War Danger Grows Following New US Provocation in South China Sea

On Tuesday, in an open military provocation, the Obama administration authorised the US Navy to send a guided-missile destroyer into the 12-nautical-mile territorial zone surrounding Chinese-held Fiery Cross Reef, located in the Spratly Island chain in the South China Sea. The operation was carried out on the fraudulent pretext of “freedom of navigation” - that is, the assertion by US imperialism that it has the right to send its military forces anywhere it chooses, at any time, in Chinese-claimed waters.
Yesterday’s action achieved its real aim of ratcheting up military tensions in the Asia-Pacific. The Chinese military responded by scrambling at least two J-11 fighter jets. Chinese pilots reportedly issued warnings to the American destroyer, the USS William P. Lawrence, to leave Chinese territory or face engagement. The Chinese Navy dispatched three warships, but there have been no reports that the rival vessels came into contact.
These developments represent a sharp escalation. The US Navy carried out a “freedom of navigation” mission last October in Chinese-claimed waters around Subi Reef in the South China Sea and a second operation in January, near Triton Island in the Paracel Island chain. On those occasions, China did not react militarily but issued strongly-worded diplomatic protests. The response to the intrusion near Fiery Cross Reef indicates that, from this point on, US provocations will be engaged by Chinese forces, posing the danger of a military clash.
Fiery Cross Reef is one of the most sensitive of all the disputed territories. It has been held by China since 1988, but is still claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan. Tensions have grown since 2011 as a result of the US “pivot to Asia” and Washington’s development of closer military ties with Vietnam and the Philippines.

The message from Washington sent by yesterday’s operation is clear. US imperialism will continue to stoke up long-standing, competing claims over territory in the South China Sea to militarily encircle and destabilise the Chinese regime. The objective of the US ruling elite is not only to assert military dominance in Asia, but to intimidate Beijing into pulling back from its ambitions to exert greater global influence and compel it to make sweeping concessions to American demands on trade and access to Chinese markets. If Beijing nevertheless continues to assert the regional and global interests of the Chinese business oligarchs it represents, it will face war.

The timing of the “freedom of navigation” operation indicates that the message was intended as much for the allies and “strategic partners” of the United States as it was for the Chinese regime.

It could be only a matter of days before the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague brings down its ruling on a US-backed Philippines legal challenge to aspects of China’s claims in the South China Sea. The court, stacked with the legal appointees of the imperialist powers, is expected to declare Chinese occupation of certain islets and reefs “illegal” under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). 

Such a finding will be used by the American government to justify even more aggressive military operations, most of which will be launched from the new bases to which it has access in the Philippines. Short-range A-10 assault aircraft are operating from airfields directly adjacent the South China Sea and warships can be dispatched from various Philippine ports.
US President Obama will seek to enlist Vietnam behind stepped-up military operations against Beijing during his state visit to the country on May 21. This will be followed by top level talks in Japan on May 26–27 with the heads of the six other G7 nations—Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Canada—as well as the head of the European Union. To the fury of China, the communique issued by the G7 foreign ministers’ summit in April for the first time declared the G7’s “opposition” to any actions that raised “tensions” in the South and East China seas. The statement of Washington’s NATO and Japanese allies was not a reference to the US provocations, but to China’s reaction.
The deployment of jet fighters against a US warship indicates that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime concluded it would escalate its own reactionary preparations for a military confrontation with the war machine of the US and its allies.

The Chinese Defense ministry has announced that Beijing is going to further intensify tensions. It declared yesterday that the American actions “proved” that the construction of military infrastructure and deployment of forces in the South China Sea was “totally justified and very necessary.” China, it asserted, will increase its naval and air operations in the region and expand its placement of “various defense capacities.”
While the regime deploys its military in an ever-more fraught situation, the Chinese state-controlled media is attempting to generate nationalist fervor over the question of the disputed territory. The aim is both to divert steadily rising social tensions over inequality and economic slump into anti-American and anti-Japanese chauvinism, and to drown out any expression of alarm within the Chinese population over the implications of a war.
In every country—from the US and China to Japan, Australia, the Philippines and Vietnam—a catastrophic conflict is being prepared behind the backs of the working class and youth. This stark reality adds ever greater urgency to the fight to build a new international anti-war movement of the working class on the foundation of socialist and internationalist principles.

In my last article, I discussed the use of the Hegelian Dialectic in the creation of a national police force. Program 1033 is a deliberate attempt to militarize police, turn them loose on the citizenry, and then create the demand that something must be done to reign in out-of-control cops. The solution of course, is the federalization of local police forces. The Hegelian Dialectic is also known as the problem-reaction-solution strategy, and it is a tactic being used in almost all levels of society in an effort to discredit our culture and offer another form of government as a solution. Throughout the duration of the Obama presidency, there has been one crisis after another that tears at the heart of what defines American values. The overall goal is to convince the American citizenry that American culture is unfair, bigoted, and violent, and Communism would be a better alternative.

Many fear that the end game of the Obama administration is the deliberate instigation of violence in order to enact gun control and, ultimately, martial law. Our entire society has been turned upside down and the government has deliberately labeled patriotic Americans, veterans, pro-life groups, evangelical Christians, and anybody else that opposes his control as potential extremists while virtually ignoring the real threat we face from violent jihadists. It’s almost as if he is hoping to push us into acts of violence so he can force his will upon us.  The violence that we have witnessed over the past couple of years, the Ferguson and Baltimore riots and the more recent anti-Trump rallies, have all been organized and funded by George Soros front groups, in an effort to meet this end. Rioters in the recent California anti-Trump rally were paid fourteen dollars and fifty cents an hour by such groups, according to this Craig’s List ad.

Clyde Lewis, on his national radio show Ground Zero, brought another interesting element to this story that could ultimately prove this is all being done on purpose, not only to seize political power, but also to make a lot of money. It also supports the conclusions found in the Report from Iron Mountain where a fictitious crisis would have to be created in order to keep control of the masses and fuel a peacetime economy. One of the main points from the Iron Mountain report was that war was an effective means of controlling the people to desired ends and an excellent way to keep the economy going. The social controllers feared that without war, there would be no way of achieving the control they desired, so a fabricated crisis would have to be created.  Looking at society today, we have a militant black power movement, ISIS, global warming, and a growing effort to violently disrupt legitimate political campaigns.

The element that Clyde Lewis brought to the table was a report published by the Sandler Research group, which discusses the expected growth of the Global Riot Control Systems industry. According to this report, the industry is expected to rake in over three billion dollars in sales over the next four years

 According to the report, North America has one of the largest markets for this type of technology, as the United States already has a militarized police force capable of employing the use of riot control gear.

According to Jean Anne Esselink of the newcivilrightsmovement.com, Cleveland is expected to spend fifty million dollars on crowd control equipment in the event of a, shall we say, discontented response to such an event.  Interestingly, the event has been called a National Special Security Event, and the fifty million dollars is being provided to the city of Cleveland through a federal grant.

Why is the United States preparing for such civil unrest? The answer is simple, they are preparing to steal your liberty and your nation’s sovereignty, and they are becoming increasingly concerned that you will not tolerate it. They know full well that ignoring the people’s vote and installing a candidate of their choice is wrong, just as they know the American people are awakening to the massive corruption that has become Washington D.C.  They have deliberately incited racial and political violence while using it as justification to build a militarized force and clamp down on our freedoms. They have discredited our culture and destroyed our children’s future with a national debt of over $19 trillion dollars which can never be repaid.  They have sold our country out for their own profit, and now they fear we are no longer blind to their criminal acts. As more of us continue to awaken, they will become more and more desperate, at which point we will see a vamped up effort to employ the police state against us. Looking at the projected time frame where the growth of the riot control industry is expected, I would say our time is short.