All around us we see huge warning signs of the upcoming wars. Governments around the world are preparing for war - and we prophecy watchers know that these preparations will not be in vain - as we know of the coming wars. All around Isaiah 17 reveal wars to come to the Middle East. Same with Ezekiel 38-39. We know from Revelation 6, that a fourth of the world's population will perish from war and the ensuing famine and plague. And this is just the beginning of the carnage from war. 

The warning signs are all around us. These wars are coming, its a certainty, and they don't appear to be far away, in fact the beginnings of these wars seem imminent:

As tensions in the South China Sea region continue to rise, both the US and China appear ready and willing to engage in a contest of electronic warfare capabilities.

During the last few years, China has apparently constructed a considerable number of radar installations on the South China Seas islands. These facilities, which could potentially be employed for a variety of purposes, drastically increase China’s real-time awareness and intelligence capabilities over a large portion of the region.

Furthermore, while radar installations may appear less threatening than, for example, surface-to-air missile systems or airbases, they in fact give China a significant edge over other powers that operate in the South China Sea, according to an article posted on the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s blog website The Strategist.

This rapidly expanding radar network, further augmented by Beijing’s growing military and intelligence satellite network (as it appears that many of the aforementioned radar facilities are also being outfitted with satellite uplinks) will allow China to better track foreign military assets in the region.

"What this allows is a more sophisticated and reliable over-the-horizon targeting capability for China's growing arsenal of anti-ship ballistic missiles, extending a more credible threat envelope of A2/AD (Anti-Access/Area Denial) coverage to moving targets—like aircraft carrier strike groups," the article's author points out.

Furthermore, these facilities may also allow China to jam and disrupt enemy radar and electronic sensors.

The US, however, appears eager to pick up the gauntlet and bolster its electronic warfare capabilities in the region as well. For example, in June Washington deployed four US Navy EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft to the Philippines for 'bilateral training missions' – the type of aircraft that are in fact capable of jamming radars like the ones employed by Beijing in the South China Sea.
At this rate, it becomes increasingly possible that the US and China would engage in a contest for electronic warfare supremacy in the region, deploying additional EW assets in an attempt to gain the advantage in this new dimension of the ongoing standoff.
"The electronic spectrum, largely out of sight of the public eye, is becoming an area of a growing action/reaction dynamic between China and the United States in the South China Sea. This contest, if it grows and persists, will only add to the underlying tensions and risks of escalation in the South China Sea," the author surmises.

North Korea’s latest firing of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) indicates that Pyongyang’s military threat is growing further. The international community must work together to speed up efforts to halt the country’s provocations. 
The U.N. Security Council has started considering issuing a statement to condemn North Korea’s SLBM test launch toward the Sea of Japan.
It is vital for the UNSC to swiftly send a strong message to North Korea, which has repeatedly conducted nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches in violation of U.N. sanctions resolutions.

Kim, chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, watched the test-firing and declared that the SLBM launch proved his country “joined the front rank of military powers fully equipped with nuclear attack capabilities,” according to the Korean Central News Agency. He also ordered increased efforts to develop nuclear weapons and ways to deliver them, the KCNA reported.
If North Korea successfully deploys an SLBM equipped with a miniaturized nuclear warhead for combat use, it would allow the country to conduct nuclear attacks in various different ways. This is a source of grave concern that could undermine regional stability.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye has described Kim as “unpredictable” and expressed strong concern, saying North Korea’s “nuclear and missile threats” are becoming a reality.

Earlier this year we reported that Texas game wardens on the southern border have been issued radiation detectors due to concerns that a nuclear or radiological device could be smuggled into the United States through the porous Mexican border.

It appears that the Department of Homeland Security is also taking the potential for a nuclear-based weapon of mass destruction seriously. According to a new report from NextGov the government has ordered some $20 million worth of wearable intelligent nuclear detection (WIND) units in an effort to boost domestic security:

Last year, DHS made a broad agency announcement soliciting proposals for so-called Wearable Intelligent Nuclear Detection, or WIND, technology. Employees would wear the products to ensure nuclear devices weren’t secretly being transported in areas like marine vessels, metro systems, or other public areas, according to DHS.
DHS was specifically searching for “advanced technology demonstrations,” which are for “mature prototype capable of providing reliable performance measurements in a challenging and realistic, albeit simulated, operational environment,” the BAA said.
DHS’ Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, whose mission is to protect the U.S. from nuclear devices, was specifically searching for a modular wearable system that could sense, localize and identify nuclear particles, including gamma rays and neutrons.

The move signals a real and emerging threat and one that the Obama administration highlighted in March in which they warned of the four ways a large-scale nuclear attack on U.S. soil could happen. Whatever the method, the end result would be devastating:

We know for a fact that individuals from the middle east have been using the Southern corridor to enter the United States illegally. We also know that some of those individuals have ties to terrorist organizations.
With DHS actively looking for ways to detect nuclear radiation it appears that an attack on the United States is now a serious possibility.
Of course, no threat has been announced to the public and chances are that should one exist the American people won’t know until it’s too late. 

Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn had a frightening revelation for listeners of the Breitbart News Daily radio program. He explained that nations like Iran are “cutting deals” with drug cartels along the Mexican border, so that state sponsored terror groups like Hezbollah can travel easily into the United States.
“I know from my friends in the Border Patrol in CBP that there are… radical Islamist countries, state-sponsored, that are cutting deals with Mexican drug cartels for some of what they call the lanes of entry into our country. And I have personally seen the photos of the signage along those paths that are in Arabic… they’re like way points along that path as you come in. Primarily in this case the one that I saw was in Texas and it’s literally… signs in Arabic… [that say] ‘this way, move to this point’…”
He went on to explain that Hezbollah is using these channels to traffic humans and drugs into the United States. Though he didn’t specify, Flynn implied that Iran isn’t the only government, and Hezbollah isn’t the only terrorist group, that is working closely with the drug cartels.
Flynn is the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency before he was forced into retirement for clashing with the Obama Administration. He has consulted Donald Trump on foreign policy matters, and until last month was considered a possible running mate for Trump.

Gregory Mannarino of has previously warned that when the global debt bubble bursts it could lead to the deaths of millions upon millions of people on a worldwide scale. By all accounts, we are witnessing an unprecedented economic and financial situation across the globe.
As Mannarino notes in his latest video report, multi-trillion dollar monetary injections into stock markets have given the majority of people the perception of a healthy economy. Yet, central banks find themselves in a predicament for which there is no easy way out. And right now, the Federal Reserve is teetering on “a knife’s edge.”
With the end game for the Fed rapidly approaching, we could soon see a massive market correction that will leave most people bewildered by its ferocity:

There’s a lot of chatter everywhere regarding some type of market crash or major event occurring next month.
There are so many metrics that can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that not only are we not recovering… we are in terminal decline and it’s accelerating.

These distortions are so dramatic everywhere in this market and there’s no price discovery mechanism… there’s going to be a moment when all this is going to correct to fair value… it’s going to feel like the mother of all collapses… It will eclipse every single market crash we’ve ever seen… It will eclipse by orders of magnitude when this gets rolling.
We are teetering on that knife’s edge right now.

I’m worried about Julian Assange. This is not a maternal instinct, but rather, a pragmatic one. The increasingly hostile statements made by top state officials and their surrogates show a widespread condemnation of whistleblowers in the halls of government. President Obama set the tone early in his administration.
In the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the rhetoric goes well beyond condemnation of methodology and straight to advocating for his brutal murder.

We already know that Obama, Clinton, Sanders, and Trump have all said they would prosecute Assange. Clinton, to get more specific, wants him extradited from Ecuador, prosecuted for espionage, and his WikiLeaks removed from the Internet. Her desire to charge him with espionage is only a little ironic considering the Clinton Foundation’s Pay-to-Play system arguably warrants an espionage indictment, as does Clinton’s storing of Special Access Program intelligence on an unencrypted private server.

The transition from authorities’ vows of prosecution to their use of surrogates who openly call for Assange’s assassination is highly disturbing, to say the least.  Granted, Assange supposedly has his ‘thermonuclear’ device — a 1.4 GB cache of files containing the identity of spies, military secrets, and unredacted documents from Bank of America and BP that can be unencrypted and released upon his death or arrest — but with a large faction of the mainstream media acting as a bullhorn for state propaganda, any damage inflicted by Julian’s ‘insurance’ packet could likely be mitigated by some social engineering. Remember the Panama Papers? A couple months ago people were saying it was the biggest leak in human history. Have you heard even a nostalgic reference to it since?

All this wouldn’t be quite as surprising — or alarming — if the anti-democratic venom hadn’t trickled down into the daily talking points of media figures and network journalists (whom I affectionately refer to as the State Department’s paid interns). Voices from across the political spectrum have repeated the claim that Russia has ‘weaponized’ Wikileaks. Sometimes they pose the conspiracy theory as a question. “Has Russia weaponized Wikileaks to disrupt a U.S. election?”My question in response would be: has the U.S. media questionized State Department propaganda in order to deflect attention away from a rigged primary and a political power structure that is rotten to the core? It’s actually a brilliant little piece of state agitprop. They managed to turn the public’s attention away from one of the most egregious examples of election fraud in recent history and demonize both Russia and Wikileaks in one fell swoop.

Such blatant propaganda is to be expected from the government. But coming from a journalistic establishment that is ostensibly there to dig for the truth, it’s rather shocking to see rampant election tampering from a major American political party get trumped by an unproven accusation toward a foreign country. Regardless of one’s conspiratorial appetite, seeing the 4th estate function as the infotainment branch of the State Department, parroting its every chirp of propaganda, should be profoundly distressing.

Let me give you a couple of examples, first from a mainstream right-of-center publication, then from a wildly popular left-of-center ideologue. In the former, we have TIME Magazine, which has had the hickeys of state propaganda on its neck for decades. On August 12th, 2016, TIME published an article called “WikiLeaks Is Getting Scarier Than the NSA.”I’ll let that sink in for a moment. I don’t even have the emotional bandwidth to explain why that title earns the ‘Psyop of the Century’ award. Just. . . remember to be scared.

The anti-WikiLeaks propaganda wouldn’t feel so existential if I didn’t believe anti-whistleblower messaging is soon going to escalate into an actual long-term military campaign against leakers and hacktivists around the world. In the near future, don’t be surprised if there is some ‘event’ that catalyzes a mobilization of military campaigns against targets that are deemed ‘a danger to our democracy because of their unlawful disclosures of matters of national security.’ This would almost assuredly include symbolic targets like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden to achieve a “chilling effect.” We’ve already seen Intercept writer Barrett Brown receive prison time for essentially hyperlinking to leaked information in an article. Add to this the fact the Obama Administration has used the Espionage Act to prosecute twice as many defendants as all previous administrations combined, and you get a sense of how power structures are increasingly criminalizing the dissemination of information.

The stigmatization and demonization of whistleblowers and hacktivists come after a decade in which the U.S. government’s civil liberty abuses have been laid bare for all to see. Snowden’s history-altering revelations about the NSA set the precedent that in the information age, state abuses can be illuminated for citizens to see. Transparency doesn’t bode well for Big Brother.

For the empire, these leaks are a direct assault on the power and hegemony of the ‘deep state,’ the synergistic nexus of state diplomats and officials, defense contractors, financial institutions, surveillance courts, and the military-industrial complex that together forms the connective tissue holding together a globalist oligarchy.
They stand to lose too much from hacked information showing their improprieties. And the rhetoric continues to accelerate. Guccifer 2.0’s recent hack of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s computer provoked her to use the phrase “electronic Watergate.”

It will be a bipartisan war, and the battle lines will be drawn harshly. In the same vein as Bush’s “you’re either with us or against us” axis of evil, the umbrella of terrorism will expand to include any organizations that leak classified information, any group that publishes the information, and eventually, any journalist that links to a publication containing the information. Barrett Brown, currently serving 63 months for linking to a leak, may agree with me.
Whatever administration is in office will, of course, invoke national security as the pretext for the War on Leaks.