It's hard to believe but we have yet another major quake, the second today and the sixth in six day's since the beginning of April....

A mag 6.0 - 68km SSW of Bunisari, Indonesia is the sixth major quake of April,
We had five major quakes in the whole month of March and now we have had six in the first six day's of April!

April is traditionally a busy month for major quakes, I don't know why.
This evening's quake is the 34th of 2016.

M6.3 - 65km SSE of Atka, Alaska is only the second major quake of March 2016
Indonesia agency issues tsunami warning after magnitude 7.8 earthquake off Sumatra it comes just hours after Mount Sinabung erupts twice

Breaking News! Close call...But: ARE BIGGER ONES ON THE WAY? Mag 5.1 earthquake strikes off Fukushima coast of Japan

A mag 6.0-153km SE of Tobelo, Indonesia and a mag 6.0 on the Southern East Pacific Rise are the 6th and 7th major quakes to occur this month

A mag 6.2 - 219km NW of Auckland Island, New Zealand is the fith major quake of Feb

A Mag 5.8 - 17km ENE of Christchurch, New Zealand strikes just days before anniversary of the February 22, 2011 earthquake that devastated the city

Survey shows U.S. Christians feel persecution is growing

Christians in the U.S. claim they are facing increased oppression.
LifeWay Research has found, in a new survey reported by Newsmax, that 63 percent “strongly agree” they have faced an increase in persecution, an increase from 2013.
Sixty percent of the survey respondents believe religious liberty is declining, which is up from three years ago.
The results varied between Protestants and Catholics, with 74 percent of Protestants claiming there is a growing intolerance toward Christians, compared to 59 percent of Catholics.
Last week TRUNEWS reported about growing hostility toward Christians in the US, citing recent court cases involving attacks on Ten Commandment displays and public invocations.
Several states are considering laws to deal with the problem. In Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal claims he will veto a bill that protects pastors who don’t want to perform ceremonies for same-sex couples.  It will also protect religious organizations from being forced to hire employees who hold contrasting beliefs.
Deal’s opposition has garnered a lot of backlash.
In Mississippi, the governor has signed a similar law to protect businesses who don’t want to service gay couples. Gov. Phil Bryant signed House Bill 1523 Tuesday.
In an interview on SuperTalkMS, Bryant defended the bill claiming it prevents “government from interfering with people of faith who are exercising their religious beliefs”.

ISIS forces in southern Syria overran several Jordanian border crossings south of the Yarmouk River on Tuesday, April 5. 

The picture taken the same day shocked the royal court and the Jordanian military command in Amman.

Our military sources report that an urgent conference was called at the Military Operations Command (MOC), north of Amman to devise measures for containing the Islamic State’s leap into more territory on the Syrian-Jordanian border. It was attended by Jordanian, American, Israeli, Saudi and UAE officers.

They voiced apprehension about three developments which give Daesh a substantial edge

1. A group of high ISIS officers traveled south from headquarters in Raqqa in the last few days, took command of the 3,000 fighters of the affiliated Yarmouk Brigades, and is now working to form a continuous jihadist enclave along Syria’s borders with Israel and Jordan, like the 90-kilometer ISIS strip blocking part of the Turkish border.

This enclave would directly threaten the Israeli Golan and northern Jordan.

2. When ISIS forces retreated last week from Palmyra, a group headed south, fetching up outside Jebel Druze without entering this mountain region. It is now feared that the jihadis are about to turn west toward the Israeli border and link up with the Yarmouk brigades. This would double the number of ISIS forces in southern Syria and make possible a major new assault on the Jordanian and Israeli borders.

3. The strengthening of ISIS forces in southern Syria has attracted some of the Syrian rebel groups fighting the Syria army to the jihadist flag and the Yarmouk Brigades. The largest militia to enlist recently is the Al-Muthana movement. Although its leaders deny taking an oath of allegiance or any other ties with ISIS, Al-Muthana is currently fighting alongside ISIS. This has sent a disturbing signal to the hundreds of other anti-Assad militias in the neighborhood.

3. The strengthening of ISIS forces in southern Syria has attracted some of the Syrian rebel groups fighting the Syria army to the jihadist flag and the Yarmouk Brigades. The largest militia to enlist recently is the Al-Muthana movement. Although its leaders deny taking an oath of allegiance or any other ties with ISIS, Al-Muthana is currently fighting alongside ISIS. This has sent a disturbing signal to the hundreds of other anti-Assad militias in the neighborhood.