Just for the record - when I started this blog I was committed to avoiding politics at all costs. I'll admit that I lean heavily towards Libertarianism/Constitutionalism but over the last decade or so have come to realize that the whole left-right paradigm is actually a false narrative serving to obscure the more important issues such as globalism/"New World Order"/establishment. It has become almost impossible to avoid politics, and with a little thought it is obvious that the antichrist and his world order will be very "political" and since we are moving rapidly in that direction, the topic is unavoidable. Below is an interesting look at these issues from Paul McGuire:

The entrance of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders into the political debate has shaken up the status quo of both political parties and the stranglehold they have over the elections and the media. Although it has always been true, more Americans today than ever before are beginning to see how the political establishment of both parties represent the interests of a powerful global elite and not the interests of the average voter. 

Although Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have completely different political and economic philosophies, both of these men are not the “bought and paid for” candidates that dominate both political parties. Both Trump and Sanders are not afraid to attack the globalist trade treaties that are destroying the middle class of America and enriching the globalist elite. It is these trade treaties which are the single most important issue in this election, and all of the other issues which may have importance are subordinate to this one because the trade treaty issue is about “following the money,” which controls all the other issues. 

A new study from Tufts University exposes the glowing claims of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), predicting that the TPP will cause the loss of another 450,000 jobs in the US by 2025. All the Republican and Democratic Party candidates with exception of Sanders and Trump seem perfectly fine with this massacre of the American middle class. The globalists want to destroy America as we know it and merge it into a one-world government.

It’s not that Donald Trump is particularly more virtuous than the other candidates or that he is independently wealthy and may not have made deals with the globalists. But there is something very telling when all the globalist-owned major media corporations, the so-called conservative talk show hosts, and the entire Republican Party unite to take Trump down. These people should not be unified in their opposition to Trump, but they are and the question is “Why?” The conservative media has always been infiltrated by people who masquerade as conservative, but in reality have a hidden agenda.

In the current election the National Review has become the “conservative attack dog” against Donald Trump. Television and radio talk show host Glenn Beck wrote a recent article in the January 21, 2016 National Review entitled “Conservatives Against Trump.” Beck and conservative radio talk show hosts Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh have used their considerable clout among conservatives and evangelicals to attack Trump and promote Ted Cruz as the truly Constitutional and conservative candidate. In contrast, radio talk show host Michael Savage calls Donald Trump, “the Winston Churchill of our time.” 

Joining in these attacks on Trump are the major media outlets including Fox News Network, and the Republican Party. There is something very suspicious about how so-called true conservatives can unite with powerful groups and organizations that they would not ordinarily unite behind.

Ted Cruz promotes himself as the only true Conservative and Constitutional candidate and has gone out of his way to “woo” Evangelical Christians, who have a long-term track record of being fooled easily and voting for Republican candidates who put on a superficial show of being devout Christians. All it took for George W. Bush to win the Evangelical vote was a prayer with Billy Graham. Sadly to say, many Evangelical Christians will not take the time to do their own homework on a candidate, but simply listen to some celebrity Christian leader who endorses a candidate. Despite all this, the majority of Evangelical Christians are behind Donald Trump. 

There are a lot of disturbing questions about the globalist ties that Ted Cruz appears to have. First, his wife Heidi Cruz was very active in the North American Union/Security and Prosperity Partnership created by the Council on Foreign Relations. In the CFR report, “Building a North American Community,” Heidi Cruz is listed as a task force member. The North American Union is an admitted open borders plan to merge Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a North American Union modeled after the European Union, under a regional global government. I first wrote about this at length in my 2005 book, Are You Ready? Cruz says that his wife opposed the North American Union, but on pages 33 and 34 of the Task Force’s report, “Additional and Dissenting Views,” Heidi Cruz states:

“I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector.

There is no way you can read Heidi Cruz’s words and come up with the idea she opposes the North American Union; in fact the exact opposite is true: she is passionately endorsing it. 

However, the issue is not Heidi Cruz; the issue is Ted Cruz and the powerful globalists who are financing his campaign. Just a couple of days ago, Ted Cruz proudly uploaded a picture with him meeting with Henry Kissinger, one of the most powerful Rockefeller globalists in the world. But let’s look at the Four Super PACs, all sharing the title “Keep the Promise” who have raised $31 million for Cruz. The elite Mercer family of New York are reportedly backing one of the PACs.

The purpose of this article is not intended to be a “pro-Trump” piece; the article is the result of research into several of the candidates and what facts and conspicuous trends emerged. Again, the most revealing facts are the obvious globalist financing behind Ted Cruz.

The other fact, which is very revealing, is the unification and organization of so-called conservative media outlets, conservative personalities, and major media along with the GOP who have united to destroy Trump. Since a number of these news organizations and political parties are controlled by globalists, then why do powerful conservatives unite with them in taking down Trump?

What should be apparent by now to any person with a minimum amount of perception is that in addition to the globalist controlled GOP establishment and the globalist controlled major media outlets, there exists a wide spectrum of “conservative media stars” who are not what they appear to be, anymore than William F. Buckley was what he appeared to be. That may be difficult for some people to accept because they have a deep emotional bond with these conservative media stars, but there is always a danger when you surrender your intellect, perception, and reason to powerful emotions.