Russia: Relations with US Need New 'Reset' -- VOA

Russia's foreign secretary said relations between Moscow and Washington need - in his words, a new "reset" - referring to U.S. President Barack Obama's effort to improve ties with Russia in the early days of his administration.

In a Russian television interview airing Sunday, Sergey Lavrov blamed the United States for the strained ties between the two countries.

Lavrov said Russia wants to normalize the relations with the U.S., but he said "it was not Russia who destroyed them."

Read more ....

Update #1: Lavrov: Russia has no desire to continue sanctions war -- ITAR-TASS
Update #2: Russia's Sergei Lavrov: the US cannot change the cold war in its 'genetic code' -- The Guardian
Update #3: Lavrov: High time to rearm, Moscow’s military upgrade long overdue -- RT

My Comment: As I have said a few times in the past .... if you want to know what the Kremlin is thinking .... listen to what Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is saying. So what is he saying (in a nutshell) .... (1) economic sanctions are hurting Russia, (2) the West is not helpful in resolving the crisis in Ukraine, (3) a new U.S. - Russian relationship and understanding has to be developed, but it will not happen in the foreseeable future, and (4) Russia is going to rearm.