Months Of Bombing Makes Small Impact On ISIS' Military Capabilities -- Robert Windrem and Jim Miklaszewski, NBC

After more than three months of air attacks against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria, U.S. intelligence and defense officials say minimal progress has been made toward President Barack Obama’s stated goal to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic terror group.

Intelligence gathered over the past several weeks, which was being presented at a classified briefing for senators on Wednesday, indicates that while airstrikes have stalled offensives by ISIS forces in some areas, in at least one aspect, ISIS appears to be growing stronger despite the bombing.

“The trajectory of foreign fighters is ticking up,” said one U.S. intelligence official, who like the others spoke with NBC News on condition of anonymity. The official cautioned that the figures U.S. intelligence has compiled are estimates and that analysts have “limited insight” into the number of foreign fighters arriving from the West.

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Update: Airstrikes Fail to Slow ISIS' Iraq Killing Spree, Database Suggests -- NBC

My Comment: More evidence that maybe ground troops will be necessary.