POPE FRANCIS to Proclaim One World Religion on September 23 2016? - YouTube

I normally don't post things like this, especially videos and particularly videos with sensational titles (I slightly altered the title for that reason). However, I want to make an exception in this case because of the information contained and what appears to be tangible facts. Additionally, if this is all true and not embellished, then it has enormous implications prophetically, and I want the people who visit this site to have the same information that I come across in casting this wide net for news. 

We know the Tribulation will include a false religion that will be intertwined with a world governmental structure. We may be seeing the early movements towards such a "world religion" and the pope seems to be giving a huge assist towards this movement as has been cited on this site many times in the past. 

Lets take this one with a grain of salt for now, see who else picks up this story and let's see what happens in September.