Obama’s Letter To Iran Rattles Congressional Nerves -- Wall Street Journal

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) expressed concern Thursday when asked about President Barack Obama recent overture to Iran, in which the president outlined a shared interest in countering Islamic State militants in the region.

“I don’t trust the Iranians, I don’t think we need to bring them into this,” Mr. Boehner said.

Mr. Obama secretly sent letter sent last month to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to people briefed on the communication, The Wall Street Journal reported.

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Previous Post: President Obama Wrote Secret Letter To Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei About Fighting The Islamic State And Reaching A Nuclear Deal

Update: Source says reported letter from Obama to Ayatollah ‘f***s up everything' -- FOX News

My Comment: Some are hoping that Tuesday's Republican election victory may actually spur U.S. - Iran negotiations for a nuclear deal .... US Elections Speed Up Iran Negotiations – OpEd (Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, Eurasia Review), and that a deal will be reached during the Congressional lame duck period .... Iran Quietly Fearful of Republican Takeover of Congress (Washington Free Beacon).

As to what is my take .... I am not that optimistic.

Regular reader Publius has a must read analysis/commentary on this development ... the link is here.