The role of the Doctor in Doctor Who has made it into the top 10 greatest television characters of all time, in a poll carried out by Empire. David Tennant played the iconic role from 2005- 2010. Peter Capaldi is currently cast as the Time Lord.

Also included in the results were Walter White of Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones hero Tyrion Lannister, played by Peter Dinklage, cartoon character Homer Simpson and Benedict Cumberbatch’s incarnation of Sherlock Holmes.

1. Breaking Bad’s Walter White
2. Game of Thrones’ Tyrion Lannister
3. The Simpsons’ Homer Simpson
4. Doctor Who’s The Doctor
5. The Sopranos’ Tony Soprano
6. Sherlock’s Sherlock Holmes
7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
8. 24’s Jack Bauer
9. The Wire’s Omar Little
10. House of Cards’ Frank Underwood

The full top 100 list appears in the August issue of Empire magazine, on sale Wednesday, June 24