In early April, experts at a military lab outside Washington intensified their search for evidence that a dangerous new biological threat had penetrated the nation’s borders.
They didn’t have to hunt long before they found it.
On May 18, a team working at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research here had its first look at a sample of the bacterium Escherichia coli, taken from a 49-year-old woman in Pennsylvania. She had a urinary tract infection with a disconcerting knack for surviving the assaults of antibiotic medications. Her sample was one of six from across the country delivered to the lab of microbiologist Patrick McGann.
Within hours, a preliminary analysis deepened concern at the lab. Over the next several days, more sophisticated genetic sleuthing confirmed McGann’s worst fears.
There, in the bacterium’s DNA, was a gene dubbed mcr-1. Its presence made the pathogen impervious to the venerable antibiotic colistin.

We’re seeing more drug-resistant infections. And people will die.— William P. Hanage, Harvard University infectious disease epidemiologist

A second U.S. case of E. coli with the mcr-1 resistance gene was reported this week in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Researchers are still working to determine whether it, or any of 18 other samples from around the world, contained the gene on an easy-to-spread plasmid.

The golden age of antibiotics appears to be coming to an end, its demise hastened by a combination of medical, social and economic factors. For decades, these drugs made it easy for doctors to treat infections and injuries. Now, common ailments are regaining the power to kill.

World Health Organization warn that gonorrhea “may soon become untreatable” because of growing resistance to the antibiotic ceftriaxone, a member of the cephalosporin class. The WHO also notes that extensively-drug-resistant tuberculosis is now circulating in 100 countries, and that worldwide resistance to carbapenem antibiotics has weakened physicians’ last line of attack against life-threatening intestinal enterbacteriacaea infections.

“It’s a slow catastrophe,” said Army Col. Emil Lesho, director of the Defense Department’s Multidrug-resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network.

The problem goes beyond treating infections. As bacterial resistance grows, Lesho said, “we’re all at risk of losing our access” to medical miracles we’ve come to take for granted: elective surgeries, joint replacements, organ transplants, cancer chemotherapies. These treatments give bacteria an opportunity to hitch a ride on a catheter or an unwashed hand and invade an already vulnerable patient. 

A Reuters news report under the names of presstitutes Robin Emmott and Sabine Siebold shows how devoid the West is of honest, intelligent and responsible journalists and government officials.;

First we will examine the dishonesty or incompetence of the reporters and then that of Western government officials.

Emmott and Siebold describe NATO as a “Western defense alliance.” Since the Clinton regime NATO has been an alliance for waging offensive war, a war crime under the Nuremberg rules established by the United States. Under the NATO banner a number of countries have been bombed, invaded, and had their governments overthrown by Washington acting under the cover of NATO.

These destroyed countries posed no threat whatsoever to the countries of the NATO alliance and undertook no aggressive actions against NATO members. How is it possible that Reuters’ reporters and editors are not aware of this? Why do they call an instrument of Washington’s aggression a “defense alliance”?

Every informed person knows that there is no need of a defense force against Russia in the Baltics and Poland. Aside from this fact, only an absolute idiot could think that three or four thousand troops constitutes a defense against the Russian Army. 

The world is now faced with the prospect that insouciant Americans will elect a crazed and incompetent criminal or semi-criminal as their president, a person who has declared the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” 

The ignorance and stupidity of the American people will destroy the world.
Little wonder that Vladimir Putin, the only responsible world leader other than the president of China, is desperate that the Western media understand that their irresponsible negligence to the truth is helping Washington drive the world to nuclear war.
Putin does not want war. He is doing everything in his power to avoid it. But Putin is not going to surrender Russia to Washington. The trip-point of World War III will be the installation of Washington’s missiles in Poland and Romania. As Putin recently made clear to the imbecilic Western journalists, these missiles can easily and secretly be changed from anti-ballistic missiles to nuclear attack missiles that can strike their Russian targets within 5 or fewer minutes of launch, thus depriving Russia of its retaliatory deterrent. Once these missiles are in place, Washington can issue orders to Russia.
Whatever the evil men and women in Washington who are gambling with the life of the planet think, Russia is not going to accept these missiles.
Where does world leadership reside? In Washington, the war criminal capital of the world that is driving the world to nuclear war, or in Russia whose leadership accepts countless affronts and provocations in an effort to avoid war?

Next Big Future: Russia putting up short range radar that can detect the F-35 and other stealth planes 310 miles away

Russia's powerful over-the-horizon Podsolnukh (Sunflower) radar is capable of detecting and tracking the F-35 stealth plane or any other fighter jet that was designed to avoid detection.

The Podsolnukh short-range over-the-horizon surface-wave radar is developed by Moscow-based OJSC NPK NIIDAR. The Russian Defense Ministry plans to deploy several of these systems in the Arctic, as well as on Russia's southern and western borders.  

The radar is capable of detecting sea surface and air objects at a maximum distance of 500 kilometers (over 310 miles) at different altitudes in line of sight and over the horizon. The Podsolnukh "can simultaneously detect, track and classify up top 300 sea and 100 aerial targets in an automatic mode," the Global Security website detailed.

The Podsolnukh has more to offer. The system could be put online in ten days and needs a team of just three people to stay operational, the media outlet explained. It does not need much power, it is easy to operate and it does not have much equipment. The radar stations have to be placed 370 kilometers apart to receive complete coverage. 

Sea- and shore-based OTHR systems are becoming increasingly popular in coastal nations, who want to protect their exclusive economic zones from piracy, smuggling and illegal fishing. They also have military application. The radars could are capable of issuing alerts in case of an invasion or subversive activity.

Three Podsolnukh stations are operational in Russia at the moment. They are located in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the Caspian Sea.

The Pentagon is confident in the F-35’s ability to perform in combat. “Don’t believe the hype,” Joe DellaVedova, a spokesperson for the Joint Strike Fighter program office

Political correctness, at its core, is an insidious demand that you dismiss the evidence you witness with your own eyes, replacing it with delusional, false narratives that have been shoved into your head by the conforming, obedient masses.

Political correctness means that if you are looking at red barn and 100 of your peers ridicule you while saying it's a BLUE barn, you must nod your head in agreement and surrender, "Yes, it's blue." Even when it's actually red. Political correctness is, essentially, a war on logic and reason. 2+2=5, Winston!

Political correctness is rooted in the demented notion that social memes now overrule physical and biological reality, requiring you to reject things that are real and replace them with beliefs that are fabricated out of thin air for political purposes. That this process now dominates modern society is proof that our world is run by the mentally ill... and that hoards of mentally ill obedient sheeple are more than happy to go along with the shared delusions that stem from such mental illness.

Truthfully, we are all now living in a time of mass mental illness, where 99 out of 100 people believe insane, untrue and impossible things that have been demanded of them by the ruling political puppet masters. In this article, I outline just 10 of the most dangerous delusions we are all now demanded to follow.

If you believe any of these things, you are clinically insane and probably need to have your head examined.

If you're a rational, thinking person, then you already know you're living in a society largely populated by mentally ill people who believe one or more of the popular delusions described here. So what's the solution to all this?

Believe your own experience and refuse to give in to the delusional memes of the P.C. zombies. Remind yourself to stay rooted in reality. Do not be swayed against your own direct experience by the wishy washy narratives of the mentally ill. Spend more time in nature, where truth is evident with every foot step. The more contact you have with nature, the saner you will stay even as the world goes totally insane all around you.

In essence, all of us must now practice mental self-defense. We must defend our own minds from the twisted distortions, influence and psychological pollution of the P.C. zombies. This requires real dedication to clear thinking and the turning off of all mainstream media sources (which specialize in persuasively presenting false narratives as facts).

The more you read independent media, in other words, the saner you become as you cast off the false narratives and delusional lies of the P.C. culture. Rejecting political correctness is, in fact, an important first step in the art of mental self-defense. You must also reject the peer pressure from your lunatic friends and family members who often believe all ten of these P.C. falsehoods. Don't try arguing with them, however: They're probably too far gone to save with reason. It's best to move on and make new friends who are already awakened and aware of what's really going on.