Thursday, 20 August 2015
Doctor Who: Legacy 3.0 Materializes in Stores Everywhere
Today sees the launch of the latest in nearly two years of adventures for Doctor Who fans of all ages, in the award-winning Doctor Who: Legacy mobile game.
This week fans will find new storylines with the “Sonic Adventures” and “Doctor Who: Legacy Kids”, and a variety of new gameplay features and levels. 3.0 is a lead in to the Season 9 live plans for Doctor Who: Legacy which includes weekly support of the new season of the television show with new levels inspired by the episodes.
3.0 brings players the "Sonic Adventures" story arc, led by the First Doctor and includes new “sonic” versions of beloved characters Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, River Song, and the introduction of the classic Third Doctor companion, Jo Grant and the addition of the First Doctor’s Signet Ring. The “Sonic Adventures” will find players unlocking a full team of new Sonic Adventure characters and utilizing them to collect most of the sonic devices and gadgets from over the years of Doctor Who. This is the first paid, optional add-on to the game. The USD $9.99 unlock will grant players access to 30 new levels and over 20 guaranteed reward characters including sonic screwdrivers, sonic lipstick, sonic cane, and more.
Another major feature of 3.0 is the addition of "Doctor Who: Legacy Kids", a special dedicated area for the youngest Doctor Who fans, inspired by the popular "Anna's Playground" levels. These levels are much loved by fans and their children and led to the creation of the new optional area of the game with a charming new art style created by BBC Worldwide. The Kids area unlocks for USD $4.99 and allows children a simplified experience of the game with no team creation, easier enemies and it will be updated over time like the game’s Fan Area. While adventuring in the kids area they will collect a series of costumes in the new art style for their parents as they complete the levels!
As with Season 8 in 2014, the Legacy team is working closely with the BBC Doctor Who brand team and BBC Worldwide to prepare the game for the new season of the show. For the second year running, fans of Doctor Who: Legacy will find new levels based on the new episodes of the show the day after they air.
Doctor Who: Legacy, played by nearly 2 million Whovians, is now over 100 hours of playable content and includes all 13 Doctors, over 140 playable allies and companions. The game also includes enemies from throughout the 51 year history of the show, extended universe content from Big Finish, Titan Comics, and George Mann’s Engines of War novel, as well as the Bigger on the Inside 8-bit style retro adventure.
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