Deaths from MERS virus surge in Saudi Arabia

Deaths from Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome have risen in Saudi Arabia. Health officials say they are concerned as the country is preparing to host millions of people for the annual hajj pilgrimage.

Saudi Authorities have recorded 19 fatalities in one week from the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronovirus.
A total of 502 people have died in the kingdom since the virus first appeared in 2012.
The number of MERS infections has also surged to 1,171 cases, according to the Saudi health ministry website.
A surge in infections forced health authorities to shut the emergency room at a main hospital in Riyadh last week after at least 46 people, including medical staff, contracted MERS.
With Saudi Arabia preparing to host more than two million Muslims from all over the world next month for the annual hajj to Islam's holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, health authorities are concerned about the safety of the pilgrims. Saudi Arabia is the country worst hit by the coronavirus.
MERS is considered a deadlier but less infectious relative of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus that appeared in Asia in 2003 and killed hundreds of people, mostly in China.
Symptoms can include fever, coughing, breathing problems, pneumonia and kidney failure.

The Department of Homeland Security released its vision for how enhanced biometrics capabilities will transform the agency’s operations over the next 10 years.
DHS has several biometric-based programs underway, including the Automated Biometrics Identification System as well as various research and development activities within its Science and Technology Directorate and operational components. This DHS strategic framework, released Aug. 26, will be used to identify and align DHS initiatives to meet strategic goals and objectives, the agency said, as well as identify gaps where action plans must be initiated.
The framework has three components:

Enhance effectiveness of subject identification. By updating its outdated biometric collection systems with current biometric technology, DHS will more efficiently collect high-quality biometric data. It will also centralize access to federal and international biometric databases to reduce complexity, eliminate duplication of effort and standardize communications with partners.  Other objectives include improving real-time access from field location and employing a layered identity verification approach that expands the use of multi-modal biometrics beyond fingerprints.  

Transform identity operations to optimize performance.  By automating identity verification, DHS expects to reduce processing time and enhance security. Shifting from an encounter-based to a “person-centric” view will make collected data available to more applications, improving decision making across the agency.  DHS also will work to identify and exploit ways to further implement biometrics to verify identity and reduce vulnerabilities and fraud.

Refine processes and policies to promote innovation. DHS intends to develop joint requirements to more efficiently address overlapping mission needs and oversight requirements, establish department-wide biometrics authorities and implement standardized solutions to minimize maintenance of duplicative services.

With this integrated, enterprise biometric framework that leverages the latest technologies, DHS aims to ensure national security and public safety while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of agency  operations.

An important, but almost completely ignored, development took place recently in the Middle East. I believe it comes as a direct result of the agreement between the West and Iran regarding its nuclear program. 

It has powerful prophetic implications. 

To date, Iran's dominating influence has been exerted mainly among Shi'ite Muslims. The fact that Shi'ites comprise just 15% of the world's Muslims - the other 85% are Sunni - has helped to restrain Iran's global influence. It has effectively kept Iran fenced in. You see, the Shi'ites and Sunnis, though both Islamic, have been locked in a blood feud since 632 AD. 

That fence may be breaking down. 

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently announced that he will travel to Tehran in the near future. He hopes to strengthen ties between Iran and the Palestinians. 

That may not seem like a big deal until we consider the fact that Abbas is Sunni. His dominant political party, Fatah, is Sunni. His main ally (and sometime enemy), Hamas, is Sunni. Most, if not all, Palestinians are Sunni. 

And it is worrying that not only are the Palestinians hoping to "strengthen ties" with Iran, but they are sending signals that they might be willing to subjugate themselves to Iran's authority. 

Recently, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released his new book:Palestine. In it, he totally rejects the two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. He writes, "The solution is a one-state formula... Palestine." 

He also postulates that the new state of Palestine would be under "the hegemony of Iran." In other words, he's calling for a Shi'ite nation to be in control of a Sunni people. This is something that once would have been complete anathema for any self-respecting Sunni. 

But those times are past! 

Not to pile on, but also consider the fact that Mahmoud Abbas is beginning to publicly show support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Assad is an Alawite, a branch of Shia Islam. Further, Assad is primarily supported -- read that "propped up" -- by two nations, Iran and Russia. 

Folks, this is right out of Ezekiel 38! 

Now we all know that Hamas and the PA have been receiving backdoor financial and technical assistance from Iran for years. But it was never out in the open. There was never a Palestinian commitment to Iran. But that now appears to be a distinct possibility. 

Why now? Well, let's consider the fact that because of the efforts of Obama and Kerry (and certainly other culprits, too), Iran is about to be flush with cash. Lots of cash. And two lines are forming to petition for their fair share: European bankers and the world's terrorists. 

I wonder why they need two lines? 

But, wait, it gets even more interesting. 

We all know that Abbas and the PA is essentially a money-making enterprise. That's why it has been in control of the Palestinians for so many years and their lot is still so pitiful -- even though billions and billions of dollars have been poured into the PA's coffers by the dunderheads in the West. The Swiss banks love the PA and its leadership class. 

So why would Abbas risk alienating some Western nations by making a public show of his willingness to cast his lot with the Iranians? I believe it is because they both share a hatred for Israel and the Jews. In fact, that may be the reason other Sunni nations decide to submit themselves to Shi'ite Iran. 

By facing down the West's modern day Chamberlains -- gaining everything and ceding nothing -- Iran has not only hit the cash bonanza, it has elevated its mystique to almost mythic proportions. And the rule of thumb in Islam is to go with the stronger horse. 

Today, to the world's Muslims who hate Israel and the Jews, Iran is definitely the stronger horse. 

It's getting harder to differentiate between Bible prophecy and the morning's headlines, isn't it? 

But, unbelievably, there is another plot twist. 

Not only has the West unleashed upon the world a more powerful, influential, and cash-rich Iran (the world's greatest exporter of terrorism), but its Supreme Leader has made certain that no one can doubt where all of this is headed. 

In his new book, Palestine, the Ayatollah proclaims himself as "the flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem." Say what? Did Obama and Kerry and company know this when they were prostrating themselves and kissing his ring? 

They had obviously overlooked his descriptions of Israel as a "cancerous tumor" and "ally of the American Great Satan." They apparently paid no mind to Khamenei's encouragement of chants of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" at his rallies. 

They seemed to be in a mindless mad dash to reach a "deal" no matter the implications of the deal. And now, we're beginning to realize those implications. 

Did I mention that this is right out of Ezekiel 38? 

The Bible prophets predicted that in the last days Russia would lead a confederacy of nations against Israel that included a host of Muslim nations led by Iran. Some critics have raised an eyebrow and noted that Sunni nations -- which describes most Muslim nations -- would never be led by a Shi'ite nation. 

I suppose they can lower that eyebrow now. 

Don't miss this week's Report here Sunday.

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