Do you feel the disturbance in The Force? There's nothing wrong with you… it just means you're TUNED IN

 I've heard from many people that they feel a great sense of uncertainty about what's ahead for our world, our nation and even our own families. Many are frightened by what they see as a vast chasm of uncertainty... others feel a sense of helplessness from being "trapped" in their daily commitments with seemingly no practical way to escape their job, their cities or their financial limitations.

 Many people are frazzled, depressed and confused about what's happening in the world, and they feel hopeless.

• The fact that you feel the collapse coming only means that you are TUNED IN and connected to what's happening.

• There's nothing wrong with you. It's not something wrong with your brain. You're simply aware.

• Disconnected people can often appear happier because they are oblivious to the real world. But many of them won't survive a collapse.

• The conscious mind is a connected mind that can sense things beyond what we can measure with today's limited scientific tools.

• Premonition, remote viewing, intuition... these may all have a scientific basis rooted in consciousness.

• Your mind may be sensing and reflecting the growing concern in the minds of others.

• There's nothing wrong with you if you're feeling this sense of unease.

• What's happening in your dreams may be a reflection of what's taking place in the consciousness of the population in the aggregate.

• Globally, everyone is fed up with the failures of the establishment. People are waking up and realizing they've been lied to about science, food, pharmaceuticals and more.

• Many of the depopulation technologies tend to target African-Americans.

• There is a dark, destructive force that has taken over many institutions and governments of our world.

• Decades ago, the government was in many ways working in the interests of the people. But that has now changed to a situation where the government is actively working against the people.

• Government today carries out the destructive agendas of the corporations.

• A popular political revolt has begun across the world.

• Many of the people engaged in the intense evil that now threatens our world have lost their humanity and given over their souls to dark forces.

• Globalists hate humanity and hate life, love and happiness. Check out books by David Icke to learn about bloodlines.

• For many people, the evil in our world is so great that they can't recognize it as being true. Those who commit evil know that the more extreme their acts of evil, the fewer people will be able to psychologically accept that it's happening.

• Evil globalists are now willing to do anything and everything to maintain power and domination over the world.

• Expect to see massive false flags staged in order to create mass destruction. Most likely a nuclear event.

• The reality in which you think you live is being elaborately crafted each day to manipulate your perceptions and beliefs.

• Coming next for California: Mandatory organ harvesting and mandatory euthanasia.

• Only people who are awake can grasp the full onslaught of what's being aimed at humanity right now.

• Everything you see on the news is planted there to control your perceptions and keep you clueless about reality.

• It is not an accident that governments and corporations consistently make decisions to poison and destroy humanity.

• It is my goal to help protect humanity from the death and destruction that's now targeting us all.

• We will not stand by and stay silent as our fellow human beings are being poisoned and destroyed.

• This is a spiritual war with physical and chemical elements.

• We speak for those who cannot speak because they've been silenced or destroyed by vaccines and other poisons.

• We need a global revolution in defense of humanity.

In May of 2008, there was a very similar stock market ‘rally’ as compared to todays’ ‘rally’. Investors believed that the ‘turmoil’ during the latter part of 2007 and the early part of 2008 was permanently over and that we were headed towards a strong economic growth!
In actuality, it merely masked the ‘declining economic collapse’. The same situation is happening, all over again, even as you are reading this article. There are numerous flashing red lights, currently while the stock markets is ‘collapsing’ once again, just as it did during the beginning of the spring of 2008!
The U.S. markets have now entered the next phase – a stock market downturn. The global financial system is now starting to ‘unravel’ which will have far reaching implications!
In fact, the real truth of the matter, is now about to worsen, from this point of time and onwards!
While this country has 100 million American people, who are unemployed and searching for work, and yet are unable to find any, I say this is a major RED WARNING ALERT that must now need be heard loud and clearly!
The rise of the stock market is widely viewed today as the result of ‘Quantitative Easing'(QE). A bandage was placed on that financial crisis which was never structurally repaired. Today, I believe that investors have long since given up on the FEDs’ bond buying as a means of repairing the economy. There is so much skepticism, at this point, as to what direction the equity-market is trending – Up or Down?

During this global contraction, it is only a matter of a very short period of time before the stock market reflects this reality.
Truly, this is the beginning of ‘The Great Reset’!
In short, big things have slowly been unfolding that will be not only life changing but will change the entire financial situation of the world.

The Barack Obama Justice and Education departments have declared that all public schools be required to institute gender-neutral bathrooms where boys can freely enter girls’ bathrooms and vice versa. Failure to comply threatens federal funding. But putting boys in girls’ bathrooms is NOT where the proclamation stops.

Writing for National Review, David French reports, “You may not have realized it yet, but the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school. Without an act of Congress, without a ruling from the Supreme Court, and without even going through the motions of the regulatory rule-making process, the administration issued a letter drafting every single public educational institution in the country to implement the extreme edge of the sexual revolution.

“The Department of Justice and the Department of Education have declared that they now ‘interpret’ federal law to not only support the fantastical notion that boys can become girls but also to impose new legal requirements that impact every aspect of school life. The administration’s letter sweeps far beyond bathrooms--imposing a new speech code on school employees and even students, opening girls’ showers to boys, requiring schools to allow boys to sleep in girls’ rooms on overnight field trips, requiring boys to room with girls even in single-sex dorms, and putting boys on girls’ sports teams.”

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant called the directive “outrageous” and directed his State’s education department to disregard the order. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick called the order “blackmail” and also said, “This will be the end of public education. People will pull their kids out, homeschooling will explode, private schools will increase.” Both he and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have denounced the proclamation and have promised to fight it. Also saying they would fight the order are governors Asa Hutchinson (Arkansas) and Gary Herbert (Utah).
But for the most part, Republicans have been totally silent. In typical fashion, the GOP is too busy trying to not offend the media. And are we to take it that Democrats really want their sons and daughters going to the bathroom and taking showers with the opposite sex? Of course, Obama’s two daughters attend private schools that will not be affected by this perverse proclamation.

David French also correctly wrote, “First, the very act of teaching biology and human physiology will be hate speech unless it’s modified to conform to the new transgender ‘facts.’ Teachers will have to take great pains to note that chromosomes, reproductive organs, hormonal systems, and any other physical marker of sex is irrelevant to this thing called ‘gender,’ which, ‘factually,’ is a mere state of mind.

It wasn’t always this way. Diego Moya-Ocampos, senior political risk analyst at IHS, says the current crisis is the result of years of “economic mismanagement” by the ruling socialist party.
Led by Hugo Chávez, the country’s firebrand former president, the country embarked on a wave of expropriation and redistribution with the charismatic leader offering  cut-price fridges, appliances and even new homes to poor Venezuelans.
Chávez wanted to create a socialist paradise, an ideology that has been reinforced by his successor Maduro following his death in 2013.
But the oil price collapse a year later served as a wake-up call for a country that chose profligacy over prudence in the hope that a rainy day would never come.
Maduro’s declaration of a fresh three month state of emergency has sparked fears that the government will try to seize control of more private companies.
Many Venezuelans have already left the country, including Francisco Flores. “Venezuela has taken good working companies, given them to the poor but not equipped them with the skills to run them so they go bankrupt,” he says.
“That’s just a recipe for destroying a country.”
The NHS therapist, who now lives in London, says the regime is based on a principle of keeping everyone “equal but poor”.
“This way, the state becomes a nanny and everyone loses the power to do anything because they are so dependent on it.”
A recent study by the Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice ranked Caracas as the world’s most violent city.
Venezuela is also one of the most unfriendly places to do business, ranking 186th out of 189 countries in the World Bank’s Doing Business index.

Only Libya, Eritrea and South Sudan are further down the list. 

“I still go to the open market to buy fruit but even there it is ridiculous. In April I bought some fruit and vegetables for 430 bolivars. Last Saturday the same items cost me 14,000 bolivars. Isn’t that crazy?”
While the government regulates factory gate, wholesale and consumer prices, nobody pays attention.
“You know how much this cost me?” asks Bacalhau, waving a plastic bag stuffed with toilet rolls. “9,000 bolivars”. The average monthly salary in Venezuela is 15,000 bolivars.

Venezuela’s problems are sure to get worse before they get better.
Right now the nation, at the hands of socialist dictator President Nicolas Maduro, is headed for the bottom.
Weeks of rationed food and electricity, a shortage of basic necessities and spiraling inflation is taking its toll, and the regime is quickly descending into all out hell.
Now, people are beyond fed up with the conditions and are moving towards support for Maduro’s ouster… that, and they want to eat… food.
It is no laughing matter. Shortages have already prompted poaching animals and looting has become widespread.

Long lines have been the norm. Food has been in short supply. But now a new degree by Maduro is forcing people to take ration delivers at their home, door-to-door, in order to curb black market transactions.

The emperor in Venezuela is naked, no one there is under any illusions any longer, and the empire is falling. America, you could be next.
How are your leaders dressed, and vulnerable is society really?

If you’re a prepper, pay close attention to what happens next. What’s playing out in Venezuela right now is the kind of worst case scenario that many of us have been preparing for in the US. It should be very informative. It just goes to show that if you live under a corrupt authoritarian government that can’t manage its resources, all it takes is a heavy ripple in the global economy to send the whole system careening over a cliff.

Last weekend, during our latest reporting on the whirlwind collapse in Venezuela's economy and society, we reported that as part of Maduro's latest set of emergency decrees as part of which he ordered a 60-day state of emergency due to what he called plots from Venezuela and the United States to subvert him, we also previewed something more troubling: "he hinted that a violent crackdown on enemies, both foreign and domestic, may be imminent when he ordered military exercises for next weekend."
As it turns out it won't be just any exercises, but as Bloomberg writes, "Venezuela is preparing for the biggest military exercises in its history this Saturday after the South American country’s government said it’s on high alert as the opposition pushes for a recall referendum on President Nicolas Maduro."

"Venezuela is threatened," Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said on state television Thursday. "This is the first time we are carrying out an exercise of this nature in the country. In terms of national reach, it’s going to be in every strategic region." When Maduro announced the exercises last weekend in a rambling press conference on Tuesday, he said U.S. spy planes including an Boeing 707 E-3 Sentry had entered the country’s airspace illegally this month. 
Just two corrections to Mr. Lopez' statement: it is not Venezuela that is threatened, it is Maduro's regime, and the source of the threat is not external, it is the people themselves who have had it with the country's devastated economy.
With this military deployment, which is nothing less than a dramatic show of force by the soon to be overthrown Maduro, the most likley outcome is a crackdown by the president on either the opposition or protesters, or both; the only question is whether the army will follow the inevitable order to turn against its own people. A recent interview with a member of the Bolivarian National Guard did not provide much clarity on this most important issue.

How many “emergency” “secret” meetings do the central planners around the world need to have before the citizens of the respective countries begin to fully understand and take notice that something is very, very wrong? This year alone, there have been several off-calendar meetings, with at least one more now added to the docket.

The G-20 central planners have scheduled an “emergency” meeting for summer 2016. What will the topics be? Could it possibly be the fact the global economy is on the verge total collapse? With the Baltic Dry Index and the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, not to mention commodities, spiraling out of control to the downside, do you think there may be a reason for these people to be concerned? My guess is they could care less and are simply meeting in order to determine how the remaining wealth, in their respective countries, will be divided as the global economy continues grinding to a halt.

If one simply looks at the following line-items, it is clear for anyone to see something is about to hit the fan, and it’s not anything anyone wants hitting the fan.

– 45 million people in the U.S. on food stamps
– some estimates as high as 10 million refugees flooding into the European Union
– non stop wars of aggression involving NATO, Russia, Syria, and several other countries
– financial crisis that began in 2008 has not been addressed and the problems that started that year have grown larger and far deeper
– banking system in the European Union, especially Italy, is under enormous stress, due to faulting/fraudulent accounting
– Federal Reserve balance sheet at $4 TRILLION – U.S. debt at $20 TRILLION and counting
– United Kingdom/Britain and the Brexit movement that is taking root
– U.S. Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders garnering global attention as the citizens of the U.S. seek alternatives to the current embedded criminal politicians.
– Japan instituting a Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) for their sovereign bonds – Japan has basically been in a recession for over 20 years
– China is manufacturer to the world, and with economies slowing down or shutting down, there is no reason to manufacture products
– Venezuela has entered into currency collapse – no one will admit it or call it what it is, but the country has no currency, and the people are literally starving to death

Listen to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, saying she can “guarantee” that Donald Trump will not defeat Hillary Clinton to become president of the United States. No one wants to believe that absolutely every single solitary word that comes out of a politician’s mouth is part of a larger conspiracy, or some nefarious plot, because after all, these are the people running our country, and despite all its flaws most of us love America.

Let’s face it, It’s painful to think the people tasked with doing the will of the people could possibly hate those they represent THAT much, but at the same time, the road from “conspiracy theory” to “established fact” is often a short one these days, so one would be wise to look at all possibilities. 

With that said, Queen Nancy makes some extremely alarming comments in the following interview that should have every conspiracy theorist’s “Bat Phone” going crazy.

“Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States,” said Pelosi. “Take it to the bank, I guarantee it.”

What? “Whoever she may be…” What kind of a comment is that? How many women are running? Pelosi’s comments could mean so many things, and not one of them adds up to anything good, not the least of which is that she’s just a senile old bat who not too long ago was second in line to the Oval Office. That thought still haunts many people. Listen…

The following are just a few possible alternative scenarios to the theory that Pelosi is just a senile wacko, theories that a person like Nancy Pelosi, an uber elite career politician might be considered “in the loop” enough to have inside knowledge about that would enable her to her make a comment as definitive as, “Take it to the bank, I guarantee it.”

  1. Is there an assassination attempt going to be made?
  2. Does the “Establishment GOP” already have a plan for a 3rd party ticket that essentially hands the election to Hillary, and Pelosi is aware of it? The country may go down in flames, but at least the ruling elite would be secure in knowing their positions are safe without a President Trump.
  3. Could Pelosi have inside information confirming that the Democrats have already cemented the 2016 win thanks to the ongoing coordination between Obama and Luis Gutierrez that I’ve been warning about for three years? When not enough people were reading the posts where I tried to shine a light on the covert gerrymandering efforts of those two that began as soon as Obama’s second term started, I have up.
As head of HUD Housing, I have made the claim that Gutierrez has been quietly creating massive amounts of HUD housing in what have traditionally always been Republican voting districts, so as to convert them to the blue or purple districts without anyone noticing until it’s too late.

The last possibility mentioned is as diabolical as it is brilliant, which is exactly how Team Obama plays. Not to mention, where do you think all the Muslim refugees and illegals that "aren't eligible to vote" have been going? Do you really think Obama has been putting them all in places like Massachusetts or California where Democrats already have the votes? Get real! Wake up!

A group that advocates a nuclear-free world and that was identified earlier this month by the White House as central in helping to market the Iran nuclear deal to the news media has funded National Public Radio since 2005, an Associated Press investigation has revealed.

Think tanks funded by the Ploughshares Fund include the Arms Control Association, Brookings Institution, and the Atlantic Council, the AP reported.
Unmentioned by the AP is that the Ploughshares Fund is financed by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
The involvement of Ploughshares in selling the Iran agreement to the public was revealed in an extensive New York Times Magazine profile of Obama’s deputy national security advise Ben Rhodes titled, “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru.” The article contains interviews with Rhodes and scores of top Obama administration officials.

Robert Malley, senior director at the National Security Council, explained the genesis and execution of the marketing plan to sell the Iran deal.
Malley explained “experts” were utilized to create an “echo chamber” that disseminated administration claims about Iran to “hundreds of often-clueless reporters” in the news media.
Now the AP has revealed the extent of Ploughshares funding to NPR and to influential foreign policy U.S. think tanks.

A previous investigation by this reporter showed Ploughshares has partnered with a who’s who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demo, a progressive economic advisory group where President Obama’s controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board.
Ploughshares is in turn financed by Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Buffett Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Another Ploughshares donor is the Tides Foundation, which is one of the largest funders of the radical left. Tides is funded by Soros.
Ploughshares has donated to the Institute for Policy Studies, which calls for massive slashes in the U.S. defense budget.
It has also financed the International Crisis Group, a small organization that boasts Soros on its board.