Larry Downing/Reuters

Can Obama Keep His Generals In Check In The War Against ISIS? -- Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Daily Beast

The president promised no combat troops to fight ISIS, but his top general says he may recommend them. Why Obama and his commanders are not on the same page for the new war.

In his major address explaining America’s new war against ISIS, President Obama pledged that there would be no U.S. combat troops. On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he may recommend ground forces in the future.

The White House is seeking to gloss over the rift between the president and his top general, but it is clear that just below the waterline Obama is not on the same page as the commanders who will be leading the new fight. U.S. military officials and members of Congress have complained privately for weeks that Obama appears unwilling to commit the resources necessary to achieve his aim of defeating ISIS.

The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Lloyd Austin, the general in charge of the military command that includes Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, recommended a war strategy with a small contingent of special operations forces fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish security forces. But Obama rejected that advice. Obama travels to Tampa Wednesday to meet with Austin about the ISIS strategy on his own turf.

Read more ....

Update #1: Obama to visit Florida for ISIS battle plan briefing -- Orlando Sentinel
Update #2: Obama to huddle with generals planning IS assault -- Times of Israel/AFP

My Comment: There appears to a difference of opinion on how to confront The Islamic State .... but he is the Commander in Chief .... and they will follow his orders.