For anyone watching, it's obvious that we are not only living in some very strange, surreal times, but  now we seem to be entering a whole new level, a level that could e described as incomprehensible times -  as we collectively move further towards what is coming. 

Earlier today, FBI director James Comey magically cleared democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of any risk of criminal prosecution related to her classified email violations. In a live press conference that was obviously scripted, Comey confirmed that Hillary Clinton sent or received at least 110 emails that contained classified information, in blatant violation of U.S. law. This violation of federal law was described by Comey as "reckless" but not worthy of prosecution. "No charges are appropriate in this case," he concluded.

Yet it's clear this decision was based on special consideration that applies only to politically connected power brokers like Hillary Clinton. Many other individuals are currently in prison for carrying out similar acts. Unlike Clinton, they were prosecuted for violating national security laws. But Clinton, as part of America's political elite, is evidently immune from all prosecution.

None of us are surprised that the FBI rewrote the law specifically to give Hillary Clinton a free pass. We all now expect exactly this kind of corruption in Washington. That's how far gone America really is... THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED AT EVERY LEVEL!

What this decision by James Comey and the FBI really means is that America is no longer a nation of law. Instead, it is a wholly corrupt political regime where even the top investigation officials selectively apply or ignore the law, depending on the political leanings of their intended targets. Those individuals who violate the law but are part of the protected elite are granted immunity from prosecution. On the other hand, those individuals who oppose the political elite are selectively targeted for extreme prosecution, often based on far flimsier evidence than what was gathered from Clinton's private email server (see the prosecution of General Petraeus as an example).

Effectively, James Comey's announcement is a declaration that the government can no longer police itself. Every branch of government will now cover up and protect every other branch of government, no matter how corrupt or illegal the actions.

The upshot of this arrangement is that the government will always protect its own interests while selectively targeting independent-minded citizens and groups for prosecution and intimidation. No one has been charged in the IRS' targeting of patriotic non-profit groups, for example. And no one ever will. Similarly, not one federal official has been charged in the Flint, Michigan cover-up of lead contamination in the water supply.

As of today, July 5th, the federal government of the United States is nothing more than an occupying enemy force that has seized control of the political apparatus, in gross violation of the fundamental tenants of law and justice upon which America was founded. Those who now sit in Washington and dish out selective prosecutions against some people while granting prosecutorial immunity against others are enemies of justice and enemies of the People. They have abandoned the rule of law, and in doing so, they have effectively stated that all the prosecutorial power of the state will be brought solely against those who oppose the regime currently in power.

America, in other words, has just become a banana republic. And like every banana republic, the economy is built on the endless printing of new debt, while the dictatorial control of the political elite is accomplished by stripping away all gun rights from the citizens to make sure the criminal government regime has a complete monopoly on firepower. America is now moving into a "rule by gunpoint" phase of history.

The federal government, in essence, now exists solely to grow its size, power and control at any cost. It is now a runaway criminal entity... a cancer on society... and it will never stop expanding its reach until it controls every aspect of the economy, the population and even the private lives of every citizen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman approved on Sunday construction plans for some 800 new housing units in East Jerusalem and the Ma’ale Adumim settlement, as well as hundreds of new homes for an Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem.
According to the plan, 560 new units will be built in Ma’ale Adumim, a West Bank settlement to the east of the capital, 140 homes were approved for the Jewish East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot and 100 for the Har Homa neighborhood, in southeastern Jerusalem.

The announcement came a day after Netanyahu and Liberman approved theconstruction of 42 new homes in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, where 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist in her bedroomon Thursday morning in the settlement.

The new homes were a part of a series of measures announced by the Israeli government in response to the terror attack in Kiryat Arba, and another attack near Hebron Friday where a family car came under gunfire while driving along Route 60. Miki Mark, a yeshiva head from the settlement of Otniel was killed and his wife seriously injured. Two of their children who were with them in the car were also wounded.

UN chief Ban Ki-Moon on Monday denounced Israel’s decision to expand the construction of homes for Jews at settlements in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, his spokesman said.

The UN leader is “deeply disappointed” that Israel’s announcement came days after last week’s release of a key report by the Middle East diplomatic quartet — the United States, European Union, Russia and the United Nations — that urged Israel to stop building settlements, Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

“This raises legitimate questions about Israel’s long-term intentions, which are compounded by continuing statements of some Israeli ministers calling for the annexation of the West Bank,” he added.
On Sunday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman approved hundreds of new housing units in Ma’ale Adumim and Jerusalem. Israel regards East Jerusalem, which it annexed after the 1967 war, as part of its unified, sovereign capital.
The move came in response to the killing of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian while sleeping in her bed on Thursday, and to the shooting of Rabbi Miki Mark and the injuring of his family as they were driving near Hebron a day later.

The State Department on Tuesday accused Israel of systematically seizing Palestinian land after the Jewish state okayed the construction of 800 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the unusually strongly worded statement, spokesman John Kirby said the reports of new construction permits, which came Sunday as a response to two deadly terror attacks, called into question Israel’s commitment to the two-state solution.

“If its true, this report would be the latest step in what seems to be the systematic process of land seizures settlement expansions and legalization of outposts that is fundamentally undermining the prospects for a two-state solution. We oppose steps like these which we believe are counterproductive,” Kirby said.
He added that Washington was “deeply concerned” about the move.
“This action risks entrenching a one state reality and raises serious questions about Israel’s intentions,” he said, citing a report released by the Quartet for Mideast Peace which criticized Israeli settlement building

 Beijing and Tokyo were at loggerheads on Tuesday (Jul 5) over accusations Japanese warplanes locked their fire control radar onto Chinese aircraft, as state-run Chinese media said the country needed to be ready for "military confrontation" elsewhere.

Beijing has long been embroiled in fierce territorial disputes with Tokyo over Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea, and with a host of littoral states over the South China Sea, which it claims almost in its entirety.
Chinese vessels and planes regularly enter waters and airspace near the East China Sea islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

China's defence ministry late on Monday accused Japanese fighter jets of using their fire control radar to lock onto two Chinese aircraft on "routine patrol" in the Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) it declared unilaterally in 2013.

The aggressive move generally means an attacker is ready to fire weapons at a target.

Japan's deputy chief cabinet secretary Koichi Hagiuda denied the accusation on Tuesday, telling reporters that Tokyo's Self-Defence Forces had scrambled F15 jets to monitor Chinese aircraft.

The issue has raised tensions in the region and with the United States, which has key defence treaties with Japan and other allies in the area.

The Chinese Navy will hold military drills around the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, the maritime safety administration said on Sunday, ahead of a decision by an international court in a dispute between China and the Philippines.
China routinely carries out exercises in the South China Sea, where its territorial claims overlap in parts with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

Tensions have been rising ahead of a July 12 ruling by an arbitration court hearing the dispute between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea in the Dutch city of The Hague.

In a brief online statement, China‘s maritime safety administration said the drills would take place from July 5-11, and gave coordinates for the drills that cover an area from the east of China‘s Hainan island down to and including the Paracels.
Other ships are prohibited from entering those waters during that time, it said, without further elaboration.
The Paracels are also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan.

With tensions ongoing in the South China Sea and Beijing in the midst of large-scale military drills, a major Chinese paper has suggested that the government should prepare for war.

Throughout the next week, China is engaged in large-scale military exercises near the disputed Paracel Islands, known as Xisha locally. This comes ahead of an international arbitration ruling on territorial claims in the region. The decision will be announced July 12.
In anticipation of the ruling, likely to be heavily influenced by the United States, China’s Global Times recommends that Beijing increase its military presence in the South China Sea, to counter the Pentagon’s influence in the waterway.

"China should speed up building its military capabilities of strategic deterrence. Even though China cannot keep up with the US militarily in the short-term, it should be able to let the US pay a cost it cannot stand if it intervenes in the South China Sea dispute by force," the editorial reads.

  • British citizen working in Brussels sends extraordinary letter to all MPs  
  • Henry Smith tells MailOnline it is 'breathtaking' that an EU employee should 'seek to interfere with a British democratic decision'
  • Tory MP for Crawley posted letter from Brussels-based worker on Twitter
  • EU employee lists extraordinary reasons why MPs should block Brexit vote
  • Remarkably, she claims referendum 'wasn't an exercise in real democracy'
  • Urged MP not to support triggering Brexit despite clear referendum vote
  • Comes amid row over whether PM or parliament has final say over leaving 

An extraordinary attempt to block Britain leaving the EU has been revealed after a European Commission staff member sent a letter to all MPs demanding they vote to prevent Brexit
Tory MP Henry Smith highlighted the missive - sent from a British citizen working for the EU in Brussels - and has sent a copy of the letter to MailOnline, which you can read in full below. 
The employee says politicians should not support invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty despite the clear Leave vote in the referendum.
She wrote a list of remarkable claims on why MPs should block last month's Brexit vote.
Among the most outlandish was a claim the referendum was 'not an exercise in real democracy' - despite a record 33.5million people turning out to vote. 
She also told MPs to reject the Brexit result - backed by 52 per cent to 48 - because the decision was too 'complex' for the 'uninformed' electorate.

Top law firm Mishcon de Reya has threatened to take the government to court if it does not call a Commons vote before activating the Treaty. 
If successful, the bid could hand MPs - three quarters of whom supported Remain - the power to delay our departure and control the terms.
David Cameron has insisted it will be the duty of his successor to trigger the mechanism after he resigning in the wake of the referendum's bombshell Leave victory. 
Home Secretary Theresa May, the favourite to take over as PM, and Justice Secretary Michael Gove have suggested they would not push ahead with the move this year.
But Andrea Leadsom, who supported Brexit, has insisted Article 50 should be activated as soon as possible to give investors and the public certainty. 

Italy’s bank shares plunged on Tuesday, shaking the financial foundations of the euro zone’s third-largest economy and threatening contagion to other EU nations.
The crisis could push Italy back into recession and, in a doomsday scenario, generate a Greece-type meltdown that Europe would find almost impossible to contain.
“Italy faces a severe crisis that is exponential. This is not gradual and not linear,” said Francesco Galietti, head of the Policy Sonar risk consultancy and a former finance ministry official. “The immediate trigger is the banking crisis.”
Italy’s bank sector index <.FTIT8300> has fallen 30 percent since Britain voted on June 23 to quit the European Union, bringing its losses so far this year to 57 percent. The euro zone banking stocks index <.SX7E> has dropped 22 percent and 37 percent respectively.
On Tuesday, the Italian index lost a further 1.44 percent to trade around three-year lows.
Italy is politically and financially fragile, often described as “too big to save” in a crisis, so even though there is very little direct economic linkage between its banks and the Brexit vote, any global shock creates major tremors here.
“Italy is essentially the fault line of Europe,” said a former IMF official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A new report from Amnesty International claims that US-backed groups are responsible for many “chilling” abuses.

The Levant Front, the Free Syrian Army’s 16th division, and the Nour al-Din Zanki movement, are named as culprits in the torture, kidnapping and execution of pro-government fighters, journalists and activists. 
Philip Luther, director of Amnesty's Middle East program said, "While some civilians in areas controlled by armed opposition groups may, at first, have welcomed an escape from brutal Syrian government rule, hopes that these armed groups would respect rights have faded as they have increasingly taken the law into their own hands and committed serious abuses." 
He added that "In Aleppo and Idleb today, armed groups have free rein to commit war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law with impunity."
The US often touts its vetting process for the foreign organizations it supports, but it appears that Washington often claims that groups are "moderate" when they have been documented as being violent.  

This is a must-watch video, only 19 minutes long, detailing live footage of the very real destruction of Europe by male Islamic “migrants” and “refugees.”
ISIS mocked the EU claiming how easy it was to enter European countries posing as “Syrian refugees.” Three days after this video was uploaded to YouTube, Islamic attacks killed 130 civilians and injured 352 more in Paris, alone.
But destruction happens without violent attacks like those of Paris.
In Greece, one woman says, “We are scared every day. They come in and they want to kill each other.” Crying, she pleads, “Someone has to protect us. They are in our houses. We are the victims here. Not them. We have to live like we used to before. We have to live our lives. They took it from us.”

But no one is. The migrants keep coming, and the citizens of Europe’s cries are ignored.

Twenty-seven recently resettled refugees were among the 117 cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in Wisconsin in 2014 and 2015, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. That makes the Badger State the new refugee TB capital of the United States.

Wisconsin replaces Louisiana as the state with the most reported cases of active TB among recently resettled refugees in the country.
As Breitbart News has reported previously, twenty-one cases of active TB were diagnosed among recently resettled refugees in Louisiana between 2011 and 2015.
Six other states have reported recently resettled refugees have been diagnosed with active TB: Florida (eleven)Colorado (ten)Idaho (seven)Indiana (four)Kentucky (nine in one county), and North Dakota (four in one county).

The Iowa Civil Rights Commission is being sued for claiming it has the right to control the content of church services that are “open to the public.”
The lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ is part of a nationwide battle against the implementation of President Obama’s declared foreign-policy priority in his final year in office: “gay” rights.”
The lawsuit charges the mandates violate the U.S. Constitution’s protections for free speech, religion, expressive association, due process and the right to peaceably assemble.
The complaint, filed this week, is clear.
“This is a civil rights action to stop the commissioners and the executive director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Iowa attorney general, and the city of Des Moines from compelling an Iowa church to communicate government messages to which it objects and from forcing the church to use its building in violation of its religious beliefs.”