Sydney Morning Herald: Pakistani crew blows boat up after high-speed chase with Indian navy

WNU Editor: Some in the Indian media are now starting to question this report .... Little evidence of ‘terror’ link, may have been petty smugglers (Indian Express). The Pakistani media is saying that it was a fishing boat .... Pakistani media claims the intercepted boat was a fishing vessel (First Post)

More News On India Intercepting A Boat From Pakistan

Officials: Boat carrying explosives blows up off Indian coast -- Al Jazeera
Pakistani crew blow up fishing boat after chase by Indian navy -- The Guardian/AFP
Pakistani boat laden with explosives blows up off Indian coast, India says -- Euronews/Reuters
Pakistani Boat Explodes After Indian Coast Guard Chase -- VOA
Crew blows up boat off Indian coast after high-speed chase with coast guard -- National Post/Bloomberg
Was Pakistan vessel on a suicide mission? -- One India
Pakistani Boat Blows Up Off Gujarat Coast: Unanswered Questions -- NDTV