German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for “intensive action” against anti-Semitism on Saturday, urging vigilance particularly when dealing with young people from countries “where hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism is widespread.”
“Anti-Semitism is more widespread than we imagined. And that is why we must act intensively against it,” Merkel, who on Monday will inaugurate an exhibition in Berlin titled “The Art of the Holocaust,” said in her weekly video podcast.
In late November Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, expressed concern that many asylum seekers coming into the country come from cultures “in which hostility toward Israel and antisemitism are a common practice.” Merkel said these concerns must be taken “seriously.”
[Below is just the introduction of this long article which cites specific aspects on the topic chronologically, and the list is extremely long]
Representative André Carson (D-Indiana), a convert to Islam, was appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Carson has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Officials at the Rocky Heights Middle School in Littleton, Colorado, ignited controversy when they told female students to dress according to Sharia law while visiting a mosque during a field trip.
Islamic politics "advocates the world's greatest double standard: if you come to our country, we won't let you worship the way you want, we won't let you say what you want to say... However, we have come to your country, therefore we have the right to do whatever we want to do, including kill you if you make us mad." — Former US President Bill Clinton.
Fouad ElBayly, an Egyptian-born imam who in 2007 said that Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali should receive the death penalty for her criticism of Islam, is now a Department of Justice contractor hired to teach classes to Muslims who are in federal prison. – The Daily Caller
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under Allah...." – Arabic rendering of the Pledge of Allegiance, Pine Bush High School, New York.
Breitbart News revealed the existence of what is believed to be the first official Sharia law court in the United States, in Irving, Texas. The so-called Islamic Tribunal settles civil disputes among the growing Muslim population.
The problem with this argument is that alcohol has been in Germany for a long, long time, and there was never a mass of rapes and sex assaults as there was in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve. The cause of the rapes and sex assaults was the Islamic attitude toward Infidel women — that they can be taken and used sexually (cf. Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). But no one, least of all the German authorities, wants to face that fact.
“Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group,” by Darren Boyle, MailOnline, January 22, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
"Germany needs to ban alcohol if it wants to prevent further sexual violence and to help North African migrants integrate into society, a Muslim pressure group has claimed.
Commenting on the Cologne sex-attack controversy, MuslimStern, which has 20,000 followers on Facebook, said its mission was to ‘highlight the way the media was using the incidents to promote racism against minorities’.
The group complained that the female victims had brought the unwanted attention to themselves by dressing in a manner that North African men were not accustomed to.
The group claimed: ‘You cannot expect to chuck a naked antelope in front of a lion and not expect it to react. It is mind boggling that with so much time spent teaching children about sex at school, they completely forget to pass on this basic biological fact.’
As a consequence of the attacks, they urged the German government to introduce a ban across the country on the consumption of alcohol.
The group also blamed women for getting attacked by inciting the young men.
In one section of the Facebook post, which has since been deleted, the group claims: ‘Some women should think about whether it is wise to lightly dressed and drunk, to go between hordes of drunken men.
‘In general, the woman wearing due to their nature have a responsibility when it goes out of the house.
‘You can not throw a naked antelope from a lion and expect that at the lion stirs nothing.
The North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government has released the full log of offences recorded in the city centre on New Year’s Eve, which lists in detail the forms of crimes committed, and the genders of those attacked.
With crimes ranging from mere pickpocketing to full blown “group rape”, what Germany’s Bild newspaper calls the “list of shame” runs to a staggering 821 complaints. When considering all the major cities of the NRW state including Cologne, Dusseldorf, Dortmund and Bielefeld the number of complaints is closer to 1,000.
In the list, sexual offences are recorded 359 times, and 659 women are recorded as having been victims.
In a statement to parliament today, NRW interior minister Ralf Jäger revealed although there were 1,049 victims, the police had only identified 30 suspects. All of the suspects are “North Africans”, 15 are officially asylum seekers — meaning they have not yet had their paperwork for indefinite leave to remain stamped by the German government — and two are under the age of 18.
The government minister who released the list, Ralf Jäger has kept his job despite being heavily implicated in the chaos that unfolded as violent migrant gangs savagely attacked German men and women enjoying their night out on New Year’s Eve. As reportedby Breitbart London at the time, the chief of police requested extra officers to be deployed to Cologne, but the appeal was turned down by minister Jäger.
The Cologne migrant rapes, and concurrent attacks in other European cities has been one of the most shocking developments in the European migrant crisis this year. Beyond the attacks themselves, the initial cover up first by the Cologne police, and then by the German media which wilfully under-reported events and obscured the migrant origin of the violence has caused anger in Germany and elsewhere. The events have even imperilled the Chancellorship of Angela Merkel, who is seen in Germany as being the prime driving force behind Germany’s open door policy to millions of newcomers.
Kiran was killed in Pakistan, but we have already heard a variation on the idea that “Christians girls are only meant for one thing: the pleasure of Muslim men” in Europe: “German girls are just there for sex.” Muslim men committed mass rapes and sex assaults all over Europe on New Year’s Eve, operating in line with the Qur’an’s allowance for men to take Infidel women as sex slaves (4:3; 4:24; 23:1-6; 33:50). How long will it be before Muslim men in Europe and the U.S. begin to kill those women and girls who resist them?
A Christian girl has been killed after she and two friends shrugged of the advances of some young drunken Muslim men from one of the elite areas of Lahore, Defence Colony.
Kiran (17 years), Shamroza (18 years) and Sumble (20 years) three Christian girls were simply walking home through Defence Colony after a hard day’s work as beauticians, on their way to their deprived Christian community in Baowala.
They had set off at 9pm on 13th January, with intention to get home quickly before it got too unsafe so they could get some rest before returning to work the following morning. On this fateful night however they were accosted by four allegedly drunk Muslim in a maroon car, who started to misbehave with them.
The intoxicated men shouted suggestive and lewd comments at them and were harassing them to get into the car with them for ‘a ride and some fun’.
The three girls explained that they were devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage and bravely scolded the young men for their untoward advances. This caused an immediate change in the demeanour of the boys who became more aggressive and started to threaten the girls to enter the car or to be physically forced in.
Terrified of the increasingly dangerous situation they were in the girls started to run in a fit of panic. This only enraged the young Muslim men further, one of them shouted out at the girls, he said:
“How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing the pleasure of Muslim men.”
The inebriated men drove aggressively after the girls and crashed their car into them. The impact on Shamroza and Sumble threw them to the sides of the vehicles and sharply to the ground. The result of crashing into the hard street surface caused Shamroza to break several ribs and Sumble broke her hip. Kiran was even more unfortunate as the impact of the car lifted her off the ground and on to the bonnet of the car, where she thumped the windscreen. The young men continued to laugh in their drunken stupour and increased their speed, finally braking when they could see another car before them. The momentum of the emergency stop threw Kiran up into the air and rapidly onto the floor where she cracked her head open and smashed numerous bones, the resulting internal bleeding killed her within minutes.
“All three families are really shook-up, Shamroza and Sumble are grateful to God for saving them but have been inconsolable at the loss of a close friend. Other girls in the local area are now too scared to travel at night and are being accompanied by the men in their families. The community wants justice for poor Kiran and seeks an end to the targeting of young Christian girls.”
A group of migrant men and women were caught on security camera at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony engaging in unacceptable behaviour, including masturbating into the jacuzzi. In separate incidents other groups of migrants were caught “contaminating” the children’t training pool by “emptying their bowels in the water”, and sexually assaulting other bathers, reports Bild.
The allegations against the migrant bathers has come to light thanks to a leaked internal letter from the Zwickau Town Hall, between the chief clerk to his department head, reproduced in part by German tabloid Bild. Writing of the historic swimming pool’s decision to close their doors to migrants until further notice, Rainer Kallweit wrote this week of a shocking incident which has left the baths abandoned by local swimmers.
Writing of another pool under his jurisdiction in the down of Zwickau, the town employee continued to say a group of “young unaccompanied women and children” used the children’s training pool, as none of the party could swim. He wrote, in classic civil servants language they “contaminated the pool by getting rid of the contents of their intestines. Native people immediately left the pool”.
This was not the only assault on the pool. The day before, wrote Mr. Wallweit “8 foreign men … in the sauna” harassed locals, forcing pool staff to pretend the Sauna was out of action when enquiries were made my migrant men, if there were at that time local women using it. He told his superiors: “furthermore, the lifeguards have to protect women and girls from the asylum seekers. Young men wanted to forcibly penetrate the female changing room”.
The local radio station reports the actions of the migrants has caused “outrage”, and a number of sexual harassment of women and girls by migrants has been reported. Migrants have now been banned from the pool until they can be educated at the migrant centres about “behaviour towards woman and girls in swimwear” and the “user regulations of our baths”.
This behaviour in Zwickau is not by any means unique in Germany. Breitbart London has reported on a number of sex attacks on children in swimming baths over the past week, with girls as young as 11 and boys as young as three being targeted by migrant gangs. On one occasion in Munich, a pair of young girls enjoying the waterslide at their local pool were groped, “allegedly under their bathing suits”, “and possibly raped” by a gang of “refugees”.
The Qur’an tells Muslims: “Drive them out from where they drove you out.” (2:191) This is the basis for the idea that any land that belonged to the Muslims at any time belongs by right to the Muslims forever. That includes Spain.
The jihadist group’s latest chilling propaganda video features an ancient map of the Iberian Peninsula which slowly turns to red.
Then a militant can be heard saying “We will recover our land from the invaders”, thought to be a reference to the collapse of Islamic rule in Spain.
More than 12 million UK-based holidaymakers travel to Spain every year, with Majorca, Tenerife and Ibiza the most popular destinations last summer.
The clip comes just two months after Madrid police arrested three people suspected of links to the sick organisation.
The Moroccan suspects, who are legal residents of Spain, were reportedly aiming to carry out depraved terror attacks in the country.
More than 100 people from Spain are feared to have travelled to join the so-called caliphate in war-torn Syria and Iraq.
After last year’s massacre in nearby Tunisia, a Foreign Office spokesman warned British nationals should be “vigilant” if travelling to Spain….
Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates chided the United States for failing to take in what he characterized as enough refugees, saying America has an obligation to set a “better example” to the world.
During an interview with BBC, Gates said America has “the capacity” to do the same as Germany and Sweden, two countries he said ought “to be congratulated” for opening the doors wide to migrants.
Gates made the comments while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
Imagine a fairly busy four-way intersection in a suburb of Anytown, USA.
At one corner of that intersection sits a man in a chair, plucked from a remote island in the South Pacific by some unknown force and placed there. This man has never seen a car or a streetlight before, nor does he know anything about laws and customs that drivers have become accustomed to obey intuitively. Imagine, however, that he is instructed, in his own language, to simply sit there and observe how these strange foreigners and conveyances move about.
Within an hour or two, I'd lay a strong wager that the man could explain in a fundamental way how this system works, despite the fact that it's entirely foreign to him. He could likely describe, in his own language and with relative accuracy, which light means go, which means slow down or stop, how the turn lanes figure into the design, what turn signals signify, perhaps the purpose of honking and certain hand gestures, etc.
There is a reason that he can very likely accomplish this feat with relative ease: because recognizing patterns is the most fundamental skill of humankind.
This is no accident. It is our most fundamental skill because it has been honed by evolutionary necessity. Anticipating weather changes, observing agricultural trends, studying the migration of animal herds, discerning predators' activities so that we do not become prey, and so on. Recognition of these patterns has been critical to our species.
Of course, merely recognizing a particular pattern is of no usefulness if expectations and behavior are not amended as a result of its recognition. Civil societies have been cultivated primarily due to sensible action in response to such observations. Herein lies the foundation of the agricultural, commercial, and industrial practices that provide for the world, the basis for religion and philosophy that nurtures men's souls, the genesis of the laws of science, and the reason for the refinement of all of the above.
In short, it is our ability to recognize patterns and amend our behavior and expectations that fosters progress today, just as it was a hundred, a thousand, and many thousands of years ago.
Is it not, therefore, the most damning of facts that the "progressive" left appears to find no usefulness in logically appraising and acting upon the patterns we routinely observe? Rather, they buck every natural compulsion by not only ignoring patterns, but by acting in direct defiance of logic and survival instincts that we humans have inherited.
How else can one describe a group who could read a report that shows that 450 out of 452 (or 99.6% of) suicide terror attacks in 2015 were perpetrated by Muslims and carried out in the name of Allah, only to insist that Muslims are not uniquely linked to global terrorism?
Or consider this. With the exception of the shooting of Gabby Giffords in Tucson, Ariz. in 2011, "every public shooting since at least since 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns." And still, the zealots on the left continue to offer the same, tired bromides – that we must create more, not fewer, gun-free zones to stop mass shootings.
Every adult human being from the Neolithic to now should have the perceptive faculties to innately recognize the meaning of these observations, and extrapolate the patterns these facts suggest. Every sensible human being shouldthen easily be able to discern useful responses to these patterns. And suffice it to say, "Muslims shouldn't be subject to added scrutiny as potential terror threats" and "we need more gun-free zones in America" are the farthest thing from those useful responses. Yet both of those statements embody bulwark positions for the American left.
Sensible Americans can see that the national debt has nearly doubled in past seven years, reaching an unfathomable $18.8 trillion (and it's still rising at ludicrous speed). And they observe, quite reasonably, that it took Obama seven years to accumulate nearly the amount of debt that the previous 43 presidents had accrued over a 220-year period. This administration has taken the federal government's debt to 600% of its total revenue, meaning that its balance sheet is unhealthy at best and hopelessly insolvent at worst.
Should I even go on beyond these points? Wouldn't any sane person immediately recognize the pattern of irresponsible leadership suggested by these facts alone?
We discovered that we couldn't keep our health care plans or our doctors if we liked them, despite our president's promises. We also found that we're paying more for health care now than ever before, and still others are finding that the subsidized assistance through the health care exchanges isn't all it was cracked up to be in the Democrats' sales pitches for Obamacare.
We've noticed all the violence and racial animus created by the grievance peddlers in the Obama administration who stoked the fires of Ferguson and Baltimore, all the while making villains of our nation's law enforcement officers.
We've seen an administration that provided deadly weapons to Mexican drug cartels while seeking to circumvent the Bill of Rights by denying such weapons to law-abiding Americans interested only in protecting their homes, their families, and their God-given right to defend their liberty.
We've watched our president ignore federal law by allowing criminal lawbreakers to enter our country, effectively depressing wages for American laborers while the invaders reap benefits (like health care, education, welfare, etc.) that drown taxpayers in liability.
Food stamp rolls have swollen, the labor participation rate has dropped to the lowest level since the Carter years, middle-class wages have seen no signs of improvement...
Look, this litany of failures could go on and on – Cash for Clunkers, the IRS targeting scandal, the Benghazi lies, NSA snooping, the VA scandal, etc.
But in the end, we Americans have, in spite of the incredible debt we've taken on these past seven years, watched as this nation became a place where less than 30% of its citizens believe that the country is even on the right path. And Americans are certainly not any happier.
And we recognize, beyond all shadows of doubt, that none of this is George W. Bush's fault.
So if you happen to be a Democrat who is flummoxed at how Americans are increasingly rejecting Hillary and why the Democrat status quo was so firmly rebuked in 2014, you shouldn't be. And there is absolutely no reason that it should have to be spelled out for you.
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