Anticipating Hezbollah action, Israel shells Lebanon border

The Israel Defense Forces shelled the Lebanese border for the fourth consecutive day on Sunday, aiming to deter an attack by Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.

The group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has repeatedly vowed revenge for the assassination of arch-terrorist Samir Kuntar two weeks ago, which has been attributed to Israel.

Anticipating such a response, the army has been firing artillery rounds at the border fence. The army reportedly expected the terror group to take advantage of the stormy weather and the poor visibility to launch a strike.

On Sunday, Nasrallah reiterated the group’s threats of revenge, saying the retaliation will “certainly come.” His comments echoed those he made the week before, in which he warnedthat retaliation for Kuntar’s assassination was “inevitable.”

“The Israelis are worried and they should be worried — along the border, inside Israel and outside of it,” he was quoted as saying by Lebanese news site Naharnet. “The Israelis are hiding like rats along the border.”

Nasrallah added that Hezbollah was not afraid of Israeli threats of a crushing response to any potential attack, adding that the terror group “cannot tolerate that the blood of our jihadist fighters and brothers be shed anywhere in this world.”

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot fired back at the terror group last Monday, promising swift retaliation for any strike, and “harsh results.”

The Islamic terror group will activate hundreds of sleeper cells in “dozens of countries” in an unprecedented bid to destabilize Western governments and spark a huge military confrontation with the West and Arab nations in the Middle East.

The shock claim, from one of the world’s leading authorities on the death cult, comes amid fears of a  and other major world cities. Islamic State has carried out more than 50 attacks in 18 countries that have killed 1,100 people and injured 1,700 since it declared its caliphate in 2014.

And next year will see a huge increase in both the number and scale of major terror attacks, according to Dr Theodore Karasik, a Gulf-based analyst of regional geo-political affairs who has extensively studied ISIS’s behaviour.
He warned: “ISIS’s media operation is taunting its enemy to come to fight their Final Battle. “But first, it wants to show its global reach with zeal…from cells, to lone wolves, to bedroom jihadists – to target landmarks and crowds in dozens of countries across the world.”

Dr Karasik added: “There are close to 40 ISIS affiliates globally with millions of adherents and believers around the world. The New Year may ring in with disturbing terror attacks. “ISIS is an airborne disease and still remains robust as the movement enters into a new combative and aggressive phase.

“The level of ISIS’s destructiveness, to force confrontations across the world, indicates that 2016 is likely to be more chaotic than 2015.

Baghdadi called for the overthrow of the Saudi government and promised his forces would soon advance on Israel. “You will never find comfort in Palestine, Jews,” he said. “Palestine will not be your land or your home, but it will be a 
graveyard for you.”

Baghdadi added: “He is following the script announced in 2014 to expand in the Levant into the upper tier of the Arabian Peninsula by 2019. “They want to destabilize Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Gulf states. The messaging is clear: ISIS is continuing to challenge its enemies near and far.

At last, we have a peer-reviewed paper that accurately surveys how much support there is for anthropogenic global warming among relevant scientists. And the news isn’t good for Al Gore, nor for Barack Obama, who sees climate change as our number one national security threat.

The widely cited figure of 97% of scientists supporting man made global warming theory has always been a fraud:

 …a Canada-based group calling itself Friends of Science has just completed a review of the four main studies used to document the alleged consensus and found that only 1 - 3% of respondents "explicitly stated agreement with the IPCC declarations on global warming," and that there was "no agreement with a catastrophic view."

"These 'consensus' surveys appear to be used as a 'social proof,'" says Ken Gregory, research director of Friends of Science. "Just because a science paper includes the words 'global climate change' this does not define the cause, impact or possible mitigation. The 97% claim is contrived in all cases."
The Oreskes (2004) study claimed 75% consensus and a "remarkable lack of disagreement" by the other 25% of the abstracts she reviewed. Peiser (2005) re-ran her survey and found major discrepancies. Only 1.2% or 13 scientists out of 1,117 agreed with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) view that human activity is the main cause of global warming since 1950.

Investor’s Business Daily reveals the devastating new research:

….a peer-reviewed paper showing that only 36% of 1,077 geoscientists and engineers surveyed believe in the man-made global warming crisis as defined by the United Nations' Kyoto model.

Thirty-six percent is not insignificant. But it certainly is a long way from the oft-cited 97% "consensus" among scientists that man is causing temperatures to change.

Researchers behind "Science or Science Fiction? Professionals' Discursive Construction of Climate Change," which appeared in Organization Studies, also found "the proportion of papers" collected from a science database "that explicitly endorsed anthropogenic climate change has fallen from 75%" between 1993 and 2003 "to 45% from 2004 to 2008."

The Heartland Institute's James Taylor reminds us in Forbes that "survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims."

As the global warming fraud continues to garner support from the world’s political leaders, who recently jetted to Paris by the hundreds to affirm their need to seize control and tax the world’s use of energy, the bogus nature of the “evidence” for it continues to be exposed.

And who better to target than Al Gore, that fat profiteer, who has made a nine figure fortune off the con game, and who flies around in private jets, has multiple gigantic, energy-sucking houses, and is generally a pathetic excuse for a seer.

Back when the fraud was widely accepted, Al made a foolish prediction that Anthony Watts of is holding him to:

On January 25th, 2006, while at the Sundance film festival, screening “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore said this as chronicled in an article by CBS News:

The former vice president came to town for the premiere of “An Inconvenient Truth,” a documentary chronicling what has become his crusade since losing the 2000 presidential election: Educating the masses that global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of life.

And politicians and corporations have been ignoring the issue for decades, to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.
He sees the situation as “a true planetary emergency.”

That’s it. Three weeks from tomorrow, it is all over for us, because CO2 emission have continued to grow.  Watts deploys the scientific data showing that the Gorepocalypse is not developing in surface temperatures, killer storms, and the other indicia of doom.

Make no mistake: if a prominent conservative, much less a former VP and GOP presidential candidate, had predicted doom by a certain date, the media the media would dog that person everywhere, asking where is the apocalypse?

I say we continue to highlight the countdown. We have only 22 days left, according to Al.
Gorepacalyspe now!

  It is no secret that there is an established, successful movement in this nation aimed at destroying our Bill of Rights; and our entire Constitution if the movement is successful. The vehicle in which these treasonous leeches travel in is called Political Correctness, and it has all but killed our 1st Amendment in America.

How many times in a week do you hear the term, “that’s not politically correct?” If you work in a location with numerous employees, you probably hear it a lot. Although people who use the term likely do so harmlessly, what they are essentially doing is aiding the aforementioned movement to keep us quiet by ways of the herd mentality; who would like nothing more than to either kill us or put us in chains, but that’s a topic for another article. If you can gauge the success of a movement by the numbers of people who participate, the “political correct” crowd have hit numerous home runs against an unwitting populace.
When you look back at history, some of its greatest and most influential leaders were not politically correct.
– Martin Luther King
– Gandhi
– Malcom X
– Every Founding Father
And I could go on and on… These men, all great in their own right, refused to let the chains of political correctness bind their most prized asset, their voice.
If you wake up one day and your 1st Amendment has been abolished, your death or imprisonment will soon follow. It’s that serious. So serious that I will close with one of my favorite quotes; a quote which illustrates what happens when political correctness wins the day.
“They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. And then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
Rev. Martin Niemoeller, a Protestant minister in Nazi Germany, in 1945

Since we first highlighted the potential for a "catastrophic event" in Missouri three months ago, there has been little mainstream media coverage. However, as Claire Bernish via notes, residents near the smoldering fill have expressed increasing frustration with the quarreling agencies offering few answers for an increasing number of health issues, like asthma. For now, it’s startlingly apparent no one knows exactly what’s happening with the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills - though the smoldering below the surface doesn’t cease and floodwaters continue to rise.

What happens when radioactive byproduct from the Manhattan Project comes into contact with an “underground fire” at a landfill? Surprisingly, no one actually knows for sure; but residents of Bridgeton, Missouri, near the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills — just northwest of the St. Louis International Airport — may find out sooner than they’d like.

And that conundrum isn’t the only issue for the area. Contradicting reports from both the government and the landfill’s responsible parties, radioactive contamination is actively leaching into the surrounding populated area from the West Lake site — and likely has been for the past 42 years.

In order to grasp this startling confluence of circumstances, it’s important to understand the history of these sites. Pertinent information either hasn’t been forthcoming or is muddied by disputes among the various government agencies and companies that should be held accountable for keeping area residents safe.

West Lake Landfill was placed on the National Priorities List in 1990, giving the Environmental Protection Agency regulatory authority through its designation as a Superfund site. However, the area wasn’t a planned radioactive waste storage site. Uranium processing residue leftover from the World War II-era Manhattan Project was originally dumped there, illegally, by a contractor for former uranium processing company and General Atomics affiliate, Cotter Corporation in 1973.

Unfortunately, though at least 100,000 tons of nuclear weapons-related residue made their way to West Lake, the exact physical boundaries marking the location of this radioactive waste remain unknown to this day. In fact, because of the ongoing subsurface “fire” at the Bridgeton Landfill, the EPA began conducting tests, which in March 2014 detected the presence of radioactive material further south than it expected — 100 feet inside the bounds of the Bridgeton fill. According to Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., Robert Alvarez, in a 2013 report investigating the West Lake site:

“Of significance is the fact that the largest estimated amount of thorium-230, a long-lived, highly radiotoxic element is present at West Lake — more than any other U.S. weapons storage or disposal site. Soil concentrations of radium-226 and thorium-230 are substantially greater than mill tailing waste. The waste residues from the Mallinckrodt [Chemical Works uranium processing] site were found to contain the largest concentration of thorium-230 from any single source in the United States and possibly the world. Thorium-230 concentrations were found to be some 25,000 times greater than its natural isotopic abundance. […]

“Given these circumstances, the West Lake Landfill would violate all federal legal requirements, established over 30 years ago, for licensing of a radioactive waste disposal site.”

On Dec 30, a peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal for Environmental Radioactivity, disclosed a startling fact about West Lake: radiological contamination has, indeed, seeped outside the already vague boundaries of the site. According to the study:

“Analysis of 287 soil, sediment, and house dust samples collected in a 200 km2 [77.2 mi2] zone in northern St. Louis County, Missouri, establish that offsite migration of radiological contaminants from Manhattan Project-era uranium processing wastes has occurred in this populated area.

Earlier this week, as rain inundated the area, several stills and videos uploaded to the West Lake Landfill Facebook page evidenced spontaneous, active runoff waterfalls flowing directly from areas designated radioactive, collecting in pools, traveling in drainage ditches to streams and creeks — and ultimately, pouring into the now epically-flooded Missouri River. “How could anyone make the argument that RIM is not leaving that site?” State Rep. Bill Otto asked rhetorically after viewing the footage. But EPA spokesperson, Angela Brees, did exactly that, saying — despite strikingly plain evidence to the contrary — the runoff rainwater “came from within the Bridgeton Landfill.”
There is, of course, yet another aspect to this radioactive tangle: the ongoing subsurface fire at Bridgeton Landfill, West Lake’s all-too-immediate neighbor.

Of greater urgency for many, partly due to a number of unknowns, concerns the increasing likelihood the subsurface fire will reach and ignite the nuclear weapons-waste material.

Residents near the smoldering fill have expressed increasing frustration with the quarreling agencies offering few answers for an increasing number of health issues, like asthma. Meanwhile, a group of residents in Coldwater Creek, nearer the West Lake site, filed a class action lawsuit against Mallinckrodt, the original handler of the nuclear waste material, claiming there have been an astonishing 2,700 cancer cases clustered around the creek — including a number of rare cases of appendix cancer. Even fully testing the creek for radioactive materials will take years to complete.
By its very nature, this incredibly complex and interwoven morass makes solutions difficult and laboriously slow in coming. Theoretical fixes that could apply to, say, containing radioactive materials to the West Lake site, might have negative consequences should the long-smoldering subsurface reaction come into play. Inaction in containing the subsurface fire, in the hope of definitively locating bounds of radioactive waste, have meant further advancement of that very fire in the meantime. With so many unknowns, St. Louis County issued an emergency plan in 2014 “to save lives in the event of a catastrophic event at the West Lake Landfill” — which, though well-intentioned, did nothing to calm nervous residents in the area.
For now, it’s startlingly apparent no one knows exactly what’s happening with the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills — though the smoldering below the surface doesn’t cease and floodwaters continue to rise.

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