[The video is worth watching]

It has become a common occurrence over the years for Muslims in the Middle East who have converted to Christianity to claim to have been compelled to do so after dreaming of a person who they believe is Jesus Christ. Now, one militant belonging to the brutal Islamic State that has massacred Christians has converted to his victims' religion after dreaming of "a man in white" with a startling message, according to one missionary's account.

"One of our YWAM workers in the Middle East was contacted by a friend earlier this year and they met up and he was introduced to an ISIS fighter who had killed many Christians already. I mean that's a horrible situation, and admittedly, he was probably on guard," Gina Fadely, director of Youth With A Mission Frontier Missions, Inc. (YWAM), said during a recent appearance on The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network.
"One of our YWAM workers in the Middle East was contacted by a friend earlier this year and they met up and he was introduced to an ISIS fighter who had killed many Christians already. I mean that's a horrible situation, and admittedly, he was probably on guard," Gina Fadely, director of Youth With A Mission Frontier Missions, Inc. (YWAM), said during a recent appearance on The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network.

YWAM, a nonprofit missionary organization active since 1960, describes itself as "a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world." The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is another nonprofit that draws attention to Christians facing persecution around the world.

Fadely, who appeared on the VOM radio program along with Kevin Sutter, another YWAM leader, went on to share that this Islamic State jihadi confessed not only to killing Christians but "that he had actually enjoyed doing so."

"He told this YWAM leader that he had begun having dreams of this man in white who came to him and said, 'You are killing my people.' And he started to feel really sick and uneasy about what he was doing," Fadely continued. "The fighter said just before he killed one Christian, the man said, 'I know you will kill me, but I give to you my Bible.' The Christian was killed and this ISIS fighter actually took the Bible and began to read it. In another dream, Jesus asked him to follow him and he was now asking to become a follower of Christ and to be discipled."

"So who knows. Perhaps this man will be like Saul in the Bible that persecuted Christians and he turned from that persecution of the early church to become the Apostle Paul who led it," Fadely added. "God can turn it around."

Sutter, the other YWAM director who appeared with Fadley on the VOM Radio program, shared that he has learned from one of his leaders in the Arab world, an Arab man, that he had been witnessing a "spiritual hunger" that was "unprecedented" among Muslims.

"Many people are now following Jesus but they keep it quiet. They haven't gone public about it. They even have church in their own home, they're watching, they'll serve communion to one another as they're watching TV," Sutter said.

Fadely suggested that God was using dreams to give YWAM missionaries a helping hand in reaching otherwise hard-to-reach groups in the Middle East with the Christian message. She said she believed that dreams were one way in which God was convincing Muslims and other non-Christians to believe in Jesus as savior.

Nabeel Qureshi, an apologist and the author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity, explained the significance of dreams to Muslims in a March interview with The Christian Post.

"In Muslim cultures, generally speaking, people don't see themselves as being able to commune with God. Communion is a very Christian concept and the idea that Christ has torn down the veil — in a lot of cultures the veil is still up. In Islam, for example, people don't expect to have God talk back to them personally, as the Holy Spirit isn't living in them. They ask God for guidance through dreams; that's like the one way that Muslims expect to hear from God," Qureshi explained.

The CBN video below also looks at the phenomenon and offers the accounts of former Muslims who claim dreams of Jesus changed their lives.

hacked document from the Ukrainian Government, in which George Soros, on 12 March 2015 (a month after the Hollande-Merkel Minsk II ceasefire agreement had been signed), advised Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko how to re-arm and resume the war against the Donbass region in Ukraine’s far east. (According to a Russian television report dated 14 April 2011, Soros had been financing the political careers of the people who have now become the leading politicians in Ukraine, since at least 2008.)

The newly revealed document (hacked by “Cyber Berkut,” a reliable source) opened by acknowledging that Ukraine’s military had been twice defeated in their attempt to restore that region to Ukraine’s control (here was the first defeat; and here was the second), and that, both times when a ceasefire was established, it “recognized the facts on the ground” instead of requiring Donbass forces to move back to the earlier war-front demarcation lines. (And here was the final result.)

In other words: Soros acknowledged that both of Ukraine’s previous two invasions of Donbass had been defeated, and he laid out here his plan for a third invasion, yet to come, after the West will have restored Ukraine’s military and taken stronger control over it.

His “Draft Non-Paper/v14,” which presumably was the 14th in a series of ongoing instructions to the Ukrainian Government — the Government that had been established by the U.S. coup in Kiev in February 2014 (and which he was proud to have helped bring about) — was titled, “A short and medium-term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine.” It defined “Short-term” as “The next three to five months,” and “Medium-term” as “The next three to five years.” (There was no “Long-term” in it.)

Soros says: “It is in the collective self-interest of Ukraine’s allies to enable the new Ukraine not only to survive but to prosper; and as long as they can agree on a way of providing adequate support without getting involved in a direct military conflict, they should be able to prevail against Putin’s Russia.” In other words, boiled down, he was saying: “Let’s you and him fight.” “Ukraine’s allies” won’t be the ones spilling blood there, he’s telling Ukraine’s President, whose forces “should be able to prevail against Putin’s Russia.” The U.S. will just send weapons and trainers, to assist in the bloodshed, and the victory “against Putin’s Russia” (not against the residents in Donbass, who don’t even exist, for him).

Before the U.S. coup in Ukraine, the entire nation was at peace, and Crimea was peacefully part of Ukraine, and so was Donbass.

But now that the U.S. had overthrown that democratic Ukrainian Government and installed its own regime (basically, selecting the new leader on 4 February 2014, 18 days before the coup), George Soros is telling them to go to war yet a third time against Russia (not that Ukraine ever actually was at war with Russia), using as the staging-area for America’s proxy-war against Russia, Donbass, on Russia’s very border, and perhaps also even Crimea (which is actually unlikely to be invaded by Ukraine, because Crimea immediately was taken over by Russian troops, in order to prevent the new U.S. regime in Kiev from grabbing Russia’s main naval base, which since 1783 has been located in Crimea. Immediately after the coup, Putin recognized that Russia’s naval base was endangered; and for Ukraine to invade Crimea would thus be for Ukraine to be really and directly at war against Russia itself, which is what Soros seems to want.)

Soros’s document then went into a section titled “II. The Strategy.” This section made clear that the purpose of his war is regime-change in Russia. He said: “While it would be more desirable to have Russia as a partner than an enemy, that is impossible as long as Putin persists in his current policies.” In other words: Russia should be a “partner” but this means replacing Vladimir Putin with a leader whom Washington approves of, just as had earlier happened with Ukraine’s former President, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Obama overthrew. (Yanukovych was just a stepping-stone in this plan to topple Putin.) Whereas America invaded Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussein, Soros wants Ukrainians to get rid of Vladimir Putin, and this requires heavily arming Ukraine. Soros was giving instructions to this regime that he had proudly helped bring into power. But he pretended that doing this would economically benefit Ukraine.

It has now been confirmed that 30 people in South Korea have contracted MERS, a deadly virus from the same family as SARS, and officials believe that number is going to grow. Two people have died, and another 1,364 people are currently being quarantined. The Korean government has closed down over 230 schools to prevent the infection from spreading.

MERS, which stands for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, is a relatively new virus discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012. According to the CDC, people who contract MERS wind up with a severe and often deadly acute respiratory illness.

CNN reported, “The extent of the outbreak in South Korea has taken many by surprise — mainly because the virus has not been shown to spread easily between humans and the health care system in the country is considered to be sophisticated and modern.”

Articles on this growing epidemic continue to stress that it isn’t usually spread easily between humans, but that information seems contradictory to what is actually happening in reality on the ground in South Korea right now.

Apparently it’s spreading easily enough and in well developed nations.
Officials are noting that these cases have stemmed from hospitals, once again proving they aren’t exactly the best place to go for mass viral outbreaks. One hospital in South Korea has been temporarily shut down in an attempt to stop the virus from spreading.

Only two cases have ever shown up in the U.S., both in May 2014. Some 500 individuals have tested negative here since then. Of course, if Ebola is any clue, the U.S. may start shipping MERS patients here… you know, just because the CDC and State Department can.

A mind-boggling 25% of Australians say they are at least “slightly interested” at the prospect of having a chip implanted in their skin that could be used for payments, new research has found.
The research by credit card company Visa and the University of Technology Sydney found Australians are open to the prospect of paying for items using wearable tech including smart watches, rings, glasses and even a connected car.
Things are about to get creepier. The significance of the “mind-boggling 25% of Australians” is that the number is growing into a sizable portion of the population. They are ready to accept it.
If that continues, polls might soon show that 60% and 80% of the population are interested in these devices, and that a 25% or 33% of them are already using them.

Whereas firms like VeriChip met fierce resistance in introducing implantable RFID chips in the wake of 9/11, the furious trend to buy smart technology is making biometrics and data tracking seem passive and benign – even in the face of Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance through a partnership between the government and private industry.
To make matters more conspiratorial, this poll linking the popularity of wearables, implants and digital payments coincides with numerous calls in the financial sector to ban cash and force people to use electronic currency in order to make the enforcement of certain economic policies easier (and to enrich banks with deposit fees, transaction fees and fines, of course).
Will forced RFID implants on a cashless control grid inside an electronic prison planet really be our future?

There are many who will draw a firm red line against it, who will even die before they take it.
But there are others who will line up for it the same way they have lined up for any other release of the latest techno gadget.
As with any other new technology, acceptance by the masses depends upon the early adopters, who typically pay premium prices to get consumer electronic systems before they become the standard, or before most people on the block have them. These are the trendies, who help decide the fate of dualing formats like BetaMax and VHS, HD DVD or BluRay, or iPhone or Android, and set the tone for consumer attitudes, closely monitored by the system.
For something ominous and apocalyptic like the RFID chip – and the soon-to-be dominate consumer field of smart tech and wearables – it is important for the system to gauge what the public will accept, and just how many care about the implications for privacy, etc. compared with all those willing to embrace the conveniences at any social cost.

Also see: