Kabir Ahmed, who it is reported has blown himself up in Iraq. Derby Telegraph

Inside The Mind Of A British Suicide Bomber -- James Harkin, Newsweek

If Kabir Ahmed is dead, as suspected, he will have become Britain’s first ISIS suicide bomber. For those struggling to understand why a 30-year-old with a wife and three children would end his life in an ISIS attack on an army convoy in a small town north of Baghdad, he left an extensive record. In several interviews over the summer of this year, he told Newsweek how he came to join ISIS and why, in the end, he wanted to give his life to the terrorist cause.

He feared his family would struggle with his choice. “I don’t know if my wife will understand to be honest – even my mother, who I have a good relationship with. They are going to hate me, maybe,” he said in a phone interview from Raqqa, Syria.

“It is for the sake of their religion and their honour. We are not for his life but but the afterlife.”

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My Comment: This is an analysis on how an fanatic who has embraced radical Islam thinks .... but what is even more chilling is his boast that Islamic radicals from around the world are flocking to join IS to fight for the "cause" .... on this point my instincts are telling me that he is probably correct.