Three Reasons Why Russia, Iran and Turkey Should Foster Political, Military Ties

Russia, Iran and Turkey have increasingly improved their political and military cooperation in a bid to tackle Daesh and resolve the Syrian crisis. The China Youth Daily singled out three reasons behind this process.

While Moscow and Tehran have long fostered working relations, bilateral ties between Moscow and Ankara were damaged when Turkey, a NATO member and a key Washington ally in the region, downed a Russian bomber in northern Syria. 

"Disagreement with NATO on ways to fight Daesh in Syria and the botched coup prompted Ankara to turn to Russia. According to available information, Recep Tayyip Erdogan managed to prevent the military coup from succeeding because Moscow shared intelligence data with him," the newspaper noted.

It is nearly impossible to believe that NATO was not aware of an unusual military mobilization on the eve of the coup, the media outlet said, adding that the bloc apparently did not share this information with Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Russia used the opportunity and the Turkish leader understood who his friends and enemies are.

Meanwhile, last week, Tehran allowed Moscow to use its Hamadan airfield to refuel bombers that were tasked with bombing militant targets in Syria, primarily Aleppo, an unprecedented development in Iran's modern history.

The China Youth Daily offered three reasons that could explain improving counterterrorism cooperation between the three nations.

Firstly, if Russia, Iran and Turkey join their counterterrorism efforts, they will increase their anti-Daesh capabilities. In addition, they will also make it clear to the United States, Europe and the Middle East that they are the key players in Syria.

"Any political, economic and military attempts to resolve the crisis bypassing Moscow, Tehran and Ankara are doomed to failure," the newspaper noted. 

Secondly, the alliance offers an opportunity to exert pressure on Saudi Arabia, Washington's ally in the Middle East.
"Earlier, Saudi Arabia and its friends in the Persian Gulf tried to use the Syrian crisis in an attempt to undermine Iran's domestic affairs. Thanks to cooperation with Russia and Turkey, Iran is sending a strong message to Riyadh" not to meddle in the Islamic Republic's internal affairs, the media outlet observed.
Thirdly, the alliance will help to force the US, Europe and NATO to readjust their strategy in the Middle East. Although the West has tried to make overtures to Turkey and Iran, both Middle Eastern countries seem to have opted for closer relations with Russia instead, turning to a different "decision maker."
The newspaper described this process as "a logical step," adding that it "remains unclear whether the US and Europe are ready to accept Turkey and Iran's 'pivot' to Russia."

This new format will not necessarily be symmetrical. As freelance journalist Zakiyeh Yazdanshenas pointed out, Iran views its relations with Russia as strategic, unlike Moscow's ties with Ankara.

"These days, Iran sees itself as Russia's strategic partner in the Middle East. Of importance, the two countries are supporting the same side in the Syrian war," she wrote for al-Monitor. "Increased military cooperation between Moscow and Tehran is evidence of how important this partnership is for Iran."

In this context, the decision to let Russian planes land at Hamadan on their way to Syria could be "considered a message to its opponents in Syria, such as Turkey, who are attempting to court Russia," she said. "Indeed, Iran wants to signal that while Russia might talk to different players about Syria, such as Turkey and the United States, at the end of the day, it is Iran that Russia views as trustworthy."

Last week, Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, refrained from calling relations between the three countries "a new format for settling old crises," let alone an alliance. She emphasized that these contacts were in fact standard practice states involved in tackling regional challenges.

"Therefore, it does not replace any of the existing formats on resolving any particular issue. This is a platform for interstate dialogue and exchange of opinions, and this is standard practice," she said.

If you still have doubts about how rigged everything in the U.S. is or if you have any questions regarding wether we live in a feudal system allow this latest report from Mark Dice to dispel any questions you may have. The 0.01% that own all the important real estate and all the multi-national corporations don’t like it when their stories are questioned and the truth begins to surface.

I have said for about a year that hitlery will be the next person to occupy the White House. She was selected no later than 2014 and quiet possibly as early as 2011, if not before. She has been a good little foot soldier doing the bidding of her masters and she is going to be rewarded for her efforts with being the first woman “president” of the country formerly known as the United States. 
This is absolute confirmation, for me, that hitlery’s health is an issue and damn-the-torpedos full steam ahead!! It appears the White House is going to become the next chapter of Weekend at Bernie’s.
Watch Mark Dice’s video on YouTube

Is Hillary Clinton healthy enough to serve as president if she wins the election? Over the past couple of weeks this has become a major issue, and the mainstream media is actively conspiring with the Clinton campaign in a desperate attempt to cover up the truth. For example, the Washington Post, which has essentially become a mouthpiece for the Clinton campaign at this point, has been publishing an article “debunking” claims about Clinton’s health almost every day recently. One of their headlines that really caught my attention was “Don’t believe everything you read about Hillary Clinton’s health on Google." By the way, there were three Hillary Clinton campaign ads on that one page alone. But CNN took things to an entirely new level this week when it published an article entitled “Clinton’s health is fine, but what about Trump?” I was so flabbergasted by that headline that my wife came into my office to see what all of the commotion was about. No, Hillary Clinton’s health is not “fine”, and we will get to that later in this article.

Despite the fact that Clinton opened up a jar of pickles that was supposedly sealed on Jimmy Kimmel Live the other night in a ridiculous attempt to prove that she was healthy, the facts keep coming out, and the more Americans talk about her health issues the more her poll numbers go down.
As I have previously documented, the mainstream media isn’t even pretending to be objective in this race, and they have shifted into panic mode as they try to stop the damage to their favored candidate. One writer for the New York Times even went so far as to suggest that search engines should manipulate the results that they show to the public to help hide Hillary Clinton’s health problems.
But these aren’t just rumors. Her extended coughing fits have become increasingly difficult to explain. Even worse for her campaign is the fact that she has gone into seizures while on camera. She has been falling down with alarming regularity, and she also has a huge unexplained hole in her tongue. Clinton should just be honest with the American people about all of these things.

Are we supposed to ignore the facts that are laid out in these emails?
Just yesterday, CNN published an article entitled “The new birthers: Debunking the Hillary Clinton health conspiracy” that sought to demonize anyone that would dare to question Clinton’s health.
But meanwhile, reporters in the mainstream media continue to publish some of the most outrageous and ridiculous rumors imaginable about Donald Trump. They do this because they desperately want him to lose.
These days, one of the easiest ways to discredit a position is to label it a “conspiracy,” but the truth is that the pundits in the mainstream media are some of the biggest “conspiracy theorists” of them all.
There are legitimate questions about Hillary Clinton’s health, and the American people deserve the truth.
Unfortunately, they aren’t going to be getting it from the mainstream media.