What's Starting Now Will Overturn The Entire System: "Complete Collapse of Everything" | Zero Hedge

“There’s too much of everything…” The debt, the currency collapse, the global economy, and the institutions we’ve all taken for granted.
All of it is head for prolonged collapse, and revolution.
Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg warns about the immense scale of the problems that have been triggered by the Brexit – and could lead to the complete disintegration of the European Union.
The status quo is being disrupted, and a major, major event is coming. This one may well be big enough to wipe everyone out, that is those who aren’t able to duck out and survive.

Former Wall Street analyst and journalist Michael Krieger contends the recent so-called “Brexit” chaos is signaling something much bigger than coming economic trouble. Krieger explains, “I think the biggest thing with Brexit, and I think it is far bigger than an economic downturn, is the disintegration and ultimately the overthrow of the entire status quo regime, the entire post WWII establishment. That’s way bigger than an economic decline. It’s way bigger than the economic decline in 2008 and 2009. When you think about it, since 1945, we’ve had all kinds of economic declines. We’ve had bear markets and bull markets, but the status quo, the establishment, the basic principles that have been guiding the world for, let’s say 80 years now, those are what are going to be overthrown, and that is a way bigger deal than an economic downturn, in my opinion.”

On the odds of a financial crash, Krieger contends, “In my writings, when I first came out of Wall Street, I focused on debt, I focused on economics and I focused on financial markets. I did all of that stuff, but I stopped doing that for one simple reason.

It was obvious to me . . . that this thing had only one way to go, which is a complete collapse of everything. We’re going to need to start over. There’s too much debt. There’s too much corruption. There’s too much BS. There’s too much war. There’s too much everything that is bad in this world, and debt is one aspect of it. 

Are we going to have to wipe out the debts one way or the other? Of course, we will. I guess the reason I have stopped talking about that and writing about that is because it is so obvious. So, what I have been doing over the last three years is getting people aware and engaged on everything, not just the economics, but the political corruption. Every single industry in this world is basically hitting peak corruption, peak shadiness, peak violence and peak everything. 

So, it’s not just the debt or the economies that are going to collapse, it’s everything, the political establishment and the social fabric. All of these things we have been living under our entire lives will be replaced by something else. . . . The only question is, are we going to get something better or are we going to get something worse?”

Have you noticed that the world seems to be going a little bit more crazy with each passing month?  Here we are halfway through 2016, and the rot and decay that are eating at the foundations of civilized society seem to be rapidly gaining momentum.  Every single day, all of us take certain things for granted as we go through our normal routines.  For example, as you walk down the street you probably take it for granted that someone is not going to pull out a gun and try to shoot you.  As members of a civilized society, we have come to expect that our fellow citizens will behave in a certain way.  Unfortunately, the thin veneer of civilization that we have all come to rely upon is steadily evaporating all over the globe, and chaos, crime and violence are all on the rise.
Even the United States is becoming a lawless place.  We saw this very clearly when the FBI magically cleared Hillary Clinton.  We’ll talk more about the deterioration of America later on in this article, but I would like to begin today by looking at what is going on in Brazil.  The Olympics are about a month away, and things are so bad in Rio de Janeiro that police have put up a billboard for all of the tourists that are coming in that says “Welcome to Hell”

It may be hard to believe, but approximately 42,000 people are shot and killed in Brazil each year, and it has one of the highest homicide rates on the entire planet.

Meanwhile, things are even worse in Brazil’s neighbor Venezuela.  47 percent of the population can no longer provide three meals a day for their families, people are hunting cats and dogs for food, and armed guards are being stationed on food trucks to keep the rioters and looters at bay.  It is a full-blown economic collapse, and what is happening in Venezuela right now is eventually coming to America.

Over in Europe, they are dealing with a major sexual assault epidemic.  Millions of refugees from the Middle East have poured into western Europe over the past couple of years, and the results have been nothing short of catastrophic.  The latest incident to make global headlines comes from Sweden

Do you want to guess who the attackers were?  One of the young girls that was sexually assaulted said that the perpetrators “were not from a Swedish background”

But don’t worry, the police in Sweden have launched a new campaign against these kinds of assaults.  They plan to hand out bracelets that say “don’t molest” at music festivals and they have even started a special hashtag on Twitter.
That should do quite a bit to stem the tide.
Over in Germany, a leaked report is making waves because it specifically identifies refugees as the primary reason for the horrible wave of sexual assaults at swimming pools and other bathing establishments…

Look, I am all in favor of helping families that are fleeing the war in Syria, but these nations in Europe need to start using some common sense.
In the Middle East, the barbarism just continues to get even worse.  Just today, I saw a report about how ISIS is boiling people alive, and over the past couple of weeks there has been a shocking string of Islamic terror attacks all over the world.  According to Wikipedia, there have been more than 100 terror attacks worldwide per month so far in 2016, and during the month of June there were more than 200.
When are people going to start realizing that Islamic terror is a major threat and it is not going away?
In the United States, the thin veneer of civilization is breaking down as well, and this is especially true in many of our major cities.

Iran has been continually violating the terms of the nuclear agreement signed last summer with the world powers, including Germany, and has been making attempts to acquire materiel to further its nuclear ambitions, a new German intelligence report has revealed.

The annual report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the German equivalent to the FBI, charges that Iran has been making “clandestine” efforts to seek equipment and technology, “especially goods that can be used in the field of nuclear technology,” from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.”

The report stated that Iran made at least nine attempts to acquire technology that could be used for nuclear arms development,according to an i24 News report in Israel that cited Germany’s Tagesspiegel daily. The majority of the attempts were thwarted by the intelligence agency in cooperation with the German companies.

Israel’s Ambassador to Germany Yakov Hadas-Handelsman told Tagesspiegel: “Once again we are seeing the confirmation of our concerns, that are shared also by the German side: It’s not enough to simply trust Tehran.”

What we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation further through sabre-rattling and warmongering. ..
Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance’s eastern border will bring security is mistaken. ..
We are well-advised to not create pretexts to renew an old confrontation. ..
(It would be) fatal to search only for military solutions and a policy of deterrence.
– German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, commenting on NATO’s recent military exercises in Poland and the Baltics.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s cry of distress is that of a man watching a tidal wave of destruction gathering force, similar to ones that have engulfed his country twice in the 20th Century.  His dread is not to be dismissed since it comes from a man who is in a position to know what the U.S. is up to.  His words reflect the fears of ever more people across all of Eurasia from France in the West to Japan in the East.
Under the euphemism of “containment,” the U.S. is relentlessly advancing its new Cold War on Russia and China.  Its instrument in the West is NATO and in the East, Japan and whatever other worthies can be sharked up.
It is a Cold War that grows increasingly hotter, with proxy wars now raging in Eastern Ukraine and Syria and with confrontations in the South China Sea. There is an ever growing likelihood that these points of tension will flare up into an all out military conflict.
In the West this conflict will begin in Eastern Europe and Russia, but it will not stop there.   All the European NATO countries would be on the front lines.  In the East the conflict will take place in the Western Pacific in the region of China’s coast and in the peninsulas and island countries in the region, including Japan, the Philippines and Indochina.

Want to know what it would look like?   Look at Eastern Ukraine.  All of Eurasia could come to resemble that sorry nation in the event of a military conflict pitting the US and its allies against Russia and China.   Eurasia, be forewarned!

The United States should do nothing to harm China‘s sovereignty and security in the South China Sea, China‘s foreign minister told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, ahead of a key court ruling onChina‘s claims in the disputed waterway.
Speaking by telephone on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Kerry the United States should stick to its promises not to take sides in the dispute, China‘s foreign ministry said.
China hopes the United States “speaks and acts cautiously, and take no actions that harmChina‘s sovereignty and security interests”, the statement paraphrased Wang as saying.
Tensions and rhetoric have been rising ahead of a July 12 ruling by an arbitration court hearing the dispute between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea in the Dutch city of The Hague.