The UN Is An Enemy In Sheep's Clothing

Last Friday, the UN Commission on the Status of Women voted on a resolution blaming "Israeli occupation" for the lack of advancement of Palestinian women in their own society. Stunningly, Israel was the only country singled out for any criticism by the UN Commission on Women, after two full weeks of meetings. 

Yes, you read correctly - the only country out of the 193 recognized countries in the world. The resolution passed by 27 to 2, with 13 abstentions. No mention was made throughout the proceedings of the dozens of countries where the concept of advancement for women is simply non-existent, countries in which women are consistently mistreated and abused - such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran, to name just a few.

You may have already read about this story, but I'm pretty certain that you did not read through the more than 8,500 words of the resolution itself. It is truly a remarkable document. Remarkable, that is, in its twistedness and absurdity. 

Take this gem, for example: "Gender-based violence continues to be a key protection concern for women in the State of Palestine, and the situation is particularly acute in the Gaza Strip. A 2011 survey showed that 51 per cent of women in Gaza had been victims of gender-based violence." 

Or this one: "Case studies indicate that economic hardship, following the 2014 conflict in Gaza, has driven families to marry off their daughters early in order to improve the economic situation of the family." 

In other words, the UN is blaming Israel for Palestinians who viciously beat up their wives and who marry off their daughters to improve their finances. The resolution also meanders off in directions that have nothing to do with Palestinian women's issues. 

For example, it mentions the stalled negotiations for a two-state solution, and the poor state of healthcare provided by the Palestinian Authority, all of which is Israel's fault, obviously.

The UN's bias against Israel has become an unrelenting vendetta. Like a mob of vindictive school bullies ganging up on the one kid that they all agree to hate, every vile country in the world has found that the UN is a perfect outlet for their unbridled antisemitism, and joined forces with each other to endlessly target the world's only Jewish country. 

Not a week goes by without the UN taking some action against Israel, or making some negative pronouncement about Israel - all ratified by majority votes in accordance with the strictest democratic guidelines, guidelines ironically not available in most of the countries that make up those anti-Israel majorities. 

Last Friday's outrage was followed closely by this week's "let's-all-gang-up-against-Israel" moment, when the UN Human Rights Council announced that it would be producing a database of all the Jewish businesses operating out of Judea and Samaria, so that their products could be blacklisted.

This UN crusade to undermine Israel at every turn under the guise of being a professionally run objective international body that strictly observes democratic protocols, reminds me of something in this week's Torah portion. 

After informing us that only animals which have split hooves and chew the cud are kosher, the Torah lists four animals that possess just one of these characteristics, which means they are not kosher, as there is no such thing as half-kosher. The best known of these four animals is the pig, which is not kosher "because it has a cloven hoof that is completely split, but does not chew the cud."

The United Nations is no different from ancient Rome. It is not a neutral organization. Its so-called democratic procedures mean absolutely nothing whatsoever when they are constantly used and abused by all kinds of murderous regimes and bigoted nations to perpetuate the lie that any vote condemning Israel was the result of a fair and transparent democratic process. Such claims are comparable to the pig thrusting out its split hooves to prove that it is kosher.

Yes, the UN, rather than promoting greater international harmony and peace, literally has blood on its hands. The revulsion we have for the UN is not because it is not kosher; it is because of its insistence that it is as kosher as can be. Nothing could be more disgusting than that.

North Korea, Under Siege by ‘Hostile Forces,’ Threatens Nuke Strike on US

Pyongyang’s rhetoric escalates following new sanctions that the Kim regime says are tantamount to an act of war.

In a statement Monday by North Korea’s official KCNA news agency, a spokesman for the country’s National Defense Commission (NDC) said the recent round of UN sanctions imposed on Pyongyang over its nuclear weapons program was "anachronistic and suicidal." The spokesman went on to say that the sanctions could trigger a nuclear strike against the US mainland, likening recent Western actions against North Korea as akin to the siege against Leningrad in World War II and Cuba during the Cold War.

The strident rhetoric follows the UN Security Council’s  adoption of its toughest economic sanctions of North Korea to date, after Pyongyang conducted a fourth nuclear test in January, and a space rocket launch a month later, that analysts view as a disguised ballistic missile test. The North Korean population suffers from some of the worst poverty in the world, due to repeated ratcheting up of sanctions. Pyongyang views the additional measures as designed to undermine support for Kim Jong Un’s regime.

"The Leningrad blockade, which struck terror into the hearts of people and the Caribbean crisis in the Cold War era, can hardly stand comparison with the situation," said the spokesman. "The US and other hostile forces are intent on attacking North Korea in a flock to swallow it up."

In the statement on KCNA, a spokesperson said that, rather than breaking apart North Korea, the unprecedented economic sanctions would only strengthen the country’s resolve against their Western enemies. The statement also warned Washington that North Korea could "make a retaliatory nuclear strike at the US mainland any moment."

North Korea has increased its nuclear strike threats, citing breakthroughs in the miniaturization of nuclear warheads to enable the delivery of the weapons by ballistic missile, as well as their purported success in recent missile tests. Pyongyang’s rhetoric has become increasingly urgent after the US and South Korea began joint military exercises described by Pyongyang as a dress rehearsal for invasion.

China Clamps Down With ‘Grid Management’ To Monitor Citizens

China has long led the race to build infrastructure that enables the implementation of Technocracy, and we see this fruit today by its reversion to so-called ‘grid management’ of blocks of citizens. This will allow continuous and personalized surveillance of every citizen to insure their loyalty to the government, and their compliance with all the myriad rules created by unelected and unaccountable Technocrats.

In the teeming city of Guangzhou, 12,000 grid administrators are being hired where each will have monitoring responsibility for 200 families. Within six months, each administrator will be expected to know all pertinent details on the individuals within those families. Monitoring technology, such as cameras and facial identification, the Internet of Things, eavesdropping, etc., will enable such detailed knowledge.

But surveillance capabilities don’t end there.

Last year it was revealed that China was setting up a massive “social credit” scoring system where citizens will be assigned a score between 350 and 950 that reflects their ideological subservience to the government. In other words, dissidents will be duly accounted for and then shunned and shamed into compliance. Those who refuse to comply will be on the government’s short-list for removal from society.

  • “In addition to measuring your ability to pay, as in the United States, the scores serve as a measure of political compliance. Among the things that will hurt a citizen’s score are posting political opinions without prior permission, or posting information that the regime does not like, such as about the Tienanmen Square massacre that the government carried out to hold on to power, or the Shanghai stock market collapse.
  • “It will hurt your score not only if you do these things, but if any of your friends do them. Imagine the social pressure against disobedience or dissent that this will create.
  • “Anybody can check anyone else’s score online. Among other things, this lets people find out which of their friends may be hurting their scores.
  • “Also used to calculate scores is information about hobbies, lifestyle, and shopping. Buying certain goods will improve your score, while others (such as video games) will lower it.
  • “Those with higher scores are rewarded with concrete benefits. Those who reach 700, for example, get easy access to a Singapore travel permit, while those who hit 750 get an even more valued visa.
  • “Sadly, many Chinese appear to be embracing the score as a measure of social worth, with almost 100,000 people bragging about their scores on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.”
“It’s ‘precrime’ meets ‘thoughtcrime.’ China is using its substantial surveillance apparatus as the basis for a “unified information environment” that will allow authorities to profile individual citizens based upon their online behaviors, financial transactions, where they go, and who they see. The authorities are watching for deviations from the norm that might indicate someone is involved in suspicious activity. And they’re doing it with a hand from technology pioneered in the US.”

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