Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Business Insider: The Assad Regime Is Running Low On Soldiers

My Comment: Introducing conscription in order to have enough soldiers to fight in this messy and horrific civil war is not going to go over well .... especially when one looks at the high casualty rates for those who have served (100,000 killed in the past 3 1/2 years .... a force of 300,000 at the beginning of he conflict .... to a force of 150,000 today). People are now getting tired of this civil war .... Some Alawites are beginning to question their support for Syria’s Assad (Washington Post) .... and if it was not for the Islamic State and Al Qaeda .... peace feelers and peace talks would probably have happened a long time ago.

More News On The Syrian Government Introducing Conscription To Replace It's Depleted Army

Desperate for soldiers, Assad’s government imposes harsh recruitment measures -- Washington Post
Syria's Depleted Military Ramps Up Conscription --
Syria increasing efforts to build up military after substantial loses -- South China Morning Post
The Syrian Army Is Shrinking, And Assad Is Running Out Of Soldiers -- Business Insider/IBTimes