US President Barack Obama sits next to Gen. Lloyd Austin during a briefing at US Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, Sept. 17, 2014. (photo by REUTERS/Larry Downing)

Centcom Chief Notes ‘Significant’ Progress in ISIL Fight -- US Department of Defense

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2014 – Three months after the United States began conducting airstrikes against terrorists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the top U.S. military commander for the Middle East today described the progress made toward degrading and destroying the group as “significant.”

“I think we’re having a significant effect on the ISIL element,” Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, commander of U.S. Central Command, told an audience at the Atlantic Council. “The question is, how soon can we get the Iraqis to develop a capability to do what they need to do to sustain the effects and conditions that we’re going to create.”

Hundreds of U.S. military advisors have been in Iraq since June, advising and assisting Iraqi security forces in their effort to take back the estimated one-third of the country -- including Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul -- that ISIL terrorists now control.

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More News On Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III Briefing On The Military campaign Against The Islamic State

Head of Central Command Says Air Strikes ‘Having an Effect” on ISIS -- Sea Power
Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq --
Central Command general to ISIS: We can hear you -- CNN
US general says anti-IS coalition focus remains on Iraq, not Syria -- Al-Monitor

My Comment: President Obama is still unsure that we are winning against the Islamic State .... Obama on ISIS: "Too Early To Say Whether We Are Winning" (Real Clear World), but reports are starting to come in that the Islamic State military campaign is faltering .... Islamic State suffering setbacks in Syria and Iraq (AP)