© RIA Novosti

After Months Without Natural Gas From Russia, Ukraine Could Face A Cold, Cold Winter -- National Post/Washington Post

KYIV, Ukraine — The frigid water that comes out of the hot faucet of Alexander Korniienko’s shower in Kyiv is a warning for his nation: After months without natural gas shipments from Russia, Ukraine may be facing a chilly winter.

Ukrainian citizens are layering their sweaters in preparation for yet another tough confrontation with the Kremlin, this time over energy. It is a replay of previous wintertime gas cut-offs from Russia that led to accusations that the Kremlin was using its bountiful energy supplies as a political weapon. This year, any wintertime shortfall could be far more serious for Ukrainians already contending with the dire effects of war.

Korniienko has been on the vanguard of those facing the latest gas cut-off, since Kyiv eliminated city-provided hot water in July as a conservation measure. Now he bathes by heating water in pots on his stove and sloshing them over his head.

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My Comment: Even though there has been setbacks to getting a deal .... I am still optimistic that one will be reached. But in the event that an agreement is not reached .... the big fear in Europe is that Ukraine would then start to blackmail them for the natural gas that must transit their country to the markets in the West.