Foreign fighter: Abdirahmaan Muhumed, pictured in Syria, was killed while fighting for ISIS. He had access to planes at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport before he joined the Islamist terror group

Hagel Reveals 'Over 100 US Citizens' Are Fighting Alongside ISIS In The Middle East – A Huge Increase From Previous Estimates -- Daily Mail

* US defense secretary hints that a growing number of Americans are taking up arms with jihadi army in Iraq and Syria – more than 100, up from just a dozen estimated a week ago
* Insists of ISIS: 'You've got to destroy it, because if we don't destroy it, it will get worse'
* Backs up Obama's claim that the US aims to 'degrade and destroy' the militant Islamist group
* Obama caught flak in Estonia on Wednesday for following that proclamation with a weaker goal of making it a 'manageable problem'
* Two ISIS militants killed in recent weeks were Americans

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said Wednesday that the problem of 'foreign fighters' aiding the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) includes far more Americans than has been previously reported – at least 100 and counting.

'We have acknowledged publicly we are aware of over 100 U.S. citizens who have U.S. passports who are fighting in the Middle East with ISIL forces,' he said during a televised interview.

'There may be more. We don't know.'

Earlier estimates had only about a dozen so-called 'foreign fighters' from the United States scattered across the Middle East in ISIS army units.

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Update: Hagel: More than 100 Americans fighting with ISIS -- Sacramento Bee/McClatchy News

My Comment: If there are a hundred Americans who are actively fighting for Islamic State, that tells me that there are probably thousands who may not be directly in the fight (because of age, disability, gender, circumstances, etc.) ... but who are supportive of their cause. Bottom line .... this is a problem that will be with the U.S. for a very long time.