After 30 days of Islamic study, weapons training and frugal living, Islamic State recruits are locked in to a lifestyle that few ever rescind. Photograph: Reuters

Inside Isis: From Border Bootcamp To Battle, Jihad Is Run With Ruthless Skill -- The Guardian

Charting the journey of foreign recruits who join the terror group and the juggernaut advance of its battle-hardened leadership

The last leg of the journey to jihad starts on goat trails near the Turkish-Syria border and ends through one of many holes in a barbed wire fence stretching several hundred miles.

Just beyond, in some cases no more than several kilometres away, new recruits are received by extremist leaders waiting in boot camps in towns, villages and abandoned Syrian regime buildings.

There the indoctrination begins. Most who make the journey to Syria are already committed to the hardline worldview. And after 30 days of Islamic study, weapons training and frugal living, they are locked in to a lifestyle that few ever rescind.

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My Comment: A good account on how foreign fighters and recruits join the Islamic State.