Wing Commander Matt Radnall, Officer Commanding 7 Force Protection Wing, as the very last British troops leave Camp Bastion, Helmand province. Daily Mail

Did UK Intervention In Afghanistan Have Any Value? -- John Simpson, BBC News

As the union jack came down at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province on the UK's 13-year involvement in Afghanistan, there was an unusual amount of introspection in Britain itself.

Was there any real cause for pride? Or had the death of 453 British service personnel been in vain? Had there, indeed, been any value whatever in the British intervention?

The great majority of the ordinary Afghans I have spoken to about this over the years have no doubt about it: the British had helped to shore up this country and make it more stable and prosperous.

'Now,' said a man I came across in the north of Kabul, 'the future is very good, with elections and everything. Before there was nothing like this place here, this road.'

He pointed to the new buildings which had sprung up all round us, and to the well-surfaced road which hadn't even existed before.

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Update: The deaths of 453 brave British servicemen and women in Afghanistan have NOT been in vain, says Defence Secretary Micahel Fallon -- Michael Fallon, Daily Mail

My Comment: The majority in Britain view the Afghan campaign as a Futile exercise .... 68 percent of Brits say Afghan war was futile – poll (RT). What's my take .... I am not optimistic on the future .... even with the billions in aid that the U.S. is still promising .