Remember  when we went to twice a day updates? That seemed like a big deal at the time. Right now there is so much going on, it's hard to even get it done twice a day. Birth pains indeed. The list of related, pertinent articles is growing exponentially now. And every day we are seeing big developments in each 'category' of related news. The news cycle is now around 4 hours. For someone who has watched prophecy related news for almost three decades, this is astounding. 

More than anything the evil in the world is growing alarmingly rapidly. We are most definitely in the shadow of the Tribulation - It is coming, you can feel it coming as much as anything. Things are coming to a head right now as events seem to be converging. If not already done, its time to get our spiritual houses in order - we have a bridegroom awaiting. The time is obviously close. 

The deputy commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said Iranian forces will close the strategic Strait of Hormuz to the United States and its allies if they “threaten” the Islamic Republic, Iranian state media reported on Wednesday.

The comments by Gen. Hossein Salami, carried on state television, follow a long history of both rhetoric and confrontation between Iran and the US over the narrow strait, through which nearly a third of all oil traded by sea passes.

“If the Americans and their regional allies want to pass through the Strait of Hormuz and threaten us, we will not allow any entry,” Salami said, without elaborating on what he and other leaders would consider a threat.
He added: “Americans cannot make safe any part of the world.”

Friday, Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work announced that 4,000 NATO troops, including two U.S. battalions, will be moved into Poland and the Baltic States, right on Russia's border. "The Russians have been doing a lot of snap exercises right up against the border with a lot of troops," says Work, who calls this "extraordinarily provocative behavior." 

But how are Russian troops deploying inside Russia "provocative," while U.S. troops on Russia's front porch are not? 

And before we ride this escalator up to a clash, we had best check our hole card.

Germany is to provide one of four battalions to be sent to the Baltic. 

Putin has seen NATO, despite solemn U.S. assurances given to Gorbachev, incorporate all of Eastern Europe that Russia had vacated, and three former republics of the USSR itself.

He now hears a clamor from American hawks to bring three more former Soviet republics  — Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine — into a NATO alliance directed against Russia.

Had we lost the Cold War and Russian spy planes began to patrol off Pensacola, Norfolk and San Diego, how would U.S. F-16 pilots have reacted? 

If we awoke to find Mexico, Canada, Cuba, and most of South America in a military alliance against us, welcoming Russian bases and troops, would we regard that as "the hand of partnership"?

We are reaping the understandable rage and resentment of the Russian people over how we exploited Moscow's retreat from empire.

Russia has wasted no time in responding to NATO's decision to deploy 4,000 troops to Russia's border.Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that Russia will be deploying two new divisions to the West, and one to the South (reportedly with 10,000 troops each) in order to counterbalance NATO's increased military presence.
"The Defense Ministry is taking a number of measures to respond to the NATO military buildup at the Russian border. Before the year's end two new divisions will be formed in the Western Military District and one in the Southern Military District." Shoigu said.

Aleksandr Grushko, Russia's envoy to NATO said in response to NATO's plan "we are not passive observers, we consistently take all the military measures we consider necessary in order to counterbalance this reinforced presence that is not justified by anything. Certainly we'll respond totally asymmetrically."
Regarding NATO's confrontational approach, Grushko said "cooperation will be possible only when NATO countries start realizing that the policy of confrontation contradicts their own national interests."
Grushko also warned the U.S. about flying reconnaissance missions over Russia, something they followed through on twice over the past month, as the U.S. continues to push the limits.

And finally, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sums up what Russia is thinking, which is that NATO is approaching Russia, not the other way around.

"NATO military infrastructure is inching closer and closer to Russia’s borders. But when Russia takes action to ensure its security, we are told that Russia is engaging in dangerous maneuvers near NATO borders. In fact, NATO borders are getting closer to Russia, not the opposite.

 Russia will reinforce its western and southern flanks with three new divisions by the year-end, officials said on Wednesday, threatening retaliation to NATO's plans to boost its military presence in eastern members Poland and the Baltic States.
While Moscow accuses the Western alliance of threatening its Russia's security, NATO says intensified military drills and its plans for increased deployments on its eastern flank are purely defensive after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea in 2014 and backed separatist rebels in Ukraine.
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said on Monday NATO was weighing up rotating four battalions of troops through eastern member states amid rising tension in the Baltic.
"This would be a very dangerous build-up of armed forces pretty close to our borders," Kelin told the Interfax news agency. "I am afraid this would require certain retaliatory measures, which the Russian Defence Ministry is already talking about."

It’s something you’ve likely seen in the movies — it’s something you may not know is also happening in real life. People are getting chips implanted into their hands in an effort to make daily life a little bit easier. From opening doors to making contacts to sending emails — a growing group of people are all-in.

Chip makers are relying on piercing artists like Verno to implant the rice-sized technology you can order online. He’s done about seven similar procedures.

The missiles raining down upon Aleppo since dawn on the 3rd May 2016 are being launched by the terrorist groups our media like to call “revolutionaries”.
“Today, the deluge of bombs striking Aleppo have targeted the Obstetric hospital. Huge numbers of dead and wounded.” ~ Dr Nabil Antaki, 3pm

“A massive explosion.  The battles have not stopped. More than 100 mortars since this morning.  The Aleppo students should have sat end of year exams today.  There is firing from all sides.
Ambulance sirens can be heard everywhere.  This is nothing new, but today its horrible! ” ~ Father Georges Sabe, 12.30pm

The governments of the world loath paper currencies, almost as much as they hate gold backed currencies. They tell us that paper money enables terrorists, criminal enterprises, and tax evaders, all of which is true to an extent, but it’s not the real reason why they hate cash. They just don’t like the idea of you having any savings that they don’t know about. They don’t want you to have money that they can’t confiscate on a whim.
That’s why the European Union has recently decided to stop producing the 500 euro note by 2018. Though the merits of the bill have been debated for some time, calls to eliminate it grew after the Paris terror attack last November. As usual, terrorist attacks are always the government’s best excuse to limit our freedoms.

But the real impetus to eliminate the bill is obvious when you see how important it is for Europe’s savers. More than 300 billion in euros are currently in circulation, a number which as grown precipitously over the years as the EU’s debt fueled economy has degraded. The 500 euro makes it so much easier for the average person to protect themselves from confiscations and bank holidays.
And don’t assume for a moment that this won’t happen here in America. The globalists are pushing harder than ever before to stop producing the $100 bill, and our media is rife with anti-cash propaganda. This is a global battle to punish savers everywhere, and it’s one that savers can’t afford to lose.

You’ve likely heard that unknown hackers recently attacked Mossack Fonseca, a law firm in Panama that helps people set up offshore companies and bank accounts. They later leaked 11.5 million documents.
Almost immediately, central economic planners at the G20 and OECD—international organizations of the world’s largest economies—took advantage of the “Panama Papers” incident to shove GATCA down the world’s throat.
GATCA is a new “global standard” for the automatic exchange of financial information between governments. It’s modeled on an overreaching U.S. law, FATCA, which forces every financial institution on earth to give the IRS information.
Think of GATCA as FATCA on steroids. If countries widely adopt it, GATCA will deliver the final deathblow to financial privacy.
The G20 and OECD are even threatening to blacklist and sanction countries that don’t sign up for their privacy-killing scheme. Most have already caved. Notable holdouts include Panama, Lebanon and Bahrain.
Ramon Fonseca, a founder of the hacked Panama law firm, has said, “We believe there’s an international campaign against privacy. Privacy is a sacred human right (but) there are people in the world who do not understand that.”
I think Fonseca is absolutely correct.

It’s a world where privacy is dead, where the government knows everything about you.
And we’re already almost there.

All this government tracking is possible thanks to the mountain of laws and regulations that sprouted from the war on (some) drugs, the war on terror and so forth. Over the years, these schemes have incrementally destroyed privacy. Now, they’re going in for the kill.
There’s not much about your life the government doesn’t know already. The last vestiges of privacy may vanish very soon. Once that happens, governments will have almost unbreakable control over the individual.
This is exactly the opposite of how a free society works.

New York University research scholar and law professor Mary Holland recently addressed the United Nations at the 25th International Health and Environment Conference.
Professor Holland has been one of the lone voices in the U.S. addressing the legal ramifications of removing parental rights to informed consent for childhood vaccines.  She has previously written for Health Impact News on this issue. See:

Professor Holland sees major civil rights issues involved in government vaccine policies that remove  informed consent rights to refuse mandatory vaccinations. She reminds the United Nations that history has shown us the results of such overt government intrusion into personal medical rights. World-wide human rights legislation has been put into place to protect individuals from government intrusion into medical abuse, starting with the Nuremberg Code just after the atrocities of Nazi Germany after World War II.

Professor Holland states:

[T]he UN and the international community have obligations to respect human rights related to vaccination.
Since World War II, the international community has recognized the grave dangers in involuntary scientific and medical experimentation on human subjects.  In the aftermath of Nazi medical atrocities, the world affirmed the Nuremberg Code which stated that the “voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further enshrined this prohibition against involuntary experimentation in its 1966 text, stating “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” Such a prohibition is now so universally recognized that some courts and scholars have pronounced the right to informed consent in experiments as a matter of customary international law.

Watch Professor Holland’s entire 16 minute presentation to the United Nations, in which she received several ovations from the audience.

Since World War II, the international community has recognized the grave dangers in involuntary scientific and medical experimentation on human subjects.  In the aftermath of Nazi medical atrocities, the world affirmed the Nuremberg Code which stated that the “voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further enshrined this prohibition against involuntary experimentation in its 1966 text, stating “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” Such a prohibition is now so universally recognized that some courts and scholars have pronounced the right to informed consent in experiments as a matter of customary international law.  In other words, it applies everywhere, whether or not a country has specific laws on its books, as customary norms now prohibit slavery, genocide, torture and piracy.

any preventive…medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." –John 15:13
A US Navy SEAL has been killed in the Iraqi town of Tel Asqof. He was serving as an advisor to the Kurdish Peshmerga when he was killed during an Islamic State assault "on a Peshmerga position approximately three to five kilometers behind the forward line of troops," according to a Pentagon press statement.

"Four hundred Muslims attacked the Christian village of Teleskof in Iraq, and one American Navy SEAL fought them off to protect his fellow Christians," Shoebat wrote. "This is a story of true valor and honor. He was in the village to assist local Kurdish fighters, but he most definitely was there to defend his brethren against the Muslim heretics. According to reports, the firefight was very intense. The terrorists, all ISIS members, commenced the attack by sending in two suicide bombers who detonated themselves upon entering the village. As the fight was occurring, a Muslim sniper aimed at the SEAL and shot him, and he is now a martyr."

Five mortar attacks were aimed at IDF forces near the Gaza border on Wednesday.

Several hours later another force reported a blast nearby.
Shortly before 3 p.m. a similar mortar attack was reported by an IDF force near Nahal Oz, along the northern Gaza border.
A fourth attack was launched at IDF forces later in the afternoon, after a joint statement by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization was released claiming responsibility for all of the attacks.

IDF soldiers returned tank fire at the source, several outposts of the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organizations. One of the outposts was destroyed completely by IDF tank fire. All were located in the Shujaya neighborhood of Gaza City, the site of one of the toughest battles during the counter terror war of 2014, Operation Protective Edge.
A fifth mortar shell was fired at southern Israel on Wednesday evening, at around 7 pm. No injuries were reported in the attack. 
The IDF declared the area around the Gaza Belt community of Nahal Oz to be a closed military zone, and officially launched a search for terror attack tunnels throughout the area and particularly near the security fence along the Gaza border.