

A Twitter user going by the name Suprateek Bose stated on the matter that upwards of 70% of all French support Gilet Jaune, meaning that thousands, likely more, will flock to banks in the coming weeks to destabilize the traditional financial system — rife with fractional reserves and supposed bad actors.
As of the time of writing, French media has been quiet on the matter, while local banks have yet to comment. But if history is any indicator (think previous French riots), there’s a chance Maxime’s cries for a bank run might succeed.
/r/Bitcoin quickly picked up on the news, with a Reddit thread on the matter quickly skyrocketing to the top of the forum. Since the thread’s release, just 15 hours ago, hundreds of cryptocurrency diehards have done their best to speculate on the matter. Some lauded the French people for their bravery, with one Redditor writing, “the French have always been the tip of the spear when it comes to societal change and the humiliation of tyrants.” Others expressed similar opinions, claiming that the Bitcoin community is there for French “bank runners.”

In a bare-knuckles effort to collapse the French government, "Yellow Jacket" protesters are abuzz on social media with their plan for this Saturday:  "BANK RUN at 8:00 AM"
For the past 8 weeks or so, tens-of-thousands of French citizens have taken to the streets in protest of conditions in their country. 
They want change.  Instead, they have government using cops to beat them and tear-gas them.
So this Saturday, the "Yellow Jackets" are going for the "kill shot":  They're going after the banks!
Social Media is abuzz today with hundreds of confirmations that the Yellow Jackets intend a deliberate BANK RUN starting this Saturday at 8:00 AM.
The trouble is, as other French citizens see these plans revealed . . .  THEY are already heading to the banks.  Right now.  Today.

This is literally a catastrophe-in-the-making for France; and it's government in particular.
Going after the financial system via an intentional BANK RUN will kill the country economically.  There's no getting around it.  
There simply isn't enough cash money in circulation to cover the withdrawals of all those people.  Same as here in the USA.  Same as . . . . everywhere.
By putting the banks under, it forces the most secret and most powerful people controlling France, to take action.  But just WHAT that action will be is anyone's guess.

Euro Begins To Fall Sharply, Amidst Fears Of Imminent French “Yellow Vest” Bank Run
Within hours of the “Yellow Vest” protesters announcing a bank run in France, the Euro has begun to plunge sharply, already falling 0.23%.
With the proposed “bank run” idea already spreading to neighboring countries such as Italy and the UK, it appears that the effects may be strong. It is important to note that it appears that the alleged “bank run” has not even yet begun – it is only an idea being floated in social media and elsewhere – but it seems to already be shaking up the Euro markets.

 Within hours of the “Yellow Vest” protesters announcing a bank run in France, the Euro has begun to plunge sharply, already falling 0.23%.
With the proposed “bank run” idea already spreading to neighboring countries such as Italy and the UK, it appears that the effects may be strong. It is important to note that it appears that the alleged “bank run” has not even yet begun – it is only an idea being floated in social media and elsewhere – but it seems to already be shaking up the Euro markets.
Many in France have become disillusioned with their government, who they see as openly selling them to globalist interests, and with the EU in particular, who they feel is a tyrannical organization which is overriding the sovereignty of their nation.