In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion

Remarks made by Pope Francis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan have sparked a firestorm of criticism from those that do not believe that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  Many have taken the Pope’s remarks as a major step in the direction of a one world religion, and the truth is that the Pope has made other such statements in the past.  In recent years, the theory that Christianity and Islam are just two distinct paths to God among many others has rapidly gained traction all over the planet.  Some religious leaders have even gone so far as to try to merge Islamic and Christian practices, and the term “Chrislam” is now often used to describe this ecumenical movement.  If all this sounds incredibly strange to you, just keep reading, because this is just the tip of the iceberg.
What Pope Francis had to say at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan has received very little coverage by the mainstream media, but it was exceedingly significant.  The following is how he began his address

I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.
In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.

He did not choose those words by accident.  In Islam, Allah is known as “the all-merciful one”.  If you doubt this, just do a Google search.
And this is not the first time Pope Francis has used such language.  For instance, the following comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting as Pope…

I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.
The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.

Pope Francis clearly believes that Christians and Muslims worship the exact same God.  And so that helps to explain why he authorized “Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran” at the Vatican for the first time ever back in 2014.
Catholicism and Islam are the two largest religions on the entire planet, and so any one world religion would need to incorporate both of those belief systems.  Sadly, this Pope seems to be quite eager to lay the groundwork for such a one world religion.
Pope Francis made another statement at St. Patrick’s Cathedral that has shocked believers all over the planet.  Apparently this Pope seems to think that the cross was a “failure”

The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.

After he made that statement, he didn’t continue to go on and explain that the cross was ultimately a great victory.  He just ended his thought and moved on to other topics.
Needless to say, many are extremely upset by this.  The following comes from Leo Zagami of

These words have of course outraged most true Christians around the world who cannot imagine Christianity without the value of the cross, which symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for mankind. It’s impossible for a Christian of any denomination to imagine the very essence of their faith being discussed in this way, let alone by the Pope. The fact that blood was shed on the cross by Jesus for the ultimate self-sacrifice that could help rid mankind of all sins is one of those essentials of the Faith that should never be questioned.
The mainstream media persists with their undying affection for Pope Francis, never commenting on this outrageous statement.
But even though the Pope is saying things like this, his legend just seems to grow by the day.  Even in the United States, throngs of faithful devotees are treating him like he is some sort of supernatural being

Everywhere he goes, Pope Francis attracts worshipful crowds of people, straining and reaching to touch any part of him as if something spiritual and holy could be imparted to them by doing so. People weep, they cry, they hold up their sick children and beg him to touch them in the hopes they will be healed.

I don’t know about you, but major alarm bells start going off for me when I read stuff like this.
We are witnessing the initial stages of the rise of a one world religion, and much of the planet is ultimately going to embrace it.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not intend to announce the termination of the Oslo Accords or to declare Palestine an occupied state during his upcoming speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, contrary to previous reports, according to Palestinian sources in Ramallah.
These sources told The Times of Israel on Monday, however, that Abbas does plan to give Israel a “deadline” — as yet unspecified — for “meeting its obligations” lest the Palestinians go ahead and announce the Oslo Accords null and void.

Under the 1993 agreement, the Palestinian Authority administers civil and security control over the West Bank’s major cities, which are delineated as Area A. Area B is under PA civil control, but with joint security control with Israel while Area C — the bulk of the West Bank — is under Israeli control.

The possible announcement comes after weeks of reports in the Palestinian press that Abbas was prepared to drop a “bombshell” during his UN speech.
According to a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, the Palestinians have been sending messages to Israel on the contents of the speech and Abbas’s intentions.
The newspaper published an article Monday, based on a PA document(in Arabic), describing the contents of a September 9 meeting between former Israeli minister Meir Sheetrit and Abbas in Ramallah some two weeks ago during which the PA leader asked Sheetrit to convey to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Palestinians did not intend to escalate matters with unilateral decisions, but did plan to issue sharp statements.

The newspaper also reported that PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and PA Civil Affairs Minister Hussein al-Sheikh informed Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Major-General Yoav Mordechai that Abbas would announce that “Israel could not be a partner for peace if it did not meet its obligations within an established timeframe.”

Similarly, Abbas will also suggest that Netanyahu, who is set to speak before the UN on Thursday, announce that the Israeli government is prepared to “move forward with a permanent peace process with the Palestinians.”

Palestinian officials said Kerry sought to ensure American involvement in any peace bid, and therefore asked Abbas to postpone the meeting.

Relative calm was restored to the Temple Mount Monday afternoon after a morning of clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian rioters.

The renewed violence broke out Monday morning with Palestinian protesters hurling rocks, firebombs and firecrackers at Israeli police forces. The rioters also barricaded themselves inside the al-Aqsa Mosque on the compound.

Israel Police imposed an indefinite ban on male Muslim worshipers under the age of 50 from entering the site after a Channel 2 report emerged Sunday night showing images indicating Palestinian protesters were planning for more violence, stockpiling rocks and setting up barricades.

The Syrian government criticized France late Sunday for carrying out a series of airstrikes on an Islamic State training camp in Syria, arguing that the attacks were not coordinated with Damascus.
“The French president has not coordinated those actions with the Syrian president,” the Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari told the Russian news agency TASS.

“The French military acted without an agreement with the Syrian armed forces. It is impossible to be fighting terrorism other than in cooperation with the legal government in Syria and the Syrian military. This is exactly what [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin meant calling the Syrian army the only legitimate force to deal with in fighting terrorism.”

Jaafari also rebuked French President Francois Hollande for calling for a regime change in Syria on Sunday, saying such a call was in contradiction with the UN charter. 
“Words of the kind are clueless, especially at the UN headquarters,” he said, adding that France has no right to “fight terrorism this way — unilaterally.”

Hollande said Sunday that six French jet fighters targeted and destroyed an Islamic State training camp in eastern Syria, making good on a promise to go after the group that the president has said is planning attacks against several countries, including France.
The airstrikes were the first in Syria by France as it expands its mission against IS.
“The camp was totally destroyed,” Hollande said Sunday after arriving at the United Nations, before the start of a major development summit and the UN General Assembly bringing together world leaders.

The US media is alarmed that Moscow has gained yet another tool to strengthen its positions in Syria – a "rival coalition", which includes Iran, Syria, and, what came as a surprise to the US – its perceived ally Iraq; which will not only allow Moscow to support President Assad, but also to influence the choice of his successor when the time comes.

"For the second time this month, Russia moved to expand its political and military influence in the Syria conflict and left the United States scrambling, this time by reaching an understanding, announced on Sunday, with Iraq, Syria and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State," The New York Times reported.

The comment comes after the announcement on Sunday of a newly-inked intelligence-sharing agreement between Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq; the US wasn't invited in on the deal.
"American officials knew that a group of Russian military officers were in Baghdad, but they were clearly surprised when the Iraqi military’s Joint Operations Command announced the intelligence sharing accord on Sunday," the newspaper says.

“It was another sign that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was moving ahead with a sharply different tack from that of the Obama administration in battling the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, by assembling a rival coalition that includes Iran and the Syrian government.”

“The effort, which Mr. Putin is expected to underscore in his speech at the United Nations on Monday, not only puts Moscow in a position to give military support to Mr. Assad, its longtime ally in the Middle East, but could also enable the Kremlin to influence the choice of a successor if Mr. Assad were to eventually leave power,” it added.

Russia’s moves are raising difficult questions for the Obama administration, which remains deeply conflicted about American military involvement in the Syria conflict, the outlet stated.

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