Check out a sneak peek at the comic store poster for the global Doctor Who Comics Day, taking place on Saturday 15th August.

Titan Comics is kicking off the event this year with a special 5-part weekly Doctor Who Comics crossover series - Doctor Who: Four Doctors! The series stars the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors and their comics companions and the War Doctor, last seen in the 50th Anniversary episode The Day Of The Doctor.

The miniseries is penned by Paul Cornell (Doctor Who TV series, Wolverine) and illustrated is by Neil Edwards (Justice League United) and will be available to pre-order from June. The first issue will hit comic book stores and be released digitally on Wednesday 12th August. Each of the five issues comes with three covers to collect: an art cover, a photo cover and a companions art cover!

The Doctors: Art covers

For more information and to preview the other covers visit the just launched Doctor Who Comics Day website where you'll soon be able to find out about participating stores, contests and signing events.

Preview the door poster here: